I am demoing a piece of software and want to build a mouse 'mover' function so that I can basically automate the process. I want to create realistic mouse movements but am having a bit of a mental block in the thought process. I can move a mouse around easily with c# but want it to be a bit more realistic than just the cursor appearing at a certain x, y, coordinates and then pressing a button.

I get the current position of the mouse and then get the end point. Calculate an arc between the two points, but then I need to calculate points along that arc so that I can add a timer event into that so that I can move from one point to the next, and then repeat this till I get to the target...

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This is a function I wrote to calculate a linear mouse movement. Should be pretty self-explanatory. GetCursorPosition() and SetCursorPosition(Point) are wrappers around the win32 functions GetCursorPos and SetCursorPos.

Auto Mouse Mover Software Utility allows you to move the mouse automatically which prevents your computer from logging off. Auto Mouse Software works with all Windows Operating Systems including Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 2000, and other Windows versions. Auto Mouse mover software allows you to move your mouse after a fixed time that will keep your screen active all the time without logging off the computer. No need to install / buy any other hardware device to provide continuous mouse input to your computer. Download Free Trial of Auto Mouse Mover and let the utility Move Mouse automatically and keep your Windows Computer Awake even when not providing Manual Mouse / Keyboard Input to the Windows Computer.

Note : In case you enter 0 in any of the edit boxes, it will disable the Auto Mouse Movement. You can also disable automatic mouse movement by simply closing the application. Clicking on Close Button will close the application and clicking on the Minimize button would Minimize or Hide the Main Window to System Tray as configured.

You can easily prevent computer going into hibernate mode and Keep Windows Computer Awake temporarily (for the duration the Auto Mouse Mover is working) without modifying your control panel settings using Auto Mouse Mover Utility. For the duration the utility is running, it can be configured to keep the mouse cursor moving automatically. Just configure the utility and place your mouse cursor at a suitable place on your computer monitor and let mouse cursor move automatically.

I should refine the statement from my original post. After registering a Mouse Move Request via KM (or any other utility), the screen jumps to the desired location on the next physical movement of the USB mouse, not when the macro is complete.

Until then, I do have a proof of concept I've used successfully for mouse movement automation in Minecraft with Keyboard Maestro. Don't get too excited unless you're a fan of Rube Goldberg or perhaps Joeseph's Machines.

There are tons of other ways (hardware and software) to move the mouse a bit, since mouse movement is often used to Guarantee The Human Is There. My favorite was the guy who used a Vibrating Football Game, a "favorite since 1947."


If you're wondering "why do this at all?", the goal is to automate stuff in Minecraft that cannot be automated on an unmodified Minecraft server. For instance, my proof-of-concept is an item sorter for unsortable items. Another program (in Java) recognizes the item on screen (by captured text or picture). Then it requests mouse movement to set the destination chest for the item via lectern or item frame.

Company computer surveillance has been a problem since long before 2020, however; Lorenzo, a founder of a mouse mover device company, told Slate that he tried tricking Microsoft Lync (a chat platform, now called Teams) with a DIY moving platform made of plastic and wood way back in 2017, because his boss would message him whenever he briefly got up for a drink of water.

On YouTube, mouse mover videos have hundreds of thousands of views. These videos are intended to play on a phone screen, with a mouse resting on top. The movement of the lines in the video should make optical mouse cursors move.

I have a project trying to use Muscle signal to move a mouse cursoron computer screen. Basically, if the signal is positive, it moves tothe right, and if it is negative it moves the cursor to the left.

Moving the mouse on the cursor can be done using operating system calls. On Windows you can use the Windows API, and examples of doing this have been posted before, though you can see the attached VI.

so i did some digging around about absolute and relative mouse cordinates and found out that relative moves from where you cursor is right now and absolute starts at the top left of your screen. (Correct me if im wrong)

So when i tried to make my mouse move using relative cordinates nothing happend :mad::mad: and when i used absolute cordinates it worked fine i want to use this in a game and it wont work with absolute cordinates is there any way to fix this or is it just a bug?

