After the shootings and the apprehension of appellant, Deputy Wagner was admitted to Harford Memorial Hospital for treatment. At about 6:30 the following morning, Wagner saw a television broadcast showing a mug shot with the name "Frank Green" printed on it, identifying the man as a suspect in the shootings. At about 7:00 a.m., Wagner was taken in a wheel chair to the hospital emergency room for the purpose of looking at a man that the police had in custody. Wagner was wheeled within two or three feet of a treatment table upon which appellant was lying. An officer held appellant's head up to enable Wagner to see his face. Wagner observed that appellant's features, including very dark skin, closely cropped hair, thin build, and approximate height of five foot eight inches to six feet, were similar to those of his assailant, and concluded, "I think its him." At that point, appellant began to shout, "who him, what did I do, I didn't do nothing," and continued to shout while Wagner was being wheeled out of the emergency room. Wagner testified that, based on the tone of appellant's voice, and its quality and volume, he was certain that appellant was the individual he had encountered in Officer Pyles' vehicle. Wagner also said that he would not have identified appellant as his assailant if he had not believed that appellant was the man he had seen in Pyles' vehicle on the previous evening.

The cries of the woman and child werepiercing and heart-rending. The life netswere spread and the men shouted to them tojump. But they were paralyzed with fear.One of the firemen was heard to exclaim,"I wish I weighed a hundred pounds less, I'drisk that ladder."

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"Do you know too much for your ownreputation?" shouted another. For althoughFrank was the best liked and most admiredboy in the Club, boys are boys, and they talkright out. Frank knew they had a certainamount of right on their side and that waswhat helped him to swallow the insults, whichotherwise he would have resented vigorously.[168]

"Boys," said he, "your shouts and some ofyour talk have reached me upstairs. I amvery much hurt over this affair, and I know,from what has happened, that most of youfeel as I do. I caught some of the words betweenGibney and Mulvy. They reveal a lot[172]to me. First of all, apparently, what has happenedwas not the work of the crowd, but ofa few only and you are as much mystified asI am. I am glad to know that the Club as awhole is not implicated. But a bad report hasgone through the parish in regard to thatoccurrence, and I am bound, in duty to theparish and in devotion to you, to clear upthe matter.

"Well, I'll be frank with you, Mulvy. Theylook upon this matter differently. From allaccounts, it was a thug affair, and it's gottenall over the parish. The fellows won't standfor it, not even if it hurts our chances fortomorrow's game." 2351a5e196

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