Similarly to previous mobile games in The Sims franchise, energy is used when players take actions with their Sims. Energy can be restored through SimCash, which is earned through in-game quests and micro-transactions. SimCash can also be used to purchase certain premium clothing and furniture options in the game.[7]

Intro: I always loved playing legacy challenges with my sims, so I decided to bring Legacy Challenge playing to Sims Mobile. I've spent quite a long time refining these rules and they may get edited again for minor changes, but I think they are about as good as I can get them without feedback. I joined Reddit so I could share this with you, so this is my first post, and I apologize that I don't know how everything works yet. I'll do my best. I hope some of you find this post useful.

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*A note about the Rules: Most classic Legacy Rules focus around keeping any and all funds your legacy family didn't directly earn away from them (because ultimately the amassed wealth was used for points); sticking with what happens in the game, and random generation of traits. I wanted to stay away from the whole question of funding and make this a legacy challenge that anyone can play, whether they've been playing Sims mobile a long time, or they just started.

Ideally, your first generation sim should start on an empty lot, either the main lot or an additional one you buy, so you can build your legacy family "from the ground up", but since Mobile is so different from the PC, you can move your legacy founder into an already existing house. (Keep in mind, though, you're going to want at least 4 to 5 empty spots. One for your sim, one for the NPC they marry, one for the heir (child), the spare (child), and a spot to retire to so you can bring forward an heir. These definitely do not have to all be active slots). The maximum number of sims you can have in one house is 12: 8 passive (inactive) sims and 4 active sims you control.

7. The only sims that are eligible to move in are the NPC spouse/partner of the heir. If you have multiple legacy families in one home, any NPC partners that marry heirs may move in, other partners and spouses may not move in.

8. As soon as your sims are placed in the house, or have grown up and been made active, pick a career, hobby, or relationship story for them. Pick a different story every generation until you have completed all stories offered. After you've completed every story, you can have your sims work on any story you like.

9. You should be able to complete the story by the time your sim is ready to retire. This should be roughly 8-10 days, (more or less, depending on how much you play. Daily play with Sims fairly occupied should result in a retirement prompt around 8 days). This means the first game-prompted retirement, after your sim has acquired all 5 traits, not when you actually retire the sim. Completing the first story on this time schedule can get tricky with events like STS, TH and festival tasks, try to make sure to rotate sims you use for events. Every sim in your legacy family can earn points by completing stories.

12. The only exception to the NPC rule is if you are running multiple legacies out of your home. Decide at the beginning which is your main legacy or uglacy. You may only use NPCs for that one. But the town is very small and there is sometimes little turnover, so you can use player-created sims for other legacies in that case. You cannot move them in.

13. After the first story is completed, sims have the option to be given a second story with the intention of completing it before actual retirement. This can be the relationship story with their partner, or another story. This must be completed in the time between the first game-prompted retirement and the second time the game prompts you to retire your sims, which should be about 16-20 days from when the sim was started in the house. Again, this depends on how often you play. Playing two stories per sim allows players a better opportunity to complete all relationship/career/hobby stories within one legacy even if they are newer players. Players can actually complete as many stories within the set time period as they can, and get points for them if completed within the time requirements.

14. There are two main time periods in each sim's time in the house. Both are independent ways to measure time. The first period of time, from when you start your sim until the game first prompts you to retire them, occurs just after your Sim has gained all traits. The second period of time occurs from the first prompt for retirement until you get a second birthday cake over your sim's head and prompt for retirement. The length of time will vary from player to player, depending on how frequently you play and how active you keep your sims. The rate for a daily player who keeps active Sims seems to be about 8 days for each period of time. You should attempt to have each of your Sims finish a story within the first period of time, and then a second story in the second period of time. You can have as many side stories as you need or wish. You can retire your Sims before the second prompt for retirement if you finish all goals early.

16. If you are particularly fond of certain sims and have other lots they could go to, they certainly could be moved to an alternate property rather than retire. This may include the heir of the legacy/uglacy, keeping in mind that your generations in your portrait will not reflect your past generations accurately. Any sim who is being moved rather than retired, including the heir, must be moved on the same time schedule they would otherwise have retired (although of course they will not linger in the house as an elder for two days). Once removed, they may not move back into the house at any point during the challenge. If any advantage is discovered from creating a relationship with them, then no relationships may be formed with them for the duration of the challenge.

17. If your town is completely full of elder Sims, there is a technique to replace your workplace NPCs which can help you. After careful consideration I think limited use can be allowed without giving players undue advantage. It will allow you to replace the elder Sims in your workplaces with new, young Sims. Please refer to the Replacing Workplace Elder NPC Challenge under the Modified Challenges section for the complete instructions. To follow Legacy/Uglacy conditions, you will only be allowed to replace the exact number of workplace NPCs that are in each workplace, and not continue to replace NPCs so that you have a town full of young sims (please see the modified rules for that). After you have replaced the NPCs, it is up to you whether you want to start stories with each of them so they stay young or whether you would like to see if natural turnover returns to the workplaces now that new NPCs are in place.

GAMEPLAY NOTES: I wanted to add a note about flipping the generations. Retiring your established generation and bringing out a brand new generation is always a delicate time in which you have to use strategy to be able to complete game goals in a timely manner, since your new sims have zero experience in anything. I'm sure you will have your own method for exchanging your generations. Personally, I had 4 sims to exchange every generation, so I would retire two old generation sims (OG sims) and leave two of the old generation to help the new generation (NG sims) with tasks. This allows the NG sims to gain a foothold in careers/hobbies/relationships and get to the level where they can do standard and long sessions. Then, these NG sims who now have a foothold in the stories were able to support the second set of two NG sims when they were made active. My only note on this is timing. You do want to exchange the generations in a timely manner, and not leave the OG sims supporting them so long that it becomes an undue advantage, or a huge age disparity. I always retired the second set of OG sims (and made the second set of the NG sims active) as soon as the first set of OG sims moved from the house into the portrait. You can make this happen quite quickly (under 24 hours to 2 days) by always clicking the bubble with two sims on it above their heads and doing the mentor tasks, and keeping your sims active in tasks (in much the same way as making babies and children grow up faster). This way your sims are close in age and everything remains manageable.

Modified Original Rules to Allow for Player Created Sims as Parents: This is a modified challenge if done with the main family. However, there are quite a few different reasons why a player might consider playing a game using player created sims as Parents for the main Legacy/Uglacy. For Uglacy Challenges, you will find a wider and more diverse population from which to get your genetics. For regular legacies, you will find more attractive sims. It is encouraged that each generation marry their partner, but not a requirement. However, because generations go so quickly, do not ask player's sims to move in (the exception would be if you plan to move them to another property while you carry on with the legacy)

*Note: I have had multiple relationships with NPCs that have reached Level 10, and I have never had them age, not even upon the retirement of the Sim with the relationship with them, but it does seem to happen sometimes, it may depend on the specific NPC and their position in town. Regardless, you do not have to avoid reaching level 10 in your relationship with them. Just before you do, have another of your Sims start a relationship story with them that will not reach level 10. **I also might be tempted to see if once the elder Sims who had gotten "stuck" (stopped turnover) in their jobs were removed, if the new young sims would age and then retire and be replaced by young Sims like they're supposed to.

While the first part focused on visible systemic changes that were introduced to streamline the game for f2p and mobile, in this part I will talk more about design under the hood in order to get to the answer for our initial question: Why is the game not performing well. e24fc04721

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