Gmail has an All Mail Label which shows a gmail message no matter which mailbox it's actually in. GMail's All Mail Folder is mapped to the Archive folder in Apple Mail. Until the message is completely deleted from all IMAP mailboxes, it will show in the All Mail Folder (or Archive Mailbox in Mail).

So many thanks with all the great responses, I have been messing with different memcache setups and various things in this install, so will go for another clean install and check the then try gmail@work again.

Prob have to do some reading as its not a domain but uses gmail.

Download Mail From Gmail

Download File 🔥 🔥

Connected straight away and the mail app is very much like the PDF viewer, excellent app, really good.

The initial sync took about 30 secs, the initial swirl to open inbox about 5 and the current message 10 secs max.

Hey Stuart, i was having similar troubles, as i use two step verification on my google account. The way that i got the nextcloud emailing feature to work was to make an app specific password for my nextcloud server by going to my google account settings and adding the application. Google then creates a password, which i used for the nextcloud server login (while keeping my typical username credentials the same). i hope this works for you too.

Also if you are sane and maybe just use a normal landscape monitor, it would be great if the mail app could buffer a page of emails, so it is one page in front.

To scroll down to the bottom of the emails and then grab the next page makes the mail app quite slow to use, but that is only a small quibble.

I have the same issue, impossible to connect to gmail.

I have less secure app enable, simple password, imap is open.

It should work, but it doesnt, someone is able to make it work with gmail or is it not possible ?


For long time, I'm trying to add my Gmail account to Microsoft Mail app on Windows 10. Every time I tried to add Gmail account, a error code 0x80070490 always brought up. I've researched online on this error code matter but nothing drastically troubleshooting steps found and no response directly from Windows Team on error code. Here are the steps that I've already performed on my computer multiple time's which also includes after every major updates of Windows 10. Note: When signing into my Gmail account, I give full access to access my account and when the app tried to access the account, that's when I get error code appear.

@p4sh4 losing my freaking mind with this too, I've got a laptop where I used my mail normally. yesterday my new laptop arrived and when I tried to log in, that error again and again and again, tried everything, loged off from everywhere, still nothing. I can't log with my two google accounts which I need because college and nothing, but the worse is that I can log normally into outlook but i just don't want to, I want Mail app

@p4sh4 losing my cracking psyche with this as well, I have a PC where I utilized my mail regularly. recently my new PC showed up and when I attempted to sign in, that mistake over and over and once more, had a go at everything, loged off from all over, as yet nothing. I can't log with my two google accounts which I need since school and nothing, yet the more awful is that I can log ordinarily into standpoint however I simply don't have any desire to, I need Mail application

Basically I'm looking to make the switch because of the native feel, but what other benefits do you see with the Apple Mail app? I understand that it may have advantages if you use multiple email addresses/services, but any compelling reasons to use if Gmail is the only email I use?

This question is a bit old, but as my previous instance of Jira Service Desk crashed when my company "updated" my computer at the exact sametime I was doing an update to JSD, I lost everything...thus I have had to redo everything. I was redoing my gmail settings and found that what I had previously put in was not working. Seems as if Google has changed their policy and is now requiring a Google App Password. It was very easy and worked like a charm.

Also when you login to that google account, does your account have 2-Step Verification turned on? If it does, Jira won't be able to login to this account. You might want to confirm you can login to this gmail account first, and then go to the link _source=OGB&utm_medium=act#signin

I know the email subject etc but I am unable use it to access the element. Gmail receives all its data as JSON and then build the entire page through js functions. So the webdriver is not able to access any of the elements built using the JSOn data received.

While running the webdriver test, after doing certain action if you expect an email then using JavaMail API poll (for a certain timeout if its not immediate) for the email in the background with certain 'subject' or 'sender' etc. Once the email is found then grab the link from the email content and then simulate a click using HTTPURLConnection

Axeva has the right idea. In short, move spam to the "[Gmail]/Spam" IMAP folder, which is how you mark a message as spam in IMAP-land. Likewise, move messages out of that folder if they're not spam (which is the same as clicking "Not Spam" in the web UI).

