Applications using MongoDB must be very carefully while updating. An update caused data loss: scenario here is UPDATE of a document.I used MongoDB 2.4 for this and ran the example given at -a-simple-todo-application-using-javafx-java-and-mongodb-part-2/It is a simple MongoDB Java driver app but on UPDATE of document it (mongoDB) (maybe its the java driver) silently updates your document with a empty document!

-platform/nosql-benchmarking/according to this benchmark with YCSB (Yahoo Cloud Servicing Benchmark) mongodb, hbase and cassandra shows no problem with writing 50 million files. how hard are the benchmark you used in these tests? -minh

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-platform/nosql-benchmarking/ according to this benchmark with YCSB (Yahoo Cloud Servicing Benchmark) mongodb, hbase and cassandra shows no problem with writing 50 million files. how hard are the benchmark you used in these tests?

Since this article is 2.5 years old and the search in google mongodb step down data loss' returns you as the 5th result would you mind either A posting a notice about how 2.6 (or 3 for that matter) handles this scenario?

Quarkus supports a feature called Dev Services that allows you to create various datasources without any config. In the case of MongoDB this support extends to the default MongoDB connection.What that means practically, is that if you have not configured quarkus.mongodb.connection-string, Quarkus will automatically start a MongoDB container when running tests or in dev mode,and automatically configure the connection.

When using multiple clients, each MongoClient, you can select the client to inject using the io.quarkus.mongodb.MongoClientName qualifier.Using the above properties to configure three different clients, you can also inject each one as follows:

If you are using the quarkus-micrometer or quarkus-smallrye-metrics extension, quarkus-mongodb-client can provide metrics about the connection pools.This behavior must first be enabled by setting the quarkus.mongodb.metrics.enabled property to true in your

If you need to customize the Mongo client configuration programmatically, you need to implement the io.quarkus.mongodb.runtime.MongoClientCustomizer interface and expose it as a CDI application scoped bean:

host is the only required part of the URI. It identifies a single host name for which SRV records are looked up from a Domain Name Server after prefixing the host name with "_mongodb._tcp". The host/port for each SRV record becomes the seed list used to connect, as if each one were provided as host/port pair in a URI using the normal mongodb protocol.

?options are connection options. Note that if database is absent there is still a / required between the last host and the ? introducing the options. Options are name=value pairs and the pairs are separated by "&". Additionally with the mongodb+srv protocol, TXT records are looked up from a Domain Name Server for the given host, and the text value of each one is prepended to any options on the URI itself. Because the last specified value for any option wins, that means that options provided on the URI will override any that are provided via TXT records.

To connect to a MongoDB database, select Add Connection and enter the connection details for the database then Connect, the default is a local MongoDB server at mongodb:// You can also enter a connection string, click the "connect with a connection string" link and paste the connection string.

Thank you for the tip. I was able to make it work using api connector and https endpoints on mongodb but now I face another issue. We have dev database and live database on bubble and I have the same on mongodb but how do I call the prod database from mongodb on bubble when I push main to live?

This package lets you connect to MongoDB servers andupdate/query their data. Please see the example inDatabase.MongoDB and the tutorial from the homepage. Forinformation about MongoDB itself, see

acme-everything, apiary-mongoDB, gridfs, hails, mongodb-queue, persistent-audit, persistent-mongoDB, persistent-test, pipes-mongodb, prolude, snaplet-mongoDB, snaplet-mongodb-minimalistic, structured-mongoDB, sydtest-mongo, wheb-mongo, yu-utils

Worth noting if you're not married to mongodb it will cause you issues with trying to do things you get built-in for free with other JBDC compliant databases like and you will need to code up the difference

First of all you appear to be referring to an option called compact in mongodb terms which says "Rewrites and defragments all data and indexes in a collection. On WiredTiger databases, this command will release unneeded disk space to the operating system.".

Now quoting from one of my recent support cases (3rd Jan 2018):

"However the allocated disk space will still remain even though data is being deleted. This is how mongodb is working and shrinking process won't start unless "repair" executed.

So that's why we decide to add option "--repair" as it's still not implemented in Splunk. With this feature, any customer has limited disk space can re-claim disk space by "--repair" option.

Here is the related discussion with mongodb disk usage after records deleted:



Has anyone heard if the compaction process has been added into Splunk yet? We had a KVStore/mongodb database expand too large due to the search that was maintaining the size was not working and so the other searches that were expanding the collection, but not being brought into check by the bad search.

uri: mongodb+srv:// where username and password are correctly changed, neither have any special characters that need escaping, nor does it end in a ; 006ab0faaa

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