Dilansir dari laman resminya, mobile banking Bank Jatim adalah salah satu e-channel yang memungkinkan nasabah untuk melakukan transaksi dengan mengirimkan perintah melalui koneksi paket data internet.

Aplikasi mobile banking Bank Jatim tersedia pada platform smartphone Android, iOS, dan Blackberry. Berbeda dengan SMS Banking Bank Jatim yang menggunakan SMS, smartphone Anda cukup terhubung dengan internet untuk dapat menikmati layanan mobile banking Bank Jatim.

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Beberapa layanan perbankan yang bisa diakses nasabah melalui aplikasi mobile banking Bank Jatim antara lain cek saldo, mutasi rekening, suku bunga, transfer antar-bank, transfer ke sesama rekening Bank Jatim, pembayaran PDAM, pajak PBB, Telkom, tagihan pasca-bayar, pembelian pulsa, tiket pesawat, kereta api dan berbagai fitur lainnya.

In addition to this, the digital banking of Bank Jatim also demonstrates an increase. JConnect, throughout the first half, had generated positive numbers. The users of JConnect Mobile in the first half of 2023 had reached 566 thousand, growing 30% yoy. Meanwhile, its transactions arrived at IDR 3.4 trillion, 35% higher compared to the numbers in H1 2022.

Indonesia is a country with a majority of Muslim population. It is common for sharia banking in this country to grow and develop. Its growth and development are enlivened by various sharia banks that compete in national competitions.

There are three Regional Development Banks (BPD) UUS which have the best title for sharia bank. East Java, along with its Bank Jatim Syariah UUS, has not been able to reach the sixth best rank on a national scale. This becomes an interesting problem to be researched, discussed and debated among practitioners and academics. It is about why UUS, which is located in one of the provinces on the Java Island that has a dense economic transaction, cannot win the title of the six best sharia banks on a national scale.

Indeed, East Java is one of the provinces with economic traffic that is no less crowded than Jakarta, West Java & Banten, Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. East Java has a bank that is an icon and characteristic of East Java, i.e. PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur, Tbk, commonly referred to as Bank Jatim. Currently, Bank Jatim has a Sharia Business Unit (UUS) or called Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya which was established based on Bank Indonesia Letter Number 9/75/DS/Sb dated April 4, 2007 concerning: Approval of the Principles of Establishment of Sharia Business Units (UUS), Office Opening Sharia Branch and Sharia Supervisory Board Members as well as Bank Indonesia Letter Number 9/148/DPIP/Prz/Sb dated July 24, 2007 concerning: Permission for Opening of Sharia Branch Offices. ( ).

Brand image on sharia banks is the perception that appears in the minds of the public towards sharia banks; does the sharia bank have a positive image or vice versa. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008), a brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of all that shows the identity of a product or service from a seller or group of sellers and distinguishes the product from competing products.

So that the formation of a brand image in a Sharia Bank becomes important in order to lead positive opinions among the people of their awareness to save and do all financial transactions in a Sharia Bank; in this case, Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya. The more important is the creation of customer satisfaction in Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya because customer satisfaction is the estuary of the sustainability of the sharia banking business. In a research conducted by Kurniawati (2014), brand image has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. That is also supported by Lahap et al (2015) research which concluded that there is a positive correlation between brand image and customer satisfaction. However, there is one research conducted by Sondakh (2014) that found a negative correlation between brand image and customer satisfaction (study on BNI Taplus Branch customers). Based on the above two different research findings, it becomes an interesting object to study about how brand image actually corelates to customer satisfaction.

Sharia banking service competition to customers is one of the attractions for customers who cannot be ignored. This is a factor that creates customer satisfaction in each sharia bank. However, customer satisfaction must also be accompanied by customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction is related to what is expressed by customers about their perceptions and expectations of the services they obtain. Meanwhile, loyalty is related to what customers do after interacting in the service process. This concept implies that customer satisfaction is not enough because complacency or dissatisfaction is only one form of emotion. Besides, customer loyalty is equally relevant to be analyzed. Based on a research conducted by Izogo and Ogba (2015), service quality is positively related to customer satisfaction and loyalty. There are also other researches that support it; i.e. a research conducted by Sondakh (2014) which concluded that service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Moreover, customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty. Parasuraman in Kheng et al (2010) stated that service means the degree of difference arising from the service process and the interaction between service providers and customers.