Unlike the other three special mailboxes, Mail doesn't store Junk messages on the server by default, the assumption being that there's no need to waste space on the server with messages you don't want in the first place. But Gmail automatically applies a Spam label to all suspected junk mail, which has the effect of keeping it out of your inbox and putting it in a Spam mailbox when viewed from an IMAP client. [...]

[...] My personal preference, is to go ahead and let Mail treat Gmail's Spam label/mailbox as the Junk mailbox for that account. This has no effect on the number of spam messages downloaded to your computer. What it does change is putting all the junk mail in one place and eliminating an extra mailbox - so I like it for the sake of tidiness. In addition, it means that whenever Mail marks a message as spam by moving it to the Junk mailbox, it also tells Gmail that the message is spam, helping to improve Gmail's spam filtering for all users at the same time Gmail helps to improve Mail's junk mail filtering by teaching it which messages it thinks are spam.

To set up the Junk mailbox in the way I prefer, first choose Mail > Preferences, click Junk Mail, and make sure the Enable Junk Mail Filtering box is checked. Under "When junk mail arrives," if the top radio button (Mark As Junk Mail, but Leave It in My Inbox) is selected, instead select Move It to the Junk Mailbox and click Move. Next, go back to the main Mail window, select Spam under [Gmail], and choose Mailbox > Use This Mailbox For > Junk. The Spam mailbox then disappears from under [Gmail] and reappears as a sub-mailbox under the main Junk item. Now, whether Gmail flags a message as spam, or Mail's Junk Mail filter does, or you manually mark a message as spam in either place, it'll show up in the same mailbox - the one Mail calls Junk, and Gmail's Web site calls Spam. [...]

> create project

APIs & Services

Fill in OAuth consent screen (External, support > user email, dev > user email, test user > user email)

Credentials > Create credentials > OAuth client ID > Desktop APP

I did my best to refer to the actual process in a concise manner, as much as I was able, for the reference...


For those more (or at all) familiar with google services, is there any practical downside or predictable and inevitable future failure to access one's emails through claws-mail (as in, is it futile, and I will still have to change mail client), to creating oauth2 credentials for claws-mail to use in this way to access gmail?

You create a Gmail draft template with placeholders thatcorrespond to data in a Sheets spreadsheet. Each column headerin a sheet represents a placeholder tag. The script sends the information foreach placeholder from the spreadsheet to the location of the correspondingplaceholder tag in your email draft.

If you change the name of the Recipient or EmailSent columns, you must update the corresponding code in theApps Script project. You can open the Apps Scriptproject from the spreadsheet byclicking Extensions >Apps Script.

The sample code includes a number of additional parameters, currently commented out, that let you control the name of the account the email is sent from, reply to email addresses, as well as Bcc and Cc email addresses.

By using email tracking to individually monitor group emails, you can gain insights into recipient behavior and personalize your communications and follow-ups accordingly. This allows for improved engagement, productivity, efficiency, and ultimately, better business outcomes.

Notifications and reminders driven on email tracking insights, let you know when it's time to get back to a previous email or conversation. This way you can keep track of important tasks and make sure you do not forget to follow up with important contacts.

With OpenHAB 4, the mail setup is slightly different, but the configuration options are still available. I have installed the Mail Binding and setup an SMTP Thing with it. I have defined the parameters as listed above and I am using a GMail application password. However, login is not possible, the log shows the following error:

2023-10-15 22:19:12.050 [WARN ] [ab.binding.mail.internal.SMTPHandler] - javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at

535 5.7.8 Can't sign in to your Google Account - Gmail Help o3-20020a05600c510300b004065d67c3c9sm5399840wms.8 - gsmtp

(The link in the error message does not work, though.)

I have set all parameters as defined above .Is this method known to still work with OH4 and the mail binding?

For the past several months, I have tried setting up my MF644CDW to scan to email. I've followed the instructions to the best of my ability, and read a number of posts on here... and yet, I'm still stuck. Turning to this forum in the hopes someone has cracked the code. ff782bc1db

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