Having the most obvious feature of downloading multiple files at once is not available in dropbox and if it is, it certainly is a hard task to figure the crap out. And by the way your little help button on the lower left side is not so helpful at all.

It's easier to upgrade to some "crappy missing part package" with one click of a button yet hard to get the value you pay for with something as simple as "downloading multiple files at once in dropbox".  It should be so easily available for the basic and/or pro level customers without question yet it is not. What good is it to have multiple files in dropbox if you can only download one file at a time. You can upload multiple files at once, so why can't you download them at once dropbox? It's 2016 not 1995. The moment you select more the one photo to download the download button disappears. However, if you select one photo downloading it is not a problem.

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Well, I stand to be corrected and my complete apologies to dropbox and thank you Rich. But you could see from your screenshot that if one is not familiar where to download multiple files, there would be no way to know after selecting them that the three dotted button above allows you to download them. To answer your question I did a search of a specific file that has more than one variation and after selecting them there was no option to download multiple items. Perhaps dropbox should add this option here as well. Please refer to screenshot

3. Once you have all the files listed that you want to convert, click OK. A new window called Output Options will open. In this window, select your preferred settings. For me, I want all the new PDFs to have the same filename and be in the same folder as the Word docs, so I choose these settings:

I have the same problem and have tried to batch convert multiple word documents to pdfs, unsuccessfully. I have around 300+ word documents which need to be converted to pdf's and cannot imagine opening each one and saving as pdf.

I used the Action Wizard to create an action to do so, it gives an error "An unexpected error occurred. PDFMaker was unable to produce the Adobe PDF. Whenever I try to select multiple word files into pdf's by selecting those manually, it throws the same error.

In the meantime, you will have to individually print the workdocs but perhaps, as a workaround, you could export them to PDFs and then combine the PDFs into one single document and then print that one.

I've been in a similar situation, and here's what I found. For the first question, you're right; Dropbox might not support multiple signatures at once. You might want to look into dedicated e-signature services like Adobe Sign or DocuSign. If you lack any documents, you can also make a fake one here ( ). I hope that helps!

I'm sorry, but I put this in the wrong thread. I have been looking for a solution to moving multiple files on the web app. I'm not using a phone or a tablet, just a web interface. When I sellect multiple files, the ellipses change to eyes for viewing the files (which makes no sense when multiple files are selected). I feel really dumb.

So when moving multiple files that are ONLY in the cloud, so not locally stored anywhere, it seems to take forever and is using a lot of local CPU power. Why is this? Is there anything I can do to improve the speed?

I have multiple documents in a folder. I want to send all the documents that have certain metadata in an email either as one batch file or individually attached file within that same email. How do I accomplish that?

You have a couple options to accomplish sending multiple documents as a link in an email. The easiest way to do this would be to provide a shortcut to the folder itself in the email, the person who receives the email would click the link and the folder would open with all the documents in it. You are also able to add multiple attachments directly to the email, which would look like this:

That doesn't help if you are doing something like a repository search and need to attach all of the results to a single email. There has to be a way to do this. Ideally, you would be able to as suggested above and attach via a for each loop, but please don't tell me no one in development hasn't ever considered the use case for sending out multiple documents based on a search result.

I want to search for a particular string like #search string# it might be present in any of the multiple docx or .txt or .rtf files.Is there a way to do easily rather than opening each document one by one and searching them.I am on Windows 10.

I'm currently creating a form with the file upload feature and have selected to upload multiple files. However, when I go to upload two files, only one appears visually on the form when it's being filled out and in the contact's attachments after the form is submitted. Do you know what the problem could be?

Also, are you making sure to select multiple files at once (instead of selecting one, confirming, then selecting the next)? Unless you select multiple files at once in the upload dialogue window, HubSpot will only upload one file.

I have a problem with using multiple files in the assistants API. One file is very fine, with two I get this error: "I have been provided with two files, but unfortunately, neither of these files is accessible with the myfiles_browser tool. The file IDs are:

Use Power Query to combine multiple files with the same schema stored in a single folder into one table. For example, each month you want to combine budget workbooks from multiple departments, where the columns are the same, but the number of rows and values differ in each workbook. Once you set it up, you can apply additional transformations as you would with any single imported data source and then refresh the data to see results for each month.

Each of these data sources can have more than one object to import. An Excel workbook can have multiple worksheets, Excel tables, or named ranges. An Access database can have multiple tables and queries.

Hello, dear KNIME users.

Please, can you help me with loading multiple files

I have looked at different discussion. But seems like those nodes are updated and tried them, but for me they did not work

My workflow does not see the variable, that I m passing

Can you give me some hints, pls

So I need users to upload a few hundred to a few thousand tiny image files, obviously doing that picture-by-picture would be extraordinarily painful, so using the multiple option of the standard file input element to allow selecting the entire directories contents.

Furthermore, using inotifywait on the entirety of the /tmp directory shows there is no file writing happening at all for a multiple file upload, yet single file uploads without the multipleattribute save and are deleted just fine.

I believe that @josevalim should know best this problem as he is most active contributor to plug. I think that you should create a GitHub issue for this problem in elixir-plug/plug. I did not looked at source code of plug, but if I would guess then I think that plug is trying to handle multiple upload as same as normal upload which means that it hits an edge case of file upload implementation in plug where developers does not expect to parse request content of multiple files. Also I believe that Issue when uploading a file with multipart/form-data with Chrome but trying to upload a directory instead of a file plug issue is really similar to your case (not properly handled request content standard). Again I recommend to create new issue with providing all data as in linked issue. Also if you would look on that issue then you would see that different browsers could send requests content in different format, so make sure to test them and give us information about it as in linked issue.

but if I would guess then I think that plug is trying to handle multiple upload as same as normal upload which means that it hits an edge case of file upload implementation in plug where developers does not expect to parse request content of multiple files

what is wrong with you to not include folder download or the download of multiple files at once to the mycloud services.

It is My Cloud, my bandwidth and my customer who wants to download his files. If I share the folder with them they have no possibility to download all (approx. 300 photos) at one time.

Then I tried logging in as admin and even there I had no chance to download them all at once?

The ls -1 (minus one) ensures that there is only one filename on each line. If you have hidden aliases for the ls command you can have multiple filenames on a single line and inadvertently move a file you did not intend to move.

After you've loaded your data intoBigQuery, you can export the datain several formats. BigQuery can export up to 1 GB of data to asingle file. If you are exporting more than 1 GB of data, you must export yourdata to multiple files. When youexport your data to multiple files, the size of the files will vary.

BigQuery supports a single wildcard operator (*) in each URI. Thewildcard can appear anywhere in the URI except as part of the bucket name. Usingthe wildcard operator instructs BigQuery to create multiplesharded files based on the supplied pattern. The wildcard operator is replacedwith a number (starting at 0), left-padded to 12 digits. For example, a URI witha wildcard at the end of the filename would create files with000000000000appended to the first file, 000000000001 appended to the second file, and soon.

Use a single wildcard URI if you think your exported data will be larger than the 1 GB maximum value. BigQuery shards your data into multiple files based on the provided pattern. The size of the exported files will vary. ff782bc1db

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