Mouse movers that require software to be installed on your computer, or a USB stick inserted, may not work as well if you're using a company-issued laptop; these machines may require IT support to install software or use a USB device, in which case your jig would be up.

A mouse jiggler app is a program you install which tells your computer to move the cursor around after a certain amount of inactivity. Many of these programs (especially for PCs) are free, and some of the better ones will let you customize how and where your cursor will move around the screen. Others can even automate mouse clicks and keyboard commands for more complex behaviors.

The biggest downside to mouse mover software is that it could be detectable if someone can monitor what you install on your computer, or see which applications are running. And, installing mouse mover software onto your computer could be a moot point if your IT department has restrictions on adding software to your PC.

The Vaydeer Dual Turntable Mouse Mover ($29, Amazon), has two spinning platters to really get your mouse moving. Plus, you can adjust the interval timer (10s, 30s, 3min and 1-60s random auto-start) to adjust it as you see fit. It fits mice up to 5.5 x 3.3 inches, but the company also makes a large turntable version if you have a bigger mouse.

The revolt against employers' spyware has resulted in the spread of DIY hacks across social media and an increase in plug-and-play devices for sale, including USB sticks that come preloaded with software that mimics mouse movements.

While these devices might not be able to circumvent keystroke tracking or facial recognition programs, mouse mover sales have grown exponentially over the course of the pandemic, and demand is still up even as more people are returning to their offices, according to several vendors.

I'm not sure if there is a way to make this happen currently, but for this use case it would be ideal if I could have the floating view disappear after Xsec after moving the mouse away from the Dock item that is being hovered.

There is an app that continously monitors all the other apps that I'm using, but it only registers me to be "working" if my mouse/keyboard is moving. So is there any way to get my mouse to move or my keyboardto press some key so that it detects me as "working" ?

That said, keep in mind that the best way to know if someone is working, is to just check what work they completed. A boss is more likely to question your productivity by how much work you get done, than if you move your mouse or not.

To change options like how quickly the mouse pointer moves and whether your computer makes a sound when you turn on Mouse Keys, in the Ease of Access Center, under Control the mouse with the keyboard, click Set up Mouse Keys.

If you work at home, your company-issued computer likely includes mouse movement-tracking software like Microsoft Lync. When you leave your desk, your computer starts to count down the seconds. After a few minutes, Microsoft Lync alerts your boss that you are not working.

For the keyboard there is a BABYLON.ActionManager.OnKeyUpTrigger, BABYLON.ActionManager.OnKeyDownTrigger, and the DeviceSourceManager. Is there a mouse input equivalent? ANd by native I mean a BabylonJS abstraction

If your employer has you stuck in a presence prison, find another employer that will foster a trustful relationship with you. Conversely, if you have an employee who uses remote work as justification for slacking off, let them go. If you're a solid remote worker, though, don't worry about the presence prison. Show up. Do good work. Repeat. And leave the mouse jigglers on the shelf.

I've had a look at some of the scripts on the forum and have prepared for following script which works. What I hoped to achieve with this is to detect no mouse movement (i.e. idle time) and move the mouse if it's idle after 30 seconds.

However, I need this operation to break out of the loop if the user makes a movement - i.e. if the user makes a move while the mouse is automatically moved from A-B it should get out of the loop. (rather than move to C, D afterwards). What is the statement that suits this situation ?

Sorry, I fogot to say that the fixture is not a moving head but a static. I am in the Aug3d patch and I have been able to select the fixture and be able to focus the beam by mouse clicking on where I wanted it focused, but now I have lost this ability. I must have done something to turn this ability off.

I am trying to capture mouse drag events as the user moves a selectable line shape. I want this so I can do some image intensity profiles of a line shape as it is dragged around the screen. Similar to the discussion here and the example code here

Similar problem to everyone's, except when I move the cursor from the server->client. The mouse will get stuck on the client side on the edge of the monitor for about a second then move just fine. Going from client->server, no issues. I upgraded from 14.04->16.04 Ubuntu and that's when this started happening. 2351a5e196

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