I have an issue regarding using MVVMLight messenger in a WPF (MVVM) application. In a view I have an element (LoadingControl) which visibility property is bound to a viewmodel property (IsBusy) by using custom visibility converter. In a viewmodel I change the property value (IsBusy) by sending a MVVM message:

This works fine, however in one of my viewmodel methods where I send this message, UI thread blocks and IsBusy property value changes, but visibility of my UI element LoadingControl doesn't until main operation is not finished, e.g.:

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But this doesn't work too, LoadingControl is not shown until method ends. As I'm not so familiar with multithreading, I supose that there is some other issue here. Any help is appreciated.

If you want to force your Action to be executed on another thread, you can pass TaskScheduler.Default to the StartNew() call. But by doing so, you might fall on Invalid cross-thread access Exception, since you code no longer executes on the UI thread, but on a Background one. So you might need to Dispatch your code setting view-bounded properties (like your IsBusy) back to the UI-Thread by using the Dispatcher :

Facebook is making it a bit easier to keep track of who's talking to who in a busy group chat. It's rolling out a thread feature for Messenger that lets you reply to specific messages (including media and emoji). If you ask an important question, you won't have to scroll through chat to see if someone answered it. You only have to long-press on a message to start a response.

While this is just a Messenger addition for now, it could be significant for Facebook at large. The social network is reportedly planning to unify its messaging apps behind the scenes, making it that much easier to add one feature to all of them at the same time. Don't be shocked if Instagram and WhatsApp offer their own threading before long.

After the most recent update of Facebook messenger, I can't filter unread message threads in Facebook messenger. I suspect this has something to do with the European privacy regulations. But it doesn't make any sense they'd remove this feature in particular.

I have one messenger thread that is fucked up. All of a sudden, it changed so now I can only do one minute voice recordings, and the colours of my text bubbles are now sometimes different colours. In addition, I tend to hit the period button instead of the space button. When this happens, an ad/link will pop up, and if I forget to delete it, then the link to this ad will send to the person I am messaging with.

I have no idea how or why it happened. It just changed all of a sudden. It is only in this one thread, all of the others are normal. I have a feeling it has something to do with end to end encryption, which I also had no control over and didn't want.

A messaging threading timeline determines the amount of time a messaging conversation remains open after the agent/system disconnects. Once disconnected, the messaging threading timeline begins and will determine how long a messaging conversation threads together before the next message sent starts a new conversation. The messaging threading timeline feature is available for all Genesys Cloud messaging channels: third-party messaging, SMS messaging, Genesys Cloud web messaging, and open messaging.

Facebook is putting an increased focus on its messaging platforms, with the eventual goal of merging threads from WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger. Earlier this year, Facebook updated the Messenger design with a focus on de-cluttering the interface. Just a few weeks ago, Facebook also started testing a Dark Mode interface in Messenger.

Message threads are a part of the new real-time conversational experience. A thread is a running commentary of all the messages sent in your chat app. They appear within a group, private message, or channel.

Threading, and especially deep threading of the sort we developed at Leverice, works wonders for distributed teams. It adds an element of asynchronicity to team messaging that reduces the strain of always-on hypervigilance.

Slack threads allow users to create organized conversations around specific messages. If you want to give feedback on a file or respond to a question, you can. Hover over the message until the menu appears. Then click on the message icon to make a thread.

If you want to see all threads, go to Spaces, and choose a space. Click on the My threads option in the menu. All the threads you start or reply to will appear here. The list only includes threads from the last 28 days.

Mio syncs threaded messages between Slack and other apps. Your team members can connect with clients and contractors within Slack threads. They can even communicate when other people use Microsoft Teams and Webex productivity tools.

The IMessenger interface is a contract for types that can be used to exchange messages between different objects. This can be useful to decouple different modules of an application without having to keep strong references to types being referenced. It is also possible to send messages to specific channels, uniquely identified by a token, and to have different messengers in different sections of an application. The MVVM Toolkit provides two implementations out of the box: WeakReferenceMessenger and StrongReferenceMessenger: the former uses weak references internally, offering automatic memory management for recipients, while the latter uses strong references and requires developers to manually unsubscribe their recipients when they're no longer needed (more details about how to unregister message handlers can be found below), but in exchange for that offers better performance and far less memory usage.

Both WeakReferenceMessenger and StrongReferenceMessenger also expose a Default property that offers a thread-safe implementation built-in into the package. It is also possible to create multiple messenger instances if needed, for instance if a different one is injected with a DI service provider into a different module of the app (for instance, multiple windows running in the same process).

Since the WeakReferenceMessenger type is simpler to use and matches the behavior of the messenger type from the MvvmLight library, it is the default type being used by the ObservableRecipient type in the MVVM Toolkit. The StrongReferenceType can still be used, by passing an instance to the constructor of that class.

Another useful feature of messenger instances is that they can also be used to request values from a module to another. In order to do so, the package includes a base RequestMessage class, which can be used like so:

Open the Facebook Messenger Lite app and head to any chat thread, then hit the three dots in the top-right corner and choose "Color" from the popup. After you select a color, it will change the chat's accent color for both users and announce it in the chat. That's really all there is to it!

I use the messenger library for serial communication. This works fine in the older releases.

This week I downloaded Arduino 1.0 and now I try to rebuild my applications.

Most things are fixed now (the Ethernet library has changed), but I get error messages from de Messenger library.

While you are fixing Messenger.cpp, then, use strtok() instead of strtok_r. There is no reason to use the thread-safe version of a function on a single-threaded platform, especially one on which there is not a tremendous amount of memory or code space.


While you are fixing Messenger.cpp, then, use strtok() instead of strtok_r. There is no reason to use the thread-safe version of a function on a single-threaded platform, especially one on which there is not a tremendous amount of memory or code space.

this is the code of the checkstring example file in the messenger library; it compiles and uploads on my ArduinoMega2560 but after sending on or off in the serial monitor, the led is not changing rather it is off all the time. I have checked the led in another program and it it is all ok.

Android Facebook Messenger Messages Artifact  Time  - Date/Time message was sent.Sender Name  - The name of the message sender.Message ID  - The message ID.Thread Key  - The thread key (ID).Admin Message  - Indicates whether the message is Admin message.Sender ID - The message sender ID.Receiver ID  - The message receiver ID.Unset  - Indicates whether the message was unsent.Mention IDs  - message mention IDs.Text  - Message content.Is forwarded  - Indicates whether the message was forwarded.Receiver name  - Message receiver name.Attachment File Name  - Attachment file name. 

After about 45 minutes I had a tiny needle hole by my jawline, and another tiny needle hole by my ear where he threaded through a stitch. It was literally like sewing, it was incredible. Like someone doing needlework on my face and just lifting it gently.

You mentioned that you're missing messages on your iMac, but also mentioned messenger conversations. To confirm, are you referring to threads in the native Messages app? If so, let's start with checking to see if you have Messages in iCloud enabled on your devices: Use Messages in iCloud

If you're referring to the third-party Messenger app/service, we'd recommend contacting the app developer directly. They'd be best equipped to look into any possible cause for your missing message threads. How to contact an app developer

Within the next two years, 85% of customer-business relationships will be through technology. A huge part of these relationships will take place on messaging apps, where businesses can not only provide lightning-fast customer service but also drive sales. In anticipation, business owners should be perfecting their messenger marketing strategy right now. Facebook Messenger is one of the largest messaging platforms out there, with more than 1.3 billion monthly users. ff782bc1db

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