If you does not find any reference to PATH having maven-2 then there must be something in one of these files that is causing the PATH to be changed i.e. something in one of these files triggering something else that is changing the PATH. It is very hard to tell without checking the content of the files.

Over three years a go I wrote a blog post explaining the steps to upgrade you maven installation on Mac OS X Leopard. I have been using snow leopard now for a while and things changed a bit. In one of the comments to that post Oskar Carlstedt mentioned the steps required on Snow Leopard. This is all fine if you upgrade a minor version, but with maven 3 things changed a lot. I have some projects that require maven 2, we did not have time yet to fix problems we have with maven 3. Still I prefer using maven 3. Therefore I have to change between versions often. I decided to create a bash script to help me out.

Download Maven Bash

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By default maven is installed in the path: /usr/share/java. The maven executables are installed as maven-3.0.2 and maven-2.2.1. Since the upgrade path is a bit slow I tend to install my own maven binaries. I extract them as provided by apache using the apache-maven-x.x.x format.

A soft link is available in /usr/share/maven. This is the link that points to one of the maven binaries. This is the place where you switch between versions of maven. You can remove the soft link and create one to the right maven home folder. A small catch is that you need to be root to remove and create the link. Using sudo is good enough.

The default is maven 3, than we check if arguments are provided to the script. If no arguments are provided, we do nothing and use the default. if an argument is provided we check if it is 2. If so, we set maven 2 as the implementation. If something else than 2 is provided we take the default which is maven 3. The final step is to create the soft link again.

In the first blog of this series, we created a deployment approach using Maven settings.xml and pom.xml that we use for each Mule project. This lets you use standard Maven commands to build Mule projects, publish them to an artifact repository, and deploy them to Anypoint Runtime Manager.

This blog provides a cheat sheet with a list of many Maven commands that can be used with the standard settings.xml and pom.xml files. All commands are meant to be run from a command-line shell (such as bash or gitBash).

The commands have optional parameters enclosed in square brackets. For example, the following command shows the -DskipTests as an optional parameter, meaning that -DskipTests is not required. Optional parameters affect the operation of a command, in this case, the Munit tests are not run if -DskipTests is specified:

In commands that deploy the Mule project to the ARM, the parameter -Denv={xxx} is used to note that the {xxx} should be replaced with the deployment environment profile name. These will be your customized environment names (dev, test and prd in the original blog sample files).

If you are using a bash shell (or GitBash for Windows), you can store the u and p parameters as exported (system) variables and let the mvn command pull the values from the system variables instead of typing them on the command line. This conceals the username and password if you are showing others various mvn commands and do not want to share the values.

Maven is one of the most popular build tools in the Java universe (others being Gradle or old-school Ant). You can not only build Java projects with it, but pretty much every project written in aJVM language like Kotlin or Scala, as well as other languages like C# and Ruby.

Compilation through convention: In theory you could compile big Java projects with a ton of classes, by hand with the javac command line compiler (or automate that with a bash script). This does however only work for toy projects. Maven expects a certain directory structure for your Java source code to live in and when you later do a mvn clean install , the whole compilation and packaging work will be done for you.

Everything Java: Maven can also run code quality checks, execute test cases and even deploy applications to remote servers, through plugins. Pretty much every possible task you can think of.

I have a single user cluster and I have created a workflow which will read excel file from Azure storage account. For reading excel file I am using com.crealytics:spark-excel_2.13:3.4.1_0.19.0 library on single user all-purpose cluster.I have already installed this library on the cluster. Attaching a screenshot for reference.

Now what I want to do is to run the workflow on a job cluster. But I don't know how to install this maven library on job cluster. Is there something I can do with init script ? Or there might be multiple ways to install maven package on job cluster ?

Thanks for replying. I tried the second approach of using init script. Apart from maven package I also installed a python package using script. I imported python package in notebook and it was installed. But when I was trying to read excel file it gave below error:

2. As far as I know default location for jars is "/databricks/jars/" from where spark picks all the packages. So does this spark-shell installs the jar at different place ? If yes, Please suggest how can I use spark to use jars from this place ?

For example, I did the same using another open source Load testing tools where the page requests are all scripted to be executed based on the Boolean value if the developer selected it or not on Jenkins.

On Gatling, to avoid the prompt of selecting a simulation on the command line, i added the class name direcly in the properties file and the it works perfectly. But the requirement is extended to have a choice of classes as a user input. So, i want to know if there is a command line argument that I can pass for selecting the class to be executed rather than updating properties file.

If you launch your gatling project using mvn gatling:execute and no further options with the above configuration Gatling will execute all your simulation classes one after another. However, if you pass -Dgatling.simulationClass=com.mycompany.mytest (literally execute it like this: mvn gatling:execute -Dgatling.simulationClass=com.mycompany.mytest) it will only execute the Gatling simulation found in the class com.mycompany.mytest.

This is how we execute Gatling tests. The same Gatling project provides several simulation classes and we set up different Jenkins jobs to execute them separately using the -Dgatling.simulationClass property.

During test development I execute the tests on my Windows machine from the command prompt (with maven) using exactly this technique. For each Gatling project I have a set of Run Configurations set up in IntelliJ so I can execute the tests directly from my development environment.

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Automation of Spring boot applications (Maven based) using Bash scripts. There are some bash scripts, each for a specific task. I have used Apache Maven & Apache Subversion and their role is vital here. You can use Gradle instead Maven and Git instead SVN.

Here I am putting dist in SVN after packaging the apps, and then in release.sh I retrieve it from there. But there are alternatives, one of them is, not to put dist (JAR) in SVN and make use of passless ssh & scp for pulling/pushing dist from build server to application server.

Below, is a simple project I setup to demonstrate my problem. The command is mvn --version, the second the one in problem, and when running it using the bash as the command, then it is executed seamlessly.

Setting up a maven project on your favorite IDE can be time consuming and slow. Many developers prefer to setup maven project from command line use their favorite text editor to write code. Maven is a build tool and setting up a boilerplate seed project shouldn't be an issue.

This will create a java project (not web) with package com.yourcompany and folder name as myproject. Skips the interactive steps. The generated maven project will include a basic structure for the java project along with test packages. You can later add the JUnit dependency for writing tests.

In the above batch file, we had first changed our directory to the project directory. If we wish to execute the maven command without changing the project directory we can use the -f option and reference the pom.xml of the target project from anywhere.

This will start MockServer during the process-test-classes phase and will stop MockServer during the verify phase. For more details about Maven build phases see:Introduction to the Build Lifecycle.

If you use the runForked goal as above and the test phase fails (because a test has failed) MockServer will not be stopped as Maven does not run any more phases after a phase has failed. In the case above theverify phase is not run if a test fails so the forked MockServer will not be stopped.

If you want to ensure MockServer is stopped even when there are test failures make sure you use start andstop goals as these run MockServer on a separate thread that is stopped however maven exits (even if a test fails).

MockServer can be run using the MockServerRule. The MockServerRule starts MockServer (for both mocking and proxying) on a free port before the any test runs and stops MockServer after all tests have completed.

MockServer can be run using the Test Extension MockServerExtension. The MockServerExtension starts MockServer (for both mocking and proxying) before the any test runs and stops MockServer after all tests have completed. 152ee80cbc

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