The brand image and service quality of sharia bank of is very important for the creation of customer satisfaction and loyalty. This is an interesting thing for Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya which is still very early in starting its business in the national domain. The customers are mostly engaged in the private sector and various levels of society in which the number of customers is not yet relatively large compared to Bank Jatim (conventional).

The spin off issue has been stated in the banking rules by the FSA. Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya, which was inaugurated in 2007, has the opportunity of the Financial Services Authority to grow and develop until it is feasible to spin off. What is meant by spin off is

By the enactment of these regulations, Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya is encouraged to do the best for its growth and readiness to become a BUS. Meanwhile, customer loyalty is important as a capital of readiness. Customer loyalty will be difficult to form if it is not accompanied by excellent service. In the preparation for spin off, how is the readiness of Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya for its services to its customers? In addition, what is the brand image of Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya in the minds of the public; considering that Bank Jatim Syariah has not been able to achieve the title of the best UUS sharia bank on a national scale.

Based on empirical studies and the results of an explanation of Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya, this bank is one of the Islamic banks in East Java which contributed performance results in the ranking of Indonesia's sharia banking management even though it was relatively early in its development and breakthroughs for its progress. The preparation in welcoming spin off makes a condition for Bank Jatim Syariah to be able to develop and progress in accordance with the expectations of all stakeholders.

Does the brand image of Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya create satisfaction in the community when they become customers of Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya? Besides, how is the service quality of Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya which is an appropriate strategy to make loyal and satisfied customers? A good brand image supported by reliable service quality to realize customer satisfaction and loyalty is the key to the success and sustainability of the Islamic banking business and determine the ranking of sharia banking management on a national scale.

This bank provides convenience in transactions. This bank has a very clean image. This bank is luxurious. This bank is a place that is suitable for high class (luxury). I become special by visiting this bank. This bank staff is very kind. This bank has a long history. This bank has a different image than the others.

SERVQUAL (Service Quality) has proven to be a model that has been widely used in various organizations and industries to measure service quality including the banking industry (Siddiqi, 2011). Although management has implemented the five dimensions of service quality as a reference for the application of the marketing concept, sometimes there are gaps or distances between the service quality perceived and accepted by customers with what they expect. Quality gaps are important because it is the overall assessment of the customer to what is expected compared to what is received (Lovelock and Wright, 2007).

Lahap et al (2015) elaborated customer satisfaction indicators as follows: hotel employees are friendly to customers, how well staff or managers know customers, how well banks listen to customer needs, convenient services, timeliness of bank staff in serving customers, bank administration fees, cheap banking product prices, affordable bank locations, easy bank access from airports and highways, good interior design/bank decoration, good facilities in the bank lobby, facilities offered by banks, excellent quality of bank services.

According to Pitchayadejanant & Nakpathom (2016), loyalty indicators include: I am happy to recommend this bank to others, I am proud to be a customer of this bank, this bank is my first choice, I will choose this bank continuously, this bank is very interesting, I want using this bank, this bank is good.

Regarding the brand image of sharia bank in the minds of customers of Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya, it appears that the overall average of the brand image variable is 3.66, which means that respondents tend to agree with the statement that the bank has a good brand image. The overall average of service quality variable is 3.87 which means that respondents tend to agree with the statement that Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya has good service quality. The overall analysis shows that the average of service quality variable is 3.94. Based on the predetermined class intervals, respondents tend to agree with the statement that customers have high satisfaction with the services of Bank Jatim Syariah Surabaya. The analysis results show that the overall average of service quality variable is 3.98 which illustrates that respondents tend to agree with the statement that customers have high loyalty. 2351a5e196

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