Why limit yourself with keyboard and mouse recording? Insert custom commands and statements into your macros: "launch website", "open file", "wait for window", "goto", "shutdown" and many more. Add logic to your macros using the "IF - THEN" statement, "REPEAT X TIMES" statement.

Convert your macro to an EXE-file that runs on any windows-compatible computer (feel free to redistribute). To save space and improve performance the resulting EXE file is packed and compressed using the advanced optimization techniques.

Download Macro Recorder

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All recorded keystrokes and mouse activity can be saved to disk as a macro (script) for later use, bound to a hotkey, extended with custom commands or even compiled to an EXE file (a standalone Windows application). This macro recording program will save you a lot of time on repetitive tasks. You can use the Macro Recorder to automate ANY activity in ANY windows application, record on-screen tutorials.

This keyboard and mouse recorder can:record macros of your routine tasksor create macros from scratch using the macro editor and built-in commands like "open file", "shutdown", "launch website" and even for-loops and if-statements like in "big" programming languages.Make your own programs and macros - no programming skills required.

When you record a macro, the macro recorder records all the steps in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code. These steps can include typing text or numbers, clicking cells or commands on the ribbon or on menus, formatting cells, rows, or columns, or even importing data from an external source, say, Microsoft Access. Visual Basic Application (VBA) is a subset of the powerful Visual Basic programming language, and is included with most Office applications. Although VBA gives you the ability to automate processes within and between Office applications, it is not necessary to know VBA code or computer programming if the Macro Recorder does what you want.

It is important to know that you when you record a macro, the Macro Recorder captures almost every move you make. So if you make a mistake in your sequence, for example, clicking a button that you did not intend to click, the Macro Recorder will record it. The resolution is to re-record the entire sequence, or modify the VBA code itself. This is why whenever you record something, it's best to record a process with which you're highly familiar. The more smoothly you record a sequence, the more efficiently the macro will run when you play it back.

When you record a macro for performing a set of tasks in a range in Excel, the macro will only run on the cells within the range. So if you added an extra row to the range, the macro will not run the process on the new row, but only the cells within the range.

It is not necessary that only tasks in Excel can be recorded in a macro. Your macro process can extend to other Office applications, and any other applications that support Visual Basic Application (VBA). For example, you can record a macro where you first update a table in Excel and then open Outlook to email the table to an email address.

To assign a keyboard shortcut to run the macro, in the Shortcut key box, type any letter (both uppercase or lowercase will work) that you want to use. It is best to use Ctrl + Shift (uppercase) key combinations, because the macro shortcut key will override any equivalent default Excel shortcut key while the workbook that contains the macro is open. For instance, if you use Ctrl+Z (Undo), you will lose the ability to Undo in that Excel instance.

Although the description field is optional, it is recommended you enter one. Also, try to enter a meaningful description with any information that may be useful to you or other users who will be running the macro. If you create a lot of macros, the description can help you quickly identify which macro does what, otherwise you might have to guess.

You can work with recorded code in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) and add your own variables, control structures, and other code that the Macro Recorder cannot record. Since the macro recorder captures almost every step you take while recording, you can also clean up any unnecessary recorded code that serves no purpose in the macro. Reviewing your recorded code is a great way to learn or sharpen your VBA programming skills.

When you record a macro for performing a set of tasks in a range in Excel, the macro will only run on the cells within the range. So if you added an extra row to the range, the macro will not run the process on the new row, but only the cells within the original range.

To assign a keyboard shortcut to run the macro, in the Shortcut key box, type any letter (both uppercase or lowercase will work) that you want to use. It is best to use key combinations that don't correspond to existing shortcut keys, as a macro shortcut key will override any equivalent default Excel shortcut key while the workbook that contains the macro is open.

Although the description field is optional, it is recommended you enter one. It's helpful to enter a meaningful description with any information that may be useful to you or other users who will be running the macro. If you create a lot of macros, the description can help you quickly identify which macro does what, otherwise you might have to guess.

so that in one run of this macro one can process several images successively.

The idea is to spare some redundant pre-settings for every new run if we were doing one image/macro run.

It also makes it easier for users as it is kind of a builtin batch processing.

This works quite nicely. Now I was wondering if I can have it macro-recordable.

The recorder indeed output something but the field of the list file input is weird


or some such, a few questions have to answered first, e.g. how do we losslessly convert from that comma-separated string to the file list and vice versa? What separators and quotation characters are used so that it works in a backwards compatible way with IJ1-style macros? etc.

Just bought Afinity Photo Desktop Mac in hopes of moving from photoshop completely. One activity I do a ton of is exporting for web. I'll process a large photo then use a macro to scale the image down to a specific size, then export as a JPG or PNG to a specific folder.

Unfortunately it isn't possible to record Exporting in a macro, however you can create your macro then use Batch Processing to apply the macro to multiple files and export them all in one step. You can find out more about this from the videos below!

Resizing and exporting can be done automatically with File > New Batch Job without the need for a macro. 

In the case of exporting to JPG files you can also set the quality/compression you want in the exported files

I encountered a problem when running and recording an IJ2 command.

So far (at least last time I tested something like that some time ago), recording of IJ2 plugins using the @Parameter recorded all parameters from the auto generated dialog.

Today, I encountered that this did not work anymore. The recorder records still the run("......."); part but without the user defined parameters.

Is there anything I am missing or was there any change in how to code the plugin to make it macro recordable?

Potentially, some interested in the issue could test this on any IJ2 plugin to just confirm if it is a global problem or if I have a mistake in my workflow.

Thanks in advance

I want to record very simple steps as a starting setup for editing images, but the recorder will not allow moving or grouping of layers and adjustments as far as I can tell. Is there a way around this?

The macro recorder needs to know the explicit relationship between start and finish. When you try to move, you should get a dialogue box asking where or how you want to move your layer, typically something like 'one down' or 'one up from the bottom'. Just tick the appropriate box.

While I didn't understand the dialogues correctly, I stil can't get the macro to allow me to move a layer - it just says "cannot record more". I can select a different one and get the dialoue you mention, but not move.

I would like to build a macro (using the Macro-Recorder) for a paste-special task: I have 3 groups of 3 elements in column A, and I would like to copy the transponse of each group starting from the second row (in columns C,D,E) as showed in the picture below.

I tried to do this by turning on the macro recorder while performing the paste-special operation once, but then the macro works only for the data I have on the cells where I record the macro (e.g., if I record the macro using the range A2:A4, that's the only place where input data can be transposed). Is there a proper way to use the macro-recorder for such task?

The macro recorder isn't the most useful tool. Most experienced VBA programmers use it only for quick experiments to discover some detail about how the Excel object model works and then throw away the actual code.

2) Select the cell or range whose modification you are trying to record. Recorded macros which begin by selecting a cell are typically not as useful as recorded macros in which you have carefully thought of what you want selected before recording.

The way you use such a recorded macro is to first select the cells that you want to change and then invoke the macro. It will perform on the selected cells the same action that you did on the other selected cells -- but with all offsets, etc. relative to your current selection. 17dc91bb1f

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