Maryam[1] (Arabic: , Maryam; Arabic synonym of "Mary") is the 19th chapter (srah) of the Qur'an with 98 verses (yt). The 114 chapters in the Quran are roughly ordered by size. The Quranic chapter is named after Mary, mother of Jesus (Isa), and the Virgin Mary in Christian belief. It recounts the events leading up to the birth of Jesus, subject matter covered in Luke 1 of the Christian Bible. The text of the surah refers to many known prophetic figures, including Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Ishmael, Idris, Adam, Zechariah and Noah.

Chapter 19 is the only surah in the Qur'an that is named after a woman. Mary, the figure from whom this Surah takes its name. Jesus is referred to by his familial connection to her in Q19:34, the identifying title 'son of Mary' places startling emphasis on Mary's motherhood in a culture in which individuals were identified by their descent from male family member. This emphasis draws attention to the unique circumstances of Jesus's birth; it was not a biological process, and no father was involved, but it rejects the Christian belief that he was begotten by God. The text describes the agony of Mary's childbirth in great detail, including her wish that she had died long ago in order to avoid such pain. Despite this great hardship, God is portrayed as compassionate and attentive to Mary's needs; He urges her not to worry and provides her with food. Feminist reading of the text points to this treatment of childbirth as verification of the process's special significance.[31]

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The Manuscript has been radiocarbon dated to between 568 and 645 CE (in the Islamic calendar, between 56 BH and 25 AH).[2][3] Saud al-Sarhan, Director of Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh, considers that the parchment might in fact have been reused as a palimpsest.[36] Saud's perspective has been backed by a number of Saudi-based experts in Quranic history who deny that the Birmingham/Paris Quran could have been written during the lifetime of Muhammad. They emphasize that while Muhammad was alive, Quranic texts were written without any chapter decoration, marked verse endings or use of colored inks, and did not follow any standard sequence of surahs. They maintain that those features were introduced into Quranic practice in the time of the Caliph Uthman, and so it would be entirely possible that the Birmingham leaves could have been written then, but not earlier.[37]

The Surah Maryam PDF with translation allows you to understand the true message of Allah in your own language. Another great thing is that if you want to download the translation PDF of other surahs, you can get them at their respective pages.

The Quran is the primary religious text of Islam. It fulfills a similar role to the Christian Bible or the Jewish Torah. All three books have considerable textual overlap, as Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are all Abrahamic religions. The Quran was composed initially between 610 and 632 CE. The sections or chapters of the Quran are called surahs of which there are 114 in the text. While the Christian Bible's chapters are organized in chronological order, the surahs in the Quran are organized in approximately decreasing order of length. Surahs are further divided into verses called ayat, or ayah in the singular. Each surah is known by a different name, usually denoting something significant about the contents of that surah.

Surah 19, also known as surah Maryam in the Quran, is the 19th of the 114 chapters. Surah Maryam is primarily about Zechariah, a descendant of the Prophet Aaron. Because of his ancestry, Zechariah serves God through a series of rituals. At the beginning of the surah, Zechariah has no heir, so he prays to God to grant him a child to carry on God's work after his death. God tells Zechariah he will have a son, which surprises him because he is elderly and his wife is infertile. He asks God to prove that he can work miracles, so God prevents Zechariah from speaking for the next three days. Zechariah has a son and can pass on his legacy of divine service.

The narrative then shifts to describe the birth of Jesus to Mary, a virgin at the time of conception; this part of the story aligns with the Christian Bible, except that Jesus is a Prophet and not the son of God. Jesus, still a child, talks about his role as a prophet and then gives some moral instructions about living a good life. The narrative switches again to talk about the Prophet Abraham and his descendants. The Quran specifies that the Prophet Ishmael is Abraham's heir, although the Christian Bible asserts that Isaac is Abraham's heir. Ishmael was born to Abraham first, but his mother was not married to Abraham, while Isaac's mother was. The last few ayat of the surah specify a few critical Islamic beliefs, including the belief that Jesus is not the son of God and the belief in the afterlife.

