Object Type information can be accessed via the VaultObjectTypeOperations class. When working with object types, most information can be obtained from the ObjType class, although the ObjTypeAdmin class contains administrative information such as external object type connection and any aliases.

Class information can be accessed via the VaultObjectClassOperations class. When working with classes, most information can be obtained from the ObjectClass class, although the ObjectClassAdmin class contains additional administrative information such as any aliases.

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Property Definition information can be accessed via the VaultPropertyDefOperations class. When working with classes, most information can be obtained from the PropertyDef class, although the PropertyDefAdmin class contains additional administrative information such as any aliases.

Workflow information can be accessed via the VaultWorkflowOperations class. When working with classes, most information can be obtained from the Workflow and State classes, although the WorkflowAdmin and StateAdmin classes contains additional administrative information such as any aliases.

To facilitate a more secure Microsoft Exchange Online connection, an App will need to be registered (i.e., created) by an Azure AD administrator in the Office 365 tenant. Fortunately, it takes only a few minutes to register a new App. The App will have the Tenant ID of the Office 365 instance hosting the mail source, the Client ID for the App and the Client Secret (a.k.a. password) for the App.

In order to install a new M-Files Application you need administrative access via the M-Files Admin utility to the target vault. In the utility connect to the server of the target vault. From the list of document vaults, find and right click on the target vault and select Applications.

 This guide aims to instruct on how to implement and use the M-Files add-on to create maps with advanced functionalities like commands, anchors and viewports. M-Files basic user and vault administrator knowledge is required. If you are unable to find the guidance or support you need in this guide, please see the M-Files user guide or contact M-Files support.

For a start I will add Administrator, You can enter Full name and email for user (email is important so user can get notified of new tasks inside app) . License type is set to Named, (I described licensing in installation part) here you will select license that you bought. I will also assign user right to be system administrator.

No, you can't view or access a shared drive's content unless you have specifically been given access to it. However, since you are an admin, you can give yourself access. Go to admin console > apps > drive > manage shared drives. There you will find an option to manage drive members.

1. **Super Admins:**

Super Admins have broad access to the Google Workspace environment, including Shared Drives. They have the highest level of administrative access and can manage settings, users, and permissions across the entire organization. Super Admins can access and manage content within Shared Drives, including viewing, editing, and sharing files as necessary.

2. **Drive Editors/Managers:**

Users with Manager or Content Manager roles specifically assigned to a Shared Drive have elevated privileges within that Drive. They can manage files and folders, add or remove members, change permissions, and perform other administrative tasks related to that particular Shared Drive.

3. **Drive Content Managers:**

This role allows users to manage content within a Shared Drive, such as adding, editing, and deleting files or folders. However, they may not have the same administrative capabilities as Drive Managers, such as adding or removing members.

4. **Drive Contributors:**

Contributors can add files and make changes to the content within the Shared Drive but may not have administrative privileges or permissions to manage other users' access or settings.

It's important to note that while admins might have access to the contents of Shared Drives, they should always adhere to the organization's policies and ethical guidelines regarding data privacy and access. It's recommended to establish clear guidelines and permissions for Shared Drive access to ensure proper data security and integrity.

On Server 2008 we had no issue opening the .ini files on an account which is a local admin on the server (Set in Users/Groups in PC Management), applying changes, and going to File>Save to save the new copy of the file.

On Server 2012r2 we have noticed that despite being local admins we cannot simply update .ini files and goto file>save. If we do, we are taken to a "save as" menu and if we try and overwrite we get access denied. Now, if I goto the app folder and set folder permissions to allow the account to have full control then I can apply the change and save.

What I don't understand is why does the local admin account need seperate folder permissions set to save the ini file? I would think the local admin account would inherit rights to save text files to any folder?

This is technically "working as intended" Rod-IT has your workaround. I noticed this behavior more when logged on as a Domain Admin and less as a local server admin. I believe the domain admins group, though technically a local admin, is more restricted if I am not mistaken.

So, when I login on my account that is a local admin... Does the server know I'm a local admin? I can perform certain functions like setting permissions, running commands, etc.. but I cannot save this text file without first running notepad as admin? Why?

I was directed to your post by Hubspot Support. We have an issue where Hubspot SCIM requires employee titles to match the roles. This is a roadblock in our setup with Okta as it would require us to change employee titles (especially for IT and Security admins to match admin roles in Hubspot). Does Hubspot plan on changing this? It makes it difficult to use SCIM as we can't change titles due to other systems that the titles appear in as well (HR, IT systems, etc, etc).

If a directory name is used in place of the s.filename argument,the admin command applies to all s.files in that directory. Unreadables.files produce an error. The use of `-' as the s.filename argumentindicates that the names of files are to be read from thestandard input, one s.file per line.

Forces encoding of binary data. Files that contain ASCII NUL or other control characters, or that do not end with a NEWLINE, are recognized as binary data files. The contents of such files are stored in the history file in encoded form. See uuencode(1C) for details about the encoding. This option is normally used in conjunction with -i to force admin to encode initial versions not recognized as containing binary data.

The last component of all SCCS filenames must have the `s.' prefix.New SCCS files are given mode 444 (see chmod(1)). All writing done byadmin is to a temporary file with an x. prefix, created withmode 444 for a new SCCS file, or with the same modeas an existing SCCS file. After successful execution of admin, the existings.file is removed and replaced with the x.file. This ensures that changes aremade to the SCCS file only when no errors have occurred.

If it should be necessary to patch an SCCS file for anyreason, the mode may be changed to 644 by the owner toallow use of a text editor. However, extreme care must be takenwhen doing this. The edited file should always be processed by an`admin -h' command to check for corruption, followed by an `admin -z'command to generate a proper check-sum. Another `admin -h' command is recommendedto ensure that the resulting s.file is valid.

I've been trying to find a way to upload a large file to GAE's datastore using Django's admin interface, but haven't found an answer that specifically addresses this issue. I'm fairly new to Python/Django, so there might be an angle that I'm not looking at.

I'd like to propose that admins, and possibly also instructors, are given the ability to delete a student's assignment submission (not just the file - the submission itself). At minimum, a record should be kept of who deleted the submission and when (for auditing purposes) - perhaps in the form of a log in the 'Gradebook history'.

Add on to this the extra workload for instructors (and us admin staff) when they contact us to ask how to delete a submission, only for us to have to tell them that it is impossible in what is supposed to be a modern LMS. Even the archaic Blackboard Learn allowed submissions to be deleted.

My first thought is that students probably should not have this functionality. Instructors are a bit more of a gray area, since they have some authority in the course, but it also would involve removing things that they don't really own. Removing a submitted file is now available to admins, but there are times that I even question whether or not that is a good idea. I think most fears around this idea are around someone misusing their abilities and effectively harming a student (whether it's a teacher or an admin).

If Instructure ever decides to go down this route, I'd have a few comments.ideas. First, it should be a permission that admins can give to account and course roles as their own choosing (we don't like Instructure making choices like this for us). Second, I'd propose some kind of "soft" delete, where everything is gone in the UI, but the submission/file data would still be in the database and accessible to admins via API (with a way to restore too, if needed). We already get a fair amount of "Canvas ate my submission" support requests, which are very hard to troubleshoot. Trying to figure out if an instructor or admin deleted a submission adds even more complexity. To be clear, a message saying "submission deleted by ZZZ" would not be acceptable, as we'd like to have all of the details and the submission itself still available. 17dc91bb1f

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