Hey folks! Can anyone tell me which guns are affected by the "Machine Gunner" and Fortitude talents in A18? I am guessing the new M60 machine gun and possibly the SMG? I wonder if attaching the fully-auto mod to a gun would give it the bonus?

TLDR, the Machine Gunner archetype is the closest that actual support players have ever been to getting what they've always wanted. The ability to set up a machine gun, and outclass everyone at medium range. DICE just needs to make some small changes to have the MMGs be worth being stationary for.

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And the players who want to use the machine guns like machine guns by setting up in a good position and defending against anyone approaching or challenging the position, or by setting up in a position to support their attacking allies. These people are complaining that the MMG category is not strong enough balance wise to actually be worth being stationary.

The Machine Gunners is a children's historical novel by Robert Westall, published by Macmillan in 1975. Set in northeastern England shortly after the Battle of Britain (February 1941), it features children who find a crashed German aircraft with a machine gun and ammunition; they build a fortress and capture and imprison a German gunner. The author also wrote a play based on the book, and others have adapted it for television and radio. A sequel, Fathom Five, set two years later, was published in 1979.

Set during the Second World War the story follows six children living in the fictional town of Garmouth which regularly suffers bombing raids by the German Luftwaffe. When Chas McGill finds a crashed German Heinkel 111 bomber he removes a fully operational machine gun and over 2000 rounds of ammunition. With the help of his friends, Cem, Clogger, Carrot Juice, Audrey and Nicky they set up their own den called "Fortress Caporetto", named after a World War I battle in which Chas's grandfather fought.

During an attack by a Bf 110 fighter, the children fire their gun at the plane. They miss but the plane is shot down. The pilot is killed but the rear gunner, Rudi Gerlath, bails out. He discovers the children's hidden fortress and is promptly detained by the children, who take his pistol, even though their machine gun is damaged and inoperable.

The children do not hand the German over to the authorities, but keep him prisoner at their fort. The children bribe the German with the offer of a boat if he will repair their machine gun. He agrees and mends it before being taken to the dock where he rows off. The same night the church bells ring signalling a German invasion. The children hurry to the fortress but do not see anything; it was a false alarm. Out at sea, Rudi finds he does not have the strength to row to German-occupied Norway and is forced back to England and rejoins the children at the fortress.

A tank without a hull gunner is the same as a bomber with no side or rear gunners. Most tanks have hull gunners, all Shermans had hull gunners. Like in the film Fury, the main character is the replacement crew member for the original hull gunner who was killed.

That is why they set it to prioritize certain positions. Like replace the gunner or loader before the port gunner or driver. Replace the crew in such an order that it will get the main gun back up as fast as can do.

The Port gunner is the least useful member yes, but his role can be useful if the Main gunner and Loader are up as well as the turret may not be facing forward therefore the Main gun viewport cannot see forward but the Port gunner can.

If the Commander is killed then the rest of the crew would most likely just become a mobile bunker or a stationary fighting platform. If the Port gunner is killed then it is the job of the Main gunner to intercept any and all threats.

The Marine Corps has approved requests by two women to move into infantry military occupational specialties. One woman has been approved to become a rifleman and another to become a machine gunner, said Marine Corps spokesman Capt. Philip Kulczewski, a Marine spokesman at the Pentagon.

When ordering infantry machine gunners to open fire on armoured vehicles like the BMP they stand around pointing their guns in the direction but not firing. It's the same problem with some vehicles e.g the Vodnik where the A.I gunners won't shoot at armoured vehicles.

machine guns against armored vehicles? the Bmp series has all around protection against 12.7mm no way any infantry portable machinegun will do anything against an APC such as that, the vodnik is armored as well from small arms fire short of a 12.7mm... the AI will only use AT weapons against armored vehicles but will not use machine guns against something which they can not damage. you can change the AI set skill. there are plenty of information of the web about Arma Ai and how to change their settings to act accordingly. and going back to the weapons i think they have to be configed to shoot at targets properly for instance Air to Air missles will only work on Air targets ect...

