The function could be further improved e.g. by making script termination after $Maximum failed attempts configurable with another parameter, so that you can have have actions that will cause the script to stop when they fail, as well as actions whose failures can be ignored.

My name is Thomas Maurer. I am a Senior Program Manager & Chief Evangelist for Azure Hybrid at Microsoft. I am part of the Azure engineering team (Cloud + AI) and engage with the community and customers around the world. Opinions are my own.

Powershell Download File With Retry

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I'm currently trying to develop a PowerCLI script that is designed to log into a host with the root account and join it to our Windows domain. After the domain join, the script logs out, then logs in again with a domain account with the right permissions and attempts to search AD for a specified user account.

I'm having difficulty trying to rerun a particular block of commands that will try to search LDAP for the specified account, retry up to 5 times if it's unsuccessful, then stop if it can't find the account.

I was also parallelising some tasks using PowerShell background jobs. Each job at some point needed to access a configuration file. However without the ability to retry accessing the file, errors were occasionally being seen due to the file being locked by another process.

After a little searching, I realised I'd have to implement the retry logic myself. As very similar retry behaviour ended up being used in multiple places, it was pulled out into a separate function, called Retry-Command:

I need to retain the two most recent folders in a set on a share and delete anything older. This is the delete section snippet. I use the dotnet call because the folders are huge (eg 12.7 Gb, 76,973 Files, 7,330 Folders) on a share. This is relatively fast but sometimes a single file doesn't delete. From what I've read, the file system can't keep up for some unspecified reason. There are no "real" reasons, eg open file, read only file, etc. The code does a single retry then gives up and hands the problem back to the operator.

My use case here is an employee separation processes. I have one parent script that invokes about 7 sub scripts (that process different sep processes on different applicaitons). The parent script waits for all 7 sub scripts to finish, pulls any pipeline output , throws it all into json and logs it. In the event that one of the sub script fails, I do want that sub script to retry (for as many retries as specified), but if those retries dont all nest under the originally failed job, I wont be able to track all of the retried jobs to find any available pipeline output

The Retry-Queue cmdlet forces a connection attempt for a queue that has a status of Retry. The cmdlet establishes a connection to the next hop if possible. If a connection isn't established, a new retry time is set. To use this command to retry delivery of messages in the Unreachable queue, you must include the Resubmit parameter.

The WhatIf switch simulates the actions of the command. You can use this switch to view the changes that would occur without actually applying those changes. You don't need to specify a value with this switch.

I'm doing a fresh install of Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 Core in a UCS environment on a B230-M2. The OS is installed and networking is complete. Windows MPIO is installed and enabled. I've downloaded ONTAP DSM 4.1P1 (ntap_win_mpio_4.1p1_setup_x64.msi) but am immediately presented with "No Powershell Installation was found. Data ONTAP DSM for Windows MPIO requires powershell v2.0 or later. Please download powershell and retry the installation." when attempting to install it. This OS is running Powershell 4 natively, so I'm not sure how to proceed. What do I need to do to get the install routine to recognize the presence of powershell? Or is there something else at play here? Thanks...

Whenever I need something like this I start the download at the very beginning of the duckscript, do all the precursory operations, and if I need to I insert a big delay, of about 7 or 8 seconds or something. Then I execute the downloaded program. What you might be able to do is md5 the file if it is fairly constant, and create a background task that md5's the file every few seconds, to determine if the hash matches what the final hash should be. If the download locks the file instead of sharing it however it might not be possible to do. If the file is not complete, the hashes will not match. This also hinges on the assumption that powershell has some sort of md5 function. I don't really know all that much about powershell, I just google what I need.

My name is Jrgen Nilsson and I work as a Senior Consultant at Onevinn in Malm, Sweden. This is my blog where I will share tips and stuff for my own and everyone elses use on Enterprise Mobility and Windows related topics.

All code is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties.

