I'm following a book on Android Development to get myself started writing my first real app.I got up to the point where I'm making an options menu for one of my activities. The menu shows up, but the corresponding icon of the menu item refuses to display.Here is the code for the menu:

I have copied the ic_menu_add.png icon (32x32px) from one of my Android SDK subfolders to my res/drawable-mdpi folder and renamed the file to menu_add.png. I refreshed the folder within eclipse so the icon shows up, and as you can see I set it as the icon for the menu item in my layout file. I tried running my project in the emulator a few times, but the icon never shows up. For the record, I am using Android 4.0.3..

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On Android 3.0+, the preferred approach for the options menu (a spillover menu in the action bar) will not show icons. If you have android:targetSdkVersion="11" or higher, icons will never show up in menus on Android 3.0+. The icons will show up if you promote an options menu item to be a toolbar button, and the icons will show up on Android 1.x/2.x devices.

I have a dummy app that I'm making just to get the hang of Android development. I managed to get a menu overflow icon to appear on my toolbar, but I can't seem to figure out how to change it to white.

Working with android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity, is making the input for the icons a very difficult task. You need to implement onMenuOpen, super method from AppComactActivity class. After this check, if the menu is not null. If the menu is not null pass Method class like this and setOptionalIconsVisible to true with boolean.

That toolbar theme specifies a textColorPrimary and textColorSecondary to change the color of the title text and of the menu overflow button. You could just specify the standard Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar theme for the toolbar, to get the dark text and overflow icon, but I wanted to derive from my own theme and make only small changes, because I have no idea what else might be affected.

How do i change the Overflow Menu icon on the far right of the action bar as seen in the image below? My Holo theme specifies this 3 row black stack icon by default and i want something else. i can't seem to find a solution for this. I have looked at the documentation on but it doesn't seem to lend much help.

The only answer to that question does not work for me as, rather than changing the default hamburger icon to the left of the activity's title, it just adds an additional hamburger icon to the right of my activity's title.

I see that Toolbar has a setNavigationIcon(Drawable drawable) method. Ideally, I would like to use a layout (that contains the hamburger icon and the badge view) instead of a Drawable, but I'm not sure if/how this is achievable - or if there is a better way?

NB - This isn't a question about how to create the badge view. I have already created that and have implemented it on the nav menu items themselves. So I am now just needing to add a similar badge view to the default hamburger icon.

Since version 24.2.0 of the support library, the v7 version of ActionBarDrawerToggle has offered the setDrawerArrowDrawable() method as a means to customize the toggle icon. DrawerArrowDrawable is the class that provides that default icon, and it can be subclassed to alter it as needed.

I used navigation drawer to design the menu of my app for first time, I change the menu icon by my xml code but the icon in activity is showing like gray overlay i used itemIconTint but it not showing right. My icon have different colors how can i display my icon with all colors

Yes, it stopped working and I was trying to fix it by setting Your.Theme's parent to @style/Widget.AppCompat.ActionButton.Overflow. It worked by propertly setting contentDescription but then it failed when casting to ImageButton. It turned out in latest (version 23) android.support.v7class OverflowMenuButton extends from AppCompatImageView. Changing casting class was enought to make it work with Toolbar on Nexus 5 running Lollipop.

So why not use it? Also by Hannes idea (in comments) I implemented listener, to get rid of some random time for delay in postDelayed. And as overflow icon is already in AppCompat library, then I would use it as well - I am applying color filter, so I don't need any icon resource on my own.

So, after digging a little in ActionMenuItemView's code, I found how to get the icon's drawable (looking in setIcon()), then I just changed casting to ActionMenuItemView, applied color filter to left drawable got from getCompoundDrawables() and Voila! it works!

After going through some other questions like this, I first tried the Tools > Create Desktop Entry method. It did create an entry on the dash, but somehow Android Studio does not launch by clicking on it. If it's of any help, I am pasting the jetbrains-android-studio.desktop entry this method created in the /usr/share/applications directory:

When this didn't help, I deleted the above mentioned .desktop entry and tried the method mentioned in this blog post, which required me to create the following jetbrains-android-studio.desktop file and paste it in /home/jayant/.local/share/applications directory

This also created an icon in my Dash but Android Studio refuses to launch with this also. Is there something I am doing wrong? I just want a simple launcher icon for Android Studio on my dash! I am using Ubuntu 14.04.