In literature, a symbol is an object or concept that has a more significant meaning in the text. There are several symbolic elements to surah 19; as a result, this part of the Quran (like the others) has been the subject of extensive interpretation over the years. Symbolism is a core element of religious texts, and it is by no means unique to the Quran. The first primary symbolic interaction in surah 19 is the miracle that God works to prevent Zechariah from speaking for three days. God's action in this scene has a greater meaning: it proves that he can perform miracles and implies that he will answer Zechariah's request for an heir.

Surah 19 is an essential section of the Quran that helps to illuminate some important aspects of Islamic belief. Surah 19 focuses to a large extent on Islamic Prophets, individuals who are chosen by God to spread an important message but who are not themselves gods. In particular, this surah explains in explicit detail that while Jesus is a Prophet, he is not the son of God and should not be thought of in those terms. Anyone who does believe that Jesus is the son of God, the surah Maryam says, will go to Hell. Like other religious texts, the Quran alternates between narratives about religious figures and direct moral teachings explaining how to live according to Islamic principles. It is important to note that the interpretation of Jesus between Christianity and Islam differs only in Jesus's role as either a Prophet or the son of God. In the Quran, Jesus is still born of a chaste woman (virgin), is still hugely influential in God's work, and is resurrected after death.

The Quran is the central religious text of Islam. It is divided into 114 chapters, or surahs. The surahs are organized from longest to shortest rather than in chronological order. Surah 19, or surah Maryam, is an important chapter that describes a conversation between Zechariah and God. Zechariah prays for an heir who will carry on God's work, but he doubts whether God can bring forth such a son when Zechariah is so old. God prevents Zechariah from speaking for three days to prove that he can perform miracles.

Surah 19 also discusses the birth of Jesus to Mary. As in Christian scripture, Jesus was born to Mary, a virgin woman. He is resurrected after death. Unlike Christian doctrine, however, Jesus is a prophet and is not the son of God. Surah 19 specifies that people who believe that Jesus is the son of God will go to Hell. The end of the surah discusses some other prophets, including Abraham. In Islamic scripture, Ishmael is Abraham's heir; for Christians, Isaac is the heir. Ishmael was born first, which is the Islamic justification for him being the heir, but Ishmael's mother was not married to Abraham, and Isaac's mother was.

The surah Maryam may be entitled the surah of (Allah's) Mercy, because the dominant and prevalent topic in this surah actually is the mercy , Mercy of Allah, examples of it, seeking it, asking for it, paths that lead towards it, ways that are misleading, the mercy of the son with his mother or father etc..

And as the name ar-Rahmaan as a word expressing excess in the topic of mercy expresses this mercy in a much bigger and better manner than the name ar-Raheem could express, it seems logical to use this name in the surah more frequently to give this mercy a bigger emphasize. And for the same reasons the name ar-Rahmaan has a similar status like the name Allah itself.

Among the tafssirs I've consulted (ibn Kathir, al-Qurtubi, al-Kashaf and others) only ibn 'Ashur pointed at the relationship between ar-Rhamah or ar-Rahmaan and this surah in his introdcution for the surah in his tafssir at-Tahrir wa at-Tanwir   (see )saying:

 In the following I'll translate from Arabic language, as these translations are of my own take them with the necessary care!

                        [ : 60 ]    .

And in this surah the attribut ar-Rahmaan was repeated sixteen times, and the noun ar-Rahmah was mentioned four times. So HE informed as that among the objectives of this surah is the confirmation of attributing Allah exalted be HE with the attribute ar-Rahmaan.

Beside the main topic of Islam which is the uniqueness of Allah (Tawheed), which is certainly one of the main topics of this surah, the above verses are mainly showing the compatibility of the names Allah and the name ar-Rahamaan, which is confirmed in the verse:

This is a short walk through the surah from tafseer ibn Kathir in italic with some comments:

The surah beginns with the story of Zakariyya and his supplication for a son,

the acceptance of his supplication,

Zakkariyya's amazement after the acceptance of his supplication,

the sign of the pregnancy,

the birth of the boy and his characteristics,

Allah's mercy here is for example that he gave him a son in an old age and further gave him a sign for the pregnancy of his wife. 2351a5e196

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