With our new modern Family Command Center, we have banished such chaos! Now, we have a written communication system for scheduling which empowers the girls to communicate with us clearly and directly. Each of the girls gets their own schedule board where we list any after school events.

One of my favorite features in our modern Family Command Center is the arch that contains all of the scheduling information and defines the space. We decided to copy the arch from the living room into the dining room to give the illusion that this is also an archway, a continuation of the same design.

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In addition, v2.3 is the first CPE version eligible for submission into the ATO (Authority To Operate) process, with the goal of formally certifying its suitability for mass deployment into combatant commands, front-line units and other high-security environments.

Commands drive core application behavior for model-driven apps. They are the buttons users interact with when playing apps and the resulting actions performed when a button is selected. Each command is positioned in relation to other commands and bound to a command bar location within the app.

Associated view. This command bar is displayed on the form of a parent table when viewing related data in this table. For example, from the main form of an account record select the Related tab then select a related table like contacts.

Quick actions. Quick actions are associated with the main grid location. To add or edit commands for both quick actions and main grid locations, select the desired table from within modern app designer, then edit the command bar and choose the main grid location. The first five commands, determined by order, will also be shown as quick actions when playing the app.

Less frequently customized command bar locations are not supported in command designer. See the Global command bar and other ribbons sections for more information on customizing commands for these locations.

Classic commands (formerly known as the ribbon) were not customizable using low code. With code, command customizations were difficult, tedious, and error prone. In order to scale commanding to low code as well as use custom pages to converge canvas and model-driven apps, it was vital to reinvent and rebuild the command infrastructure.

Note classic visibility rules will also be supported soon within modern commands. However, support for classic rules was needed for reliably migrating classic commands to modern commanding and classic rules customization within command designer isn't supported. We recommend you use Power Fx going forward.

Is anyone else experiencing this, or am I crazy? When I turn on the modern command bar, I can't find any way to view/refresh my data sources. I have to go into settings, turn off the modern view, and then go to the View menu like normal.

The first time command designer is opened for an app, a prompt to either use JavaScript only or Power Fx is displayed. Selecting Power Fx also allows you to use JavaScript if desired. Selecting Power Fx in the dialog will create a command component library to store Power Fx formulas.

Icon. Select an icon for the command button. You may choose from any system icons or web resource SVG files. To upload your own icon, choose Web resource then upload an SVG format file. Then, select Save and Publish the web resource. For more information about how to create a web resource for the icon image you want, go to Create or edit model-driven app web resources to extend an app.

You can use Power Fx for both actions (what happens when the command button is selected) as well as visibility (logic to control when the button is visible). Power Fx is not supported in classic commands.

Modern commanding has many improvements since the preview was announced last year. We sincerely appreciate the overwhelming amount of support and feedback from the Power Platform community and the close partnership with Scott Durrow (Microsoft MVP and Ribbon Workbench creator). This has helped shape the below goals and GA features.

A large number of usability and maker productivity improvements have resulted in a simpler and streamlined maker experience. A few highlights include the addition of copy + paste, optimized navigation & layout, drag and drop within command designer, performance improvements, and deferring creation of command component libraries.

Various new functions are now available to better support common command use cases. Defining visibility, actions, and interacting with custom pages is now much more powerful. For example, control command visibility using RecordInfo() and DataSourceInfo(), and work with unsaved data (aka the buffer) using Self.Selected.Unsaved.

These new scopes prevent duplicating effort for commands that need to be present in multiple apps. As an added benefit, when citizen developers modify or hide broader scoped commands, their changes are automatically isolated within their app and other apps remain unaffected.

Linux has a good track record for software support. There are about 60 commands in man section 1 of Unix 1st edition, and the majority still work today. Still, progress stops for no one. Thanks to vast global participation in open source, new commands are frequently developed. Sometimes a new command gains popularity, usually because it offers new features, or the same features but with consistent maintenance. Here are ten old commands that have recently been reinvented.

The man page is functional, and it works well for what it does. However, man pages aren't always the most succinct at demonstrating how to use the command you're trying to reference. If you're looking for something a little more to the point, try cheat or tealdeer.

Package managers tend to be slow to change, and when they do they often work hard to maintain backward compatibility. Both the yum command and the apt-get command have had improvements lately. The changes are usually aliased or designed to work in both their old and new syntax:

Before there was dnf there were a variety of utilities for yum to help users get reports on their packaging system configuration. Most of those extra functions got included by default with dnf. For instance, repoquery is a subcommand of dnf, and it provides a list of all installed packages:

The ls command was originally its own binary application, and it's still available as one. Eventually, though, the Bash shell included its own ls built-in command, which by default overrides any installed ls command.

The netstat command has largely been replaced by the ss command, although of all the commands on this list it's possibly the most hotly debated. The ss command provides much of the same functionality, but as Jose Vicente Nunez points out in his six deprecated commands article, there are gaps and differences in functionality. Before switching wholesale to ss, try it and compare it with how you use netstat now.

I use find to located files, as an input source for GNU Parallel, and more. I'm pretty familiar with it, but I have to admit that its syntax is a little clunky. The fd command seeks to improve upon that. For instance, suppose you're looking for a file called example, but you can't remember what file extension you used. With find, the syntax might look something like this:

"apt" is designed for use on interactive sessions - like typing the command into a terminal. It provides good looking progress bars and other similar features. But it is bad for scripting - all that eye candy gets in the way.

I would give real money for there to be a standardized protocol for package management. Then I propose we rename the current `install` command from coreutils to `ginstall`, and adopt `install` as the universal package management command. It can be symlinked to any given backend, but functionally it would work the same everywhere.

In Command: Modern Air Naval Operations, players have operational control over units on a 2D map of the Earth. Similar to Harpoon, players can command their units using preset missions or by giving direct instructions of the "Go here, do this" variety.[2][3]

Rust is taking over the terminal. Rust is a general-purpose programming language that is blazing fast and memory safe. It is the fastest-growing and most loved programming language in the world. It is used to build everything from operating systems to web servers to command-line tools. Recently there has been a surge of command line tools and utilities written in Rust, and many of them are intended to replace standard Unix commands. They are faster, more user-friendly, and have more features than their standard Unix counterparts. In this post, I will cover some of the best Rust command line tools I have used for a while. You can also use these to supercharge your terminal.

These tools are available for both Linux and macOS. I have not tested them on Windows, but most should also work on Windows. I recommend aliasing the commands to replace the standard commands based on your preferences. If you have Cargo, the rust package manager, you can install all these using Cargo.

Let us start with the terminal itself. Alacritty is a cross-platform modern terminal emulator with sensible defaults. It is GPU accelerated, super fast, and highly configurable. You can use it on Linux, macOS, and Windows. It doesn't have much in terms of a UI, and hence all configurations are done through YAML files. I don't use it as my primary terminal as I love Yakuake too much for all its cool features. We can get most of those features (tabs, split panes, dropdown mode) using tmux and tdrop if really needed. I use Alacrity when I need speed and GPU acceleration. There is an excellent tutorial on using Alacritty with tmux. You could also use Zellij, a modern terminal multiplexer written in Rust, with Alacritty. ff782bc1db

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