As some of you may know, I put a classified advertisement into a local bi-monthly community news paper that I buy WWII militaria. Pickings have been slim lately, but I recently I hit a treasure trove of items from a local family of a WWII Marine Corp, rear machine gunner on the Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bomber. He was a member of the VMSB-331 squadron that was based in the Marshall islands. I have this flyers log book and I can tell you he saw a lot of combat action in the Pacific Theater in the Midway and Marshal islands. I will be writing a detailed article about him, his exploits and the rest of the treasures I acquired from the family.

@rambob Thanks for this post. My father was the tail gunner/photographer of an SDB-5 in VMB-331 from '42 to '43. I'm curious if he knew or knew of this individual. My father survived his tour in the Pacific and turns 99 YO this year. Sadly, his memories of the war have faded.

Serving four years in the Marines including being stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, as well as stationed in the Middle East and in the chilly Artic Circle, Mackay trained as a machine gunner by completing Infantry Training School and an Advanced Machine Gunners School. He was responsible for the tactical employment of the 7.62mm medium machine gun. Machine gunners, like Mackay, provide direct fire in support of rifle squads, platoons and companies.

What is the result of such misinformed beliefs? The result is almost always over-trading; indeed, most beginning traders are like machine-gunners; spraying bullets (money) at everything they deem to be a trade and likely causing more damage to their trading accounts than good. The first step that you need to make if you want to trade more like a sniper and less like a machine-gunner, is to truly accept that less is more in trading.

Sniper-like trading breeds confidence and discipline. The more you strive to trade like a sniper and less like a machine-gunner, the more your trading confidence and discipline will improve. This is because you will be rewarded for patience, and as you start to see your patience pay off over time, you will want to maintain it.

South Carolina Air National Guard Staff Sgt. Julio Medina, foreground, fires an M249 machine gun at his target while Tech. Sgt. Ismeal Fierro looks on during heavy weapons training at Poinsett Electronic Combat Range, Sumter, S.C., Sept. 17, 2017. Medina is a police officer and Fierro is a combat arms instructor assigned to the 169th Security Forces Squadron. South Carolina Air National Guard photo by Tech. Sgt. Jorge Intriago

The Machine Gunner is a role in Fireteam. Your job is to suppress the enemy, limiting their combat ability. This role is crucial since suppressed enemies are less able to hit shots when they are worried about the machine gun.

Never go alone - Just because you wield a machine gun does not make you a juggernaut, rifle shots will still be able to kill you, besides, it's not called a support gun for nothing. Stick with your fireteam if your FTL says so, or stay with the main attacking/defending force to help with the offense/defense.

Fire in Bursts - While it may be tempting to just hold down the trigger, burst firing has many advantages. It keeps the enemy guessing when you will fire next, and keeps them suppressed. It also helps conserve ammo. You may be surprised at how quickly you can run out of ammo with a machinegun.

Use Your Secondary in CQB - A machinegun's large size and unwieldiness means your character will often pull it back when close to walls, usually interrupting your fire, which can be especially fatal when clearing buildings. A pistol, being small, does not have this disadvantage.

Suppress - Suppressing limits your combat ability, and if an enemy pushes an objective you definitely want them gone. Suppressing reduces their vision and gives them panic attacks, though they will know where you are, you can stall long enough for a teammate to finish off the enemy. A machine gunner's position should allow for increased defense, without compromising their ability to see and attack enemies. Roofs and second storey windows are common choices for machine gunners.

PFC Hodgson was awarded the Purple Heart on August 29, 1951, after receiving gunshot wounds while helping move his unit to safety while under enemy fire during the Korean War. Hodgson served as a machine gunner and fought in the battles of Bloody Ridge and Heartbreak Ridge. In addition to the replaced Purple Heart medal, Hodgson earned a second Purple Heart and the Silver Star Medal (the U.S. Armed Forces third-highest military decoration for valor in combat) for his service. e24fc04721

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