Something I found out after travelling from Australia to Germany to ride a motorcycle on the Nordschleife, was that motorcycles are rarely let on the course. I spent 7 days in Nrburg, and wasted close to 5 days waiting for these fucking assholes to allow bikes on the Touristenfahrten. I would arrive when the track opened on weekdays and early on the weekend, and from the opening of the track, "no motorbikes", only cars were allowed to use the track. I made this account because there was no information about it that I could see to warn riders like myself. My recommendation: DO NOT SPEND THOUSANDS ON PLANE TICKETS, ACCOMODATION, AND A BIKE TO GET CONTINUOUSLY REJECTED BY THESE CUNTS. End of rant, learn from my mistake. Let me know if someone knows why.

Edit: An example of the issue. On the Nurburgring official website it states the Nordschleife track is open to all vehicles today (Sunday, 14th May 2023), from 0800 to 1900. Yet at the Nordschleife entrance, you can see on the webcam that they have stated "no motorbikes". This sign stating "no motorbikes" can be switched on or off at track officials discretion. Resulting in extended wait times for motorcyclists. Not just 1 or 2 hours, but 5 to 6 hours, if not, all day. After speaking with several regulars at the track from Germany and surrounding regions, they stated that motorcyclists are being denied the opportunity to ride on the Nordschleife more and more due to the discretion of track management.

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Love the new motorbikes, but they are a touch loud imo, I have also been collecting what I assume is weapon skins from enemies, but can do nothing with these I assume that will be added in full at a later date, good move with the bikes though, makes exploring around a bit more fun!

The EU Court of Justice has today ruled that as e-bikes are not propelled exclusively by mechanical power they are not covered by the obligation to be insured in the same way as motor vehicles. E-bikes are therefore bicycles and not motorbikes.

The explosive noise of some bikes and the general sound of many, is so intrusive, sometimes shocking and always unnecessary. I have lived in London my whole life and am used to sleeping with the city's hum and usual necessary noises. But I am still awoken by motorbikes and always irritated by them when walking around London - my earphones cannot even deal with their noise, meaning that if a couple of bikes accelerate down the road past me I'll need to rewind my podcast to catch what was drowned out.

Agree with Marysan re living in a cave! Joy? what exactly do you call joy? what is the benefit of ridiculously loud motorbikes? I would bet that you are in a minority if you get 'excited' by the sound of a ridiculously loud motorbike...

Agree with Marysan re living in a cave! Joy? what exactly do you call joy? what is the benefit of ridiculously loud motorbikes? I would bet that you are in a minority if you get 'excited' by the sound of a ridiculously loud motorbike. Personally I see know benefit other than for the fool on the bike who thinks it's fun to disturb the lives of so many people, bar those popping their head out of the cave to clap!!

I really don't understand how this has evolved. It seems that there is no control on the level of sound motorbikes can make, or no active policing of laws that exist. I read that bikers justify the level of sound by suggesting it's to alert...

I really don't understand how this has evolved. It seems that there is no control on the level of sound motorbikes can make, or no active policing of laws that exist. I read that bikers justify the level of sound by suggesting it's to alert car drivers to their presence and somehow is a safety feature. Really? Are we that gullible? 

Imagine if every push bike user fitted their bikes with some horrendous 100db+ noise making device simply to alert drivers that they are there?

This is just plain pollution, noise as well as emission. Bikes emit more exhaust pollutants than cars as they have less sophisticated filtering systems, they are used far more for unnecessary journeys. Roll out electric motorbikes asap which are really quiet.

I've been reading through the thread as I'm suffering from this - is there anything we can do to bring this to someone's attention? I live in Fulham Palace Road (lot of noise of ambulances, police, but I understand that) But the noise from motorbikes is unbearable and is getting worse every day. I'm not an expert on motorbikes, but it seems to me they accelerate on purpose to show ...their power? their testosterone levels? I don't care about the reason but I don't think this should be allowed. As a lot of people I'm working from home and need to be muting myself all the time in calls because this is deafening.

I agree! I cannot believe how noisy motorbikes have become. 

Cars (should) fail an MOT if the exhaust/silencer is not working - is this not the case with motorbikes?Someone in my area drives around on an *incredibly loud* bike throughout...

