In 1646, his father fell and broke his hip, a devastating injury in that time. The two doctors that worked with his father over the next few months happened to be devout Catholics (though they were a part of the small but growing Jansenist sect). Through their friendship and conversations with him, Pascal started to think seriously about religion for the first time in his life.

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I have said above that Pascal's method is "on the whole"that of the typical Christian apologist; and this reservationwas directed at Pascal's belief in miracles, which plays alarger part in his construction than it would in that, at least,of the modern liberal Catholic. It would seem fantastic toaccept Christianity because we first believe the Gospelmiracles to be true, and it would seem impious to accept itprimarily because we believe more recent miracles to betrue; we accept the miracles, or some miracles, to be truebecause we believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ: we found ourbelief in the miracles on the Gospel, not our belief in the Gospelon the miracles. But it must be remembered that Pascalhad been deeply impressed by a contemporary miracle, knownas the miracle of the Holy Thorn: a thorn reputed to havebeen preserved from the Crown of Our Lord was pressed uponan ulcer which quickly healed. Sainte-Beuve, who as a medicalman felt himself on solid ground, discusses fully the possibleexplanation of this apparent miracle. It is true that themiracle happened at Port-Royal, and that it arrived opportunelyto revive the depressed spirits of the community inits political afflictions; and it is likely that Pascal was themore inclined to believe a miracle which was performed uponhis beloved sister. In any case, it probably led him to assigna place to miracles, in his study of faith, which is not quitethat which we should give to them ourselves.

Saint Augustine has distinctly said that strength would betaken away from the righteous. But it is by chance that hesaid it; for it might have happened that the occasion of sayingit did not present itself. But his principles make us see thatwhen the occasion for it presented itself, it was impossible thathe should not say it, or that he should say anything to thecontrary. It is then rather that he was forced to say it, when theoccasion presented itself, than that he said it, when the occasionpresented itself, the one being of necessity, the other of chance.But the two are all that we can ask.

The world having grown old in these carnal errors, JesusChrist came at the time foretold, but not with the expectedglory; and thus men did not think it was He. After His death,Saint Paul[248] came to teach men that all these things had happenedin allegory; that the kingdom of God did not consist in theflesh, but in the spirit; that the enemies of men were not theBabylonians, but the passions; that God delighted not in templesmade with hands, but in a pure and contrite heart; that thecircumcision of the body was unprofitable, but that of theheart was needed; that Moses had not given them the breadfrom heaven, etc.[249]

Two great revelations are these. (1) All things happenedto them in types: vere Isralit, vere liberi, true bread fromHeaven. (2) A God humbled to the Cross. It was necessarythat Christ should suffer in order to enter into glory, "that Heshould destroy death through death."[257] Two advents.

Moses, who wrote all these things so long before they happened,himself assigned to each family portions of that land before theyentered it, as though he had been its ruler. [In fact he declaredthat God was to raise up from their nation and their race aprophet, of whom he was the type; and he foretold them exactlyall that was to happen to them in the land which they were toenter after his death, the victories which God would give them,their ingratitude towards God, the punishments which theywould receive for it, and the rest of their adventures.] Hegave them judges who should make the division. He prescribedthe entire form of political government which theyshould observe, the cities of refuge which they should build,and ...

And it happened that in the fourth monarchy, before thedestruction of the second temple, etc., the heathen in greatnumber worshipped God, and led an angelic life. Maidensdedicated their virginity and their life to God. Men renouncedtheir pleasures. What Plato could only make acceptable to afew men, specially chosen and instructed, a secret influenceimparted, by the power of a few words, to a hundred millionignorant men.

The prophecies having given different signs which shouldall happen at the advent of the Messiah, it was necessary thatall these signs should occur at the same time. So it wasnecessary that the fourth monarchy should have come, whenthe seventy weeks of Daniel were ended; and that the sceptreshould have then departed from Judah. And all this happenedwithout any difficulty. Then it was necessary that the Messiahshould come; and Jesus Christ then came, who was called theMessiah. And all this again was without difficulty. This indeedshows the truth of the prophecies.

Miracles are no longer necessary, because we have had themalready. But when tradition is no longer minded; when thePope alone is offered to us; when he has been imposed upon;and when the true source of truth, which is tradition, is thusexcluded; and the Pope, who is its guardian, is biased; thetruth is no longer free to appear. Then, as men speak no longerof truth, truth itself must speak to men. This is what happenedin the time of Arius. (Miracles under Diocletian and underArius.)

That which hinders us in comparing what formerly occurredin the Church with what we see there now, is that we generallylook upon Saint Athanasius,[362] Saint Theresa, and the rest, ascrowned with glory, and acting towards us as gods. Now thattime has cleared up things, it does so appear. But at the timewhen he was persecuted, this great saint was a man calledAthanasius; and Saint Theresa was a nun. "Elias was a mansubject to like passions as we are," says Saint James, to disabuseChristians of that false idea which makes us reject theexample of the saints, as disproportioned to our state. "Theywere saints," say we, "they are not like us." What thenactually happened? Saint Athanasius was a man called Athanasius,accused of many crimes, condemned by such and sucha council for such and such a crime. All the bishops assentedto it, and finally the Pope. What said they to those whoopposed this? That they disturbed the peace, that theycreated schism, etc.

When he was 31 years old, less than eightyears before his death, Pascal had an overwhelming experienceof the presence of God. He apparently made hasty notes, duringthe vision or immediately afterwards, so that he might alwayshave at hand a reminder of what had happened to him. He transcribedthese onto a piece of parchment and sewed it into the liningof his coat, where his servant found it after his death. Thereis no evidence of his having mentioned the experience to anyonewhile he lived. The parchment reads as follows (Bible referencesadded; translation by Emile Caillet and John C. Blankenagel,Great Shorter Works of Pascal, Philadelphia, Westminster Press,1948):

The next article will begin where most Pascalian scholars agree Pascal planned to begin in order to rouse his skeptical friends from their illusion of security and make them wish Christianity were true. It just so happened to be the one subject they least wanted to think or talk about: death.

Blaise pascal (1623-1662) was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer, and theologian. He revolutionized the world from an early age, with inventions ranging from the first calculator to the first public transportation service.

His main contributions include Pascal's theorem, pascalin, the existence of a vacuum or his experiments on atmospheric pressure. He was a man whose purpose was to change the way the world worked and to hand all his knowledge into the hands of science. e24fc04721

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