All you did "wrong" was that you didn't drag the jetbrains-android-studio.desktop file from the directory in which Android Studio created it into the Launcher and drop it where you want it to appear. You can use Ubuntu's Files application to find, drag and drop the .desktop file.

Assuming your user:group is jayant:jayant . Not executable. No need to relogin, restart the machine or desktop, etc. If it still doesn't work (no/wrong icon, fails to launch) open the .desktop file and check that its paths point to the correct files.

If Tools->Create Desktop Entry doesn't works for you then it probably means that the Android studio isn't installed properly in the system.To check whether the Android Studio is installed or not go to the Ubuntu software and find for the software.If it doesn't reinstall the package and take care of the path of the sdk and AndroidStudioProjects.But it is possible that the desktop shortcut icon works properly.

My Question: When I click on one of the Menu Items, I want that Menu Item's icon changing to another icon in the drawables folder and STAY like that until I click on another Menu Item and then it will change to the first icon before I clicked on it.

I tried to use a selector .xml with "state_pressed" and when I click on the Menu Item it changes the icon for a second but then it goes back to the first icon as soon as I stop clicking. You can find the related codes below. I'd appreciate it if you could help me with this one.

Im currently creating an app, which has a MaterialToolbar widget. I want to set the icons color to white.I tried following the accepted answer in this question, however, it doesnt work. Adding colorControlNormal in styles.xml doesnt work.

In this question, was asked why colorControlNormal doesnt work. The accepted answer says that in the vector lines, you have to change the value given to android:fillColor, and replace it with ?attr/colorControlNormal. Doing this trick, item colorControlNormal, will control the desired icons color.

I'm just learning android so sorry for my lack of knowledge on the subject. I mainly work as a Web Developer and we use Font Awesome all the time so I was trying to get it to work with Android. I first found out I could use font awesome here. With some deeper searching I found out how to put a font awesome icon in the action menu bar in the title here. I am missing out on having the ability to have backup text when there is room by setting the title instead of the icon and the title.

I was wondering if I could set the icon in font awesome instead of the title and just have normal descriptive text for the title. It wants a drawable or drawable resource id when I do the setIcon method on the menu-item. Could I convert it to a drawable? What is the best way to approach keeping font awesome for the icon and having both the icon and title? Any help or direction is appreciated.

I am implementing a navigation drawer for my app. Now it works perfectly except for one small glitch. When I set the Navigation Drawer Icon (ic_drawer) to replace the regular "HomeAsUp" caret icon, I still get the arrow. The Nav Drawer icon does not show. I have implemented every method that was on the android developers website. But it doesn't seem to work.

The latest Samsung devices come pre-installed with One UI, an operating system that has been specifically designed to make things simpler, clearer and easier to use. One of the design features has been the removal of the apps button, giving you more space for your most used app icons. 

You can access all of your apps by swiping up on your home screen.

The icon was originally designed by Norm Cox as part of the user interface for the Xerox Star personal computer, introduced in 1981.[2] Cox described the icon's creation, saying, "Its graphic design was meant to be very 'road sign' simple, functionally memorable, and mimic the look of the resulting displayed menu list. With so few pixels to work with, it had to be very distinct, yet simple. I think we only had 1616 pixels to render the image. (or possibly 1313... can't remember exactly)."[3]

In possibly its first use after the Xerox Star, the release of Windows 1.0 in 1985 contained a hamburger icon in each window's control menu.[4] It was short-lived, however, as the hamburger icon disappeared in Windows 2.0 in favor of a single horizontal line denoting the control menu. Windows 95 replaced the single line with the program's icon,[5] and the hamburger would not return to Windows until a placement on the Start menu of the one-year update of Windows 10.[6] e24fc04721

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