We wrote a book on Mathematics for Machine Learning that motivates people to learn mathematical concepts. The book is not intended to cover advanced machine learning techniques because there are already plenty of books doing this. Instead, we aim to provide the necessary mathematical skills to read those other books.

The third course, Dimensionality Reduction with Principal Component Analysis, uses the mathematics from the first two courses to compress high-dimensional data. This course is of intermediate difficulty and will require Python and numpy knowledge.

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As a deep learning practitioner with mathematical background I was yearning to have some satisfying mathematical framework of what I do in my every day job. In my opinion, very well fitted mathematical foundations of deep learning principles are captured simply by Empirical risk minimization (ERM) concept. I encourage everyone to read just Chapter 1 from The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory of V. Vapnik. In my opinion it is an eye opener.

Machine Learning is the field of study that gives computers the capability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Math is the core concept in machine learning which is used to express the idea within the machine learning model.

Since I am not really confident about my capacity in mathematics, I am taking this coursera specialization, is the course sufficient for elementary machine learning? Specially Andrew Ng's machine learning course? If not, what else do I need to learn?

I am relearning everything about mathematics, but I just want to make sure if I really need to learn all of the mathematics up to Multi-variable Calculus and Linear Algebra before starting on my journey on learning Machine Learning?

I have a (German) PhD in mathematics (in the field of PDEs). Particularly, I am used to applied analysis, optimal control theory, calculus of variations, some measure and probability theory, numerics and differential geometry. During my diploma, my minor subject was computer science. Hence, somehwere inside my head, I still have some knowledge on algorithms, computational geometry and geometric modelling.

My opinion is that it depends on which subarea of machine learning interests you. Unfortunately, at this point, much of the relevant literature (especially for theory) exists only in publications, rather than books. But this question is just about where to start, I suppose.

The more popular, "practically oriented" undergraduate targeting books like Hastie, The Elements of Statistical Learning, or Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning are essentially non-mathematical. Books that target the probabilistic model point of view, such as the ones by Murphy and Bach (Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective) and Koller et al (Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques) have a bit more mathematical content, mostly in the area of Bayesian modelling and applied probability (e.g., MCMC, variational inference). I think books in these categories are great introductions to ML, but perhaps not its mathematics.

One short-coming of the ML literature, as of writing, is the lack of introductory books helping people access the more mathematically demanding advanced literature (e.g., the game and information theory, and optimal transport concepts used to analyze deep generative models; differential geometry and spectral methods in manifold learning and Riemannian optimization for deep learning). Hopefully one day there will be more expository material to help introduce us to these more mathematically intensive areas.

Recent advancements of machine learning methods lave led to breakthroughs in a wide range of applications. In spite of their empirical successes, the theoretical understanding of machine learning techniques are far from complete. New tools from mathematics and statistics have been showing their power in explaining the mystery and more will be emerging. The purpose of this reading seminar is threefold: First to discuss recent research works that lie in the interface of machine learning, mathematics, statistics and etc; second to expose new research questions and foster collaborations between different groups and even different departments; and third to create new research opportunities for junior researchers and graduate students. All faculty, VAPs, graduate students are welcome to join.

Get an introduction to mathematics at Portsmouth from Professor Daniel Thomas, Head of the School of Mathematics and Physics, and colleagues. Explore our facilities and equipment, and discover more about your prospects as a maths graduate.

In particular, they can decide either to stay on straight mathematics, so what we call the BSc Mathematics, or to take different, more specialised paths. For example, mathematics for finance and management or mathematics with statistics.

So since the first year, our students learn that mathematics in its entirety has lots of real life applications. They also learn to work together as a team, and that makes them very valuable for companies once they finish their degree with us.

Daniel Thomas: The nice thing about our school is that the staff offices are right next to the lecture theatre and the computer lab. We have an open door policy because we want to support your learning the best we can. You can pop in our staff office any time during the day and ask our staff about the lectures or about the course material, any questions about mathematics that you may have.

James Burridge: In my research, I use tools of probability, physics, and machine learning to build models of language, and to understand what we can learn about people from the way they speak. My models use many different kinds of data, including detailed geographical information, large scale linguistic surveys and audio.

Using big data to model the real world, identifying patterns and making predictions are commercially valuable skills. Some people say they are driving a fourth industrial revolution. Here at Portsmouth, we will teach you the mathematics of modelling and prediction, which can be applied to problems in biology, health care and a whole range of commercial applications.

Using computer labs like this one, we will teach you state of the art machine learning techniques to solve real world problems. These can include recognising emotions from speech data, predicting and classifying images and modelling behaviour.

Daniel Thomas: The Technology Learning Centre at the ground floor of Lion Gate Building is a perfect space for students to study, to learn, to meet or just to hang out. We also use the space to offer our daily tutorials, the maths cafe, where our mathematics staff are providing tutorials to our mathematics students, where you can ask any questions about mathematics.

You'll get about 18 hours per week face-to-face contact time, plus support via video, phone and face-to-face from teaching and support staff to enhance your learning experience and help you succeed. You can build your personalised network of support from the following people and services:

The Maths Cafe offers advice and assistance with mathematical skills in a friendly, informal environment. You can come to our daily drop-in sessions, develop your mathematics skills at a workshop or use our online resources.

The workshop focuses on the interplay between mathematics, artificial intelligence and machine learning. The aim of the programme is to encourage mathematical research in these areas, to promote the dissemination of results and to facilitate interaction with other disciplines. Proposals for contributed talks are reserved for junior researchers; the presence of senior researchers is welcome. Participating and contributing is not restricted to UMI members, but is open to all interested researchers.

This course is an introduction to key mathematical concepts at the heart of machine learning. The focus is on matrix methods and statistical models and features real-world applications ranging from classification and clustering to denoising and recommender systems. Mathematical topics covered include linear equations, matrix rank, subspaces, regression, regularization, the singular value decomposition, and iterative optimization algorithms. Machine learning topics include least squares classification and regression, ridge regression, principal components analysis, principal components regression, kernel methods, matrix completion, support vector machines, clustering, stochastic gradient descent, neural networks, and deep learning. Students are expected to have taken a course in calculus and have exposure to numerical computing (e.g. Matlab, Python, Julia, or R). Knowledge of linear algebra and statistics is not assumed.

Students looking to pursue an academic career can rest assured that they will be well positioned to continue with their studies at leading global and Russian centres of applied mathematics, mathematical modelling and computer science. In previous years, graduates have continued their studies at Humboldt University (Berlin), Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble), Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (Bonn), University of Mannheim, ENSAE ParisTech (Paris), and Steklov Mathematical Institute (Moscow).

Past few moths have been going through a few ML/DL related courses, books, blogs and study materials, and I felt the lack of necessary mathematical intuition and frameworks. Specifically after completing Andrew Ng`s deep learning course found that a refresher on Math is necessary. So, after ~2 months I am happy to share that I have completed the Mathematics for Machine Learning by Imperial College London on Coursera. This is again a 3 course specialization which includes the below:

The above course covered topics primarily like Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Eigen-decomposition, LU Decomposition, Factorization, Symmetric Matrices, Orthogonalization & Orthonormalization, Matrix Operations, Projections, Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors, Vector Spaces and Norms, Differential and Integral Calculus, Partial Derivatives, Vector-Values Functions, Directional Gradient, Hessian, Jacobian, Laplacian and Lagragian Distribution etc. which somehow now helping me to understand more and better on the usage of various methods used in machine learning lifecycle. ff782bc1db

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