A few weeks ago, I finally took the time to (try to) find out what the fuss about functional programming was about. I had a long look at F#, played around with it to get a feel for it, and (of course) came away with a few new insights. Since I usually create applications that contain a lot of UI code and F#'s forte seems to be algorithmic, I couldn't see any immediate benefits to F# over C# or VB.NET, but I did make a resolution to write more "pattern-like" code. By that I mean functions that loop, iterate, test, etc., but where the inner body of the function is supplied using a lambda. F# is riddled with them, and so is Javascript: map(), reduce(), fold(), filter()...

The first real use came along when I ran into an issue opening an Access database on a DFS volume. Sometimes the database would be locked - I presume by DFS' volume replication functionality - and retrying after a short pause would solve the problem. There are many of those types of operations: opening a file across a network, opening a database connection (especially with a Failover Partner!), downloading a file from the Internet.

This is by no means rocket science. The takeaway for me was that functional code does not need to be complicated - ideally it isn't at all, really - but even then it can be extremely useful. Every line in the retry pattern is a possible bug. There's try/catch involved, and some type testing, which you can all do wrong - especially if your operation is itself part of a try/catch block. Generally you won't introduce any bugs when implementing a retry mechanism, but the chance is always there. Plus there's the convenience of single-line retries and the resulting improved readability. What's not to like?

The Req function takes three parameters: a hashtable of request parameters (check splatting), number of times to retry and time in seconds between them. All the failed requests are logged to c:\logs\myscript.log for later analysis.

IIS 6 supported running ASP.NET applications but was written in unmanaged (non-.NET) code and all modules and extensions were unmanaged. IIS 7 was the first version of IIS to support .NET modules in the pipeline and the new Integrated pipeline mode. IIS 7 shipped with Windows Server 2008, but how is PowerShell installed?

As users, the IISAdministration version of the module has one big advantage; the types returned by the commands are much more useful. While they are still XML wrappers, they are adorned with useful properties and methods that make the objects much more usable without relying on the commands:

IIS comes with a handful of application pools already defined for common options, but I always recommend creating your own application pool for each website or application that you deploy. This provides process-level isolation between applications and lets you set different permissions around what each application can do. The examples below show many of the common application pool settings. For the IIS Administration module, there are no built-in CmdLets to create application pools, so you have to do it with the ServerManager object directly:

To filter out these FALSE positive failures, we would like the new version of this script to have a retry mechanism, so we can truly find out if a service is down. However, last time another engineer setup something similar, which we were running on a CI/CD pipeline, and for a unhealthy endpoint pipeline run would never end, costing our company a lot of money due to CI/CD agent hour costs.

Increasing the max retry count to 10, we can see more endpoints now returning successful responses, on retry attempts. In this run for example FlakyWebsite-#4 endpoint return a success code on 9th attempt.

This is the list of endpoints I would like to test, stored in JSON format which can be produced and consumed with a variety of modern languages.What we have here is an array of objects that has name and url keys for us to perform and label the tests.

Therefore it is favourable to re-try these failed operations without having to abandon (and potentionally roll-back) the whole script. In this blog post I present you a quick and easy way to enable your scripts to support such a retry mechanism. The Cmdlet presented here is based on an idea of the Microsoft Enterprise Library, specifically the Transient Fault Handling Application Block.

There is not retry mechanism within the PowerShell script monitor itself. Retries would need to be coded into the script itself if so desired. Rather than retrying it may be more prudent to determine the cause of the false positive condition. What is the error returned by the component when it's in this false positive down state? I would recommend placing this application into debug mode and gathering a diagnostic immediately upon receiving the next false positive notification. Then open a case with support so we can determine the cause of the false positive.

First, in line 4 notice I call the EnumJobStepsByID() method on each item of the dir. This is how I populate the $js var with all of the job steps. What this line says is list all of the jobs (using dir) and then for each one, get a list of its steps and put it in $js. 2351a5e196

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