Moovit (, part of Mobileye (Nasdaq: MBLY), is a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions provider and the creator of the #1 urban mobility app. Together, Moovit and Mobileye are accelerating the global adoption of autonomous transportation, bringing MoovitAV robotaxi services to cities worldwide.

Moovit (, an Intel company, is a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions company and the maker of the #1 urban mobility app. Moovit was acquired by Intel in May 2020 to join forces with Mobileye and advance its MaaS strategy.

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Moovit is a free local transit planner app available for iOS, Android, and Windows. Moovit features live arrival & departure times, updated line schedules, local station maps, service alerts and advisories that affect users' trips. This information is provided with the help of crowdsourced data from the user community. Beginning with complete schedule-based transit information (GTFS data) from local transit agencies, Moovit mixes in real-time data about current times and conditions from riders en route. By using Moovit, riders improve the data provided to all app users. Riders can also send live reports about lines and stations. As of December 11, 2019, Moovit is available in over 3,000 cities (across 94 countries) including New York, London, Los Angeles, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bogota, Santiago de Chile, Mexico D.F., Sydney, Toronto, and Tel Aviv. See Moovit's cities at [1]. ff782bc1db

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