I agree! I cannot believe how noisy motorbikes have become. 

Cars (should) fail an MOT if the exhaust/silencer is not working - is this not the case with motorbikes?Someone in my area drives around on an *incredibly loud* bike throughout the night...drives mad too!

I support the Mayor's policies to increase cycling and walking in the capital. What would be helpful is a statutory noise limit (db) for vehicles, with a noise rating related to size of engine. The little L-plate driven delivery scooters modified to sound like Harley Davidsons should be outlawed. As should hipster, chrome-encrusted vanity motorbikes that are engineered to be loud. Why can't this be made part of MOTs?

Motorcycle noise pollution needs to be tackled! They are by far the noisest vehicles and noisy models (imitating Harleys) seem to have proliferated in the past few years. We are on a passing road and it is impossible to keep windows open or have a normal sleep when they are closed. The regular humming noise of traffic is fine, but not the screeching and deafening noise of motorbikes, with their selfish owners revving their engines in an absurd sense of empowerment. A single noisy motorbike passing through the streets disturbs the sleep of thousands of people. As stated by others: there are legal noise limits for bikes and we desperately need these to be enforced, maybe through more complete MOT checks and through police action (fines, confiscation/impairment, installation of sensors with automatic fines as is being done in other cities like Paris).

I have lived in the same flat just off the Fuham Road for 30 years and brought my children up here, but only in the last few years have I noticed the noise from motorbikes getting so much worse, to the extent that I have to cover my ears...

I have lived in the same flat just off the Fuham Road for 30 years and brought my children up here, but only in the last few years have I noticed the noise from motorbikes getting so much worse, to the extent that I have to cover my ears and it makes my heart thump and I feel ill. I do the same when an ambulance or police car is going by, but that noise somehow seems different as it is being made to stop crime or get someone to hospital. Buses are relatively quiet, as are most cars. Noisy motorbikes are ridden by selfish, sadistic people who get joy out of waking people up in the middle of the night or causing distress to people like myself when we are going about our daily lives. There is a particularly sadistic motorbike rider who comes out between 2am ad 4am and rides down the Fulham Road and onwards, at a huge noise decible and rides extremely fast. You can tell by hearing the bike's noise retreat into the distance. By this time one is fully awake. I read somehwere that a motorbike rider like this riding through central London can wake up to 50,000 Londoners. Why, when there is so much concern about noise pollution from everything else, are they allowed to get away with it? Are they taunting the Police because they know they can't catch them and can't do anything about it. What can I do? I feel like throwing myself in front of one of them like a Suffragette, but they are too fast!

The Approved Mileage rates, as you say, do include a rate for motorbikes (irrespective of size or mileage in year) of 24p per (business) mile. This rate is meant to cover the running costs of the employee providing the vehicle in a road-worthy state - such as maintenance, MoT, insurance and (I believe) depreciation (as well as of course fuel). An individual is entitled to claim a higher rate if prepared/able to document the evidence for that higher rate.

At the end of the 19th century the first major mass-production firms were set up. In 1898, Triumph Motorcycles in England began producing motorbikes, and by 1903 it was producing over 500 bikes. Other British firms were Royal Enfield, Norton, Douglas Motorcycles and Birmingham Small Arms Company who began motorbike production in 1899, 1902, 1907 and 1910, respectively.[24] Indian began production in 1901 and Harley-Davidson was established two years later. By the outbreak of World War I, the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world was Indian,[25][26]producing over 20,000 bikes per year.[27]

Electric motorbikes are a rapidly advancing technology that is becoming more accessible and competitive. Improvements in battery technologies are seeing high speed electric motorcycles capable of 60mph and beyond, making them ideal for inter-city commutes on national speed A roads. Join the electric motorcycle revolution today.

Dalat is a wonderful mountain city that has some amazing driving. Especially when it comes to offroad riding. Tigit has a quick service to transport motorbikes between Dalat and Ho Chi Minh, meaning most of our Saigon inventory can be accessed from Dalat. To see more information on our Dalat motorbike rental location.

We therefore sought to provide original data from a large national registry to describe RTCs involving e-scooters. We especially hypothesized that these crashes result in injuries at least as severe as those caused by RTCs involving other vehicles, such as bicycles or motorbikes. e24fc04721

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