The chorus emphasizes the importance of giving and generosity. The reference to the Bible indicates that the lyrics draw inspiration from religious teachings that promote compassion and giving. The line "Blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that taketh" emphasizes the positive impact and divine blessings associated with acts of giving.

It says blessed is the hand that giveth

Than the one that taketh

Blessed is the hand that giveth

Than the one that taketh

Blessed is the hand that giveth

Than the one that taketh

Download Lucky Dube Song Blessed Is The Hand That Giveth

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I write for my own amusement, at the risk of wearyingthe reader who may have the patience to go throughthis volume. But, as Nature has made me compassionate,I will give this dear reader a little good advice. He hadbetter throw away the unlucky book without taking thetrouble to criticise it, which would be making it muchtoo important, and would be, moreover, but wasted laborfor the serious critic; for, unlike that old Archbishopof Granada, so touchy on the subject of his sermons, ofwhom Gil Blas has told us, I am, for my part, blessedwith an easy humor, and, instead of retorting to mycritic, "I wish you good luck and very much bettertaste," I will frankly admit that my book has a thousandfaults, of most of which I have a lively consciousness.

"'My dear child,' said he, 'our overwrought imaginationoften cheats us with illusions which must be relegatedto the realms of dream. Nevertheless, the Churchteaches us that such marvels can really take place. Itis not for us in our ignorance to set limit to the powerof God. It is not for us to question the decrees of Himwho took the worlds into his hand and launched theminto space. I accept, then, the vision, and I will explainit to you. This priest, coming from the tomb to say amass, doubtless obtained God's permission to fulfill partof his sacred ministry which he had left undone; andthe sexton, by forgetfulness or negligence, was probablythe cause of his omission. The children crownedwith immortelles are those who died with their baptismalgrace unimpaired. They who carried baskets offlowers or vases of perfume are those whose mothers164gave them up to God with holy resignation, comfortedby the thought that they were exchanging this worldof pain for the celestial country and the ineffable lightabout the throne. In the little cups of gold and silverwere the tears of mothers who, though torn by the anguishof their loss yet taught themselves to cry: "TheLord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be thename of the Lord."'

The trees were once more clothed in their wontedgreen after the passing of a northern winter. Thewoods and fields were enameled in a thousand colors,and the birds were raising their cheerful voices to greetthe spring of the year 1759. All Nature smiled; onlyman seemed sorrowful and cast down; and the laborerno more lifted his gay song, and the greater portion ofthe lands lay fallow for lack of hands to till them. Acloud hung over all New France, for the mother country,a veritable step-mother, had abandoned her Canadianchildren. Left to its own resources, the Governmenthad called to arms every able-bodied man to defend thecolony against the invasion that menaced it. The Englishhad made vast preparations. Their fleet, consistingof twenty ships of the line, ten frigates, and eighteensmaller vessels, accompanied by a number of transports,and carrying eighteen thousand men, was ascending the168St. Lawrence under the command of General Wolfe;while two land armies, yet more numerous, were movingto effect a junction under the very walls of Quebec. e24fc04721

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