If you have an Enterprise or Custom account on either platform, contact your account manager for assistance with migrating your account and videos from Livestream to Vimeo.


If you are moving from Livestream Basic or Livestream Premium to Vimeo Advanced, contact our Customer Support team, who will work with you to help get your videos over from Livestream to Vimeo and ensure a smooth billing transition.


Please note that we cannot guarantee that every video will transfer, and the transfer can take up to five days to complete.

We recommend you complete your account migration, including replacing any video embeds, from Livestream to Vimeo before canceling your Livestream renewal. 


When you cancel your Livestream plan, your videos on Livestream will be deleted and unrecoverable 30 days after cancellation. We will work with you to ensure a smooth billing transition from Livestream to Vimeo as part of the migration process.

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I'm trying to download a livestream I paid for. I want to watch it again at a later date. I noticed that they use livestream.com for the format upon inspecting elements. I would imagine some sort of Vimeo extension would let me do this, but it's not working.

I am trying to save audio clips (15 seconds per clip) from live stream using VLC library. I am unable to find any option that could allow me to record only 15 seconds from the live stream. Thus I ended up using timer in my code, but the recording clips sometimes contain 10 seconds, sometimes 20 seconds (rarely 15 seconds). Also, sometimes the audio content is repeated in the clips.Here is the code (I am a newbie so please guide me)

Is there anyway to just loop the code with Python instead of invoking again and again with bash script (I tried to put the code in the loop in python, but the first clip - clip1 - keeps recording and never finishes recording). And a way to specify that I could only record 15 seconds from the live-stream instead of using time.sleep(15)

Livestream ecommerce is a business model in which retailers, influencers, or celebrities sell products and services via online video streaming where the presenter demonstrates and discusses the offering and answers audience questions in real-time. A livestream session could take place on an ecommerce website or on a social media platform. It can be store or brand-specific; influencers can also host livestream events promoting items from various vendors.

This trend is spreading beyond China, to the United States and other countries. TikTok teamed up with Walmart and presented its first livestream selling event in December 2020. Ten influencers promoted Walmart products with some try-on demonstrations during the one-hour event. People could browse the list of featured items and even place an order directly within the TikTok app during the event.

In traditional ecommerce apps such as Taobao, when users search for an item, the product list will include those featured in livestream sessions, with a special animated icon indicating that an ongoing livestream is available for that product.

Livestreaming can introduce a new brand and bolster its credibility. For example, some influencers selling local products may host livestream sessions explaining where the products are from and how the locals consume the products before they even start to sell the products. This approach helps city dwellers build trust with small businesses and products from rural areas.

This aspect of livestream ecommerce is particularly appealing right now, as many countries and regions are still locked down in the COVID-19 pandemic. Even in places where visiting stores is possible, many customers are still hesitant to do it and see it as a health risk.

Like social commerce, livestream ecommerce supports in-channel purchases (i.e., users can place an order without going to a different site or application) and lowers the interaction cost. Unlike social commerce, livestreams can create a sense of urgency by offering a time-sensitive discount for the livestream audience.

However, not all livestream ecommerce is social-media commerce, since, like we saw in the case of Amazon Live, livestreams can be embedded on ecommerce sites and apps. But even on those channels, livestream ecommerce usually includes social features such customer comments or other reactions. And often such livestreams are advertised on social media.

Taobao, an ecommerce app in China, goes further by allowing brands and influencers to post news, like their Taobao livestream schedule, on their own Taobao pages (similar to business pages on Facebook). Users can comment and even suggest products they want for future sessions without leaving the Taobao app. Stores and influencers may give out coupons to followers who leave comments on the post to increase engagement. This practice makes the ecommerce app work as a social media platform because it facilitates communication between businesses and customers. This integration of ecommerce and social media apps hasn't shown up in the US yet; in China, it may be due to a culture of using one app for many different functionalities (like was the case with WeChat).

Another similar concept, more familiar to Western audiences, is the (video or text-based) review posted by an influencer on social media or blogs. Like livestreams, reviews contain detailed and subjective explanations not included on official websites, offer a fresh third-party perspective for customers, and ultimately promote the brand. They also can generate trust-related concerns: does the influencer favor a particular brand or product because she received an incentive for her recommendation? Customers have to follow their instincts and conduct their own research.

Investigate the need for livestreams and whether your audience is likely to engage with it. Do you have a regular presence or a solid group of followers on social platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram? What do your customers think about livestreaming? Do product videos, expert reviews, or webinars affect their purchase decisions? Use these metrics together with behavioral and attitudinal data to estimate the need for livestreams. Experiment with a few pilot livestream events and see how it goes.

Estimate the short- and long-term cost of livestreaming. If you have little presence on social media and most of your sales come from your website, think twice before creating a new channel from scratch. Building a channel is one thing; maintaining a channel in the long run and eventually making the channel profitable is another. Do you need to build a separate team for this channel? Can you alter an existing team's focus to try it out?

Ensure a seamless omnichannel experience. Ease of purchase is crucial for the success of a livestream session. Viewers should be able to effortlessly make purchases directly from the live streams. Linking the products to their product-detail pages and offering one-click payment options can reduce the number of steps at checkout.

Listen to the feedback and iterate. New channels are new adventures for businesses; setbacks and mistakes are inevitable during the preliminary stage. Actively ask for feedback from followers attending the livestream sessions. Learn what they want and iterate on your livestream structure and content.

Over 80% of people say they prefer to watch a live video than read social media posts, and four in five say they prefer to view a video from a brand than to read a blog, according to a survey from Livestream and New York Magazine.

An Instagram story disappears from your profile within 24 hours. But last year Instagram introduced story archives and story highlights, both of which allow your videos to be seen until you take them down.

However, you can change the thumbnail by choosing a frame from within your footage or by creating a custom thumbnail via software such as Canva. The image should be high resolution (1280 pixels by 720 pixels).

Please note: All tools included in our blog posts are suggested by authors, not the CMI editorial team. No one post can provide all relevant tools in the space. Feel free to include additional tools in the comments (from your company or ones that you have used).

In the Live Control Room, go to the top right and click Delay ads . Mid-roll ads are delayed from displaying for viewers for 10 minutes. A 5-second countdown will surface in the LCR for you before ads resume.

My Xiaovv camera shows the livestream directly in the card but it continously stream. It does not have the still image too so i was wondering if its possible to capture a snapshot at intervals and show it as still image?

However, delaying the broadcast stream makes it difficult for your live presenters to interact with your viewing audience. In addition, delaying the broadcast increases the likelihood that viewers will discover key details about the event from sources other than your broadcast. For example, if you are broadcasting a sporting event on a 60-second delay, viewers might learn about critical moments in the event from other real-time news sources before actually seeing them in the broadcast.

The offset value is measured in milliseconds from the beginning of the monitor stream for your broadcast. Note that if your broadcast has a testing phase, then the monitor stream starts when your broadcast transitions to the testing status. Otherwise, your monitor stream starts when your broadcast transitions to the live status.

When a broadcast transitions from one status to another, it may temporarily be assigned with another status while YouTube completes the actions associated with the transition. For example, if you send a liveBroadcasts.transition request to change a broadcast's status from ready to testing, YouTube will set the broadcast's status to testStarting and then complete the actions associated with the status change. When all of those actions have been completed, YouTube will update the broadcast's status to testing, thereby indicating that the transition is complete. ff782bc1db

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