Microsoft Entra logs all sign-ins into an Azure tenant, which includes your internal apps and resources. As an IT administrator, you need to know what the values in the sign-in logs mean, so that you can interpret the log values correctly.

Reviewing sign-in errors and patterns provides valuable insight into how your users access applications and services. The sign-in logs provided by Microsoft Entra ID are a powerful type of activity log that you can analyze. This article explains how to access and utilize the sign-in logs.

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The preview view of the sign-in logs includes interactive and non-interactive user sign-ins as well as service principal and managed identity sign-ins. You can still view the classic sign-in logs, which only include interactive sign-ins.

Interactive sign-ins are performed by a user. They provide an authentication factor to Microsoft Entra ID. That authentication factor could also interact with a helper app, such as the Microsoft Authenticator app. Users can provide passwords, responses to MFA challenges, biometric factors, or QR codes to Microsoft Entra ID or to a helper app. This log also includes federated sign-ins from identity providers that are federated to Microsoft Entra ID.

Previously, some non-interactive sign-ins from Microsoft Exchange clients were included in the interactive user sign-in log for better visibility. This increased visibility was necessary before the non-interactive user sign-in logs were introduced in November 2020. However, it's important to note that some non-interactive sign-ins, such as those using FIDO2 keys, might still be marked as interactive due to the way the system was set up before the separate non-interactive logs were introduced. These sign-ins might display interactive details like client credential type and browser information, even though they're technically non-interactive sign-ins.

Previously, when reviewing the logs for this situation, the sign-in logs for the home tenant (in this scenario, Contoso) didn't show a sign-in attempt because the token wasn't granting access to a resource with any claims. The sign-in token was only used to display the appropriate failure message.

Passthrough sign-in attempts now appear in the home tenant sign-in logs and any relevant tenant restriction sign-in logs. This update provides more visibility into user sign-in attempts from your users and deeper insights into your tenant restriction policies.

The service principal sign-in logs don't include first-party, app-only sign-in activity. This type of activity happens when first-party apps get tokens for an internal Microsoft job where there's no direction or context from a user. We exclude these logs so you're not paying for logs related to internal Microsoft tokens within your tenant.

You might identify Microsoft Graph events that don't correlate to a service principal sign-in if you're routing MicrosoftGraphActivityLogs with SignInLogs to the same Log Analytics workspace. This integration allows you to cross reference the token issued for the Microsoft Graph API call with the sign-in activity. The UniqueTokenIdentifier for sign-in logs and the SignInActivityId in the Microsoft Graph activity logs would be missing from the service principal sign-in logs.

When Microsoft Entra logs multiple sign-ins that are identical other than time and date, those sign-ins are from the same entity and are aggregated into a single row. A row with multiple identical sign-ins (except for date and time issued) has a value greater than one in the # sign-ins column. These aggregated sign-ins might also appear to have the same time stamps. The Time aggregate filter can set to 1 hour, 6 hours, or 24 hours. You can expand the row to see all the different sign-ins and their different time stamps.

The IP address of non-interactive sign-ins performed by confidential clients doesn't match the actual source IP of where the refresh token request is coming from. Instead, it shows the original IP used for the original token issuance.

To make it easier to digest the data in the service principal sign-in logs, service principal sign-in events are grouped. Sign-ins from the same entity under the same conditions are aggregated into a single row. You can expand the row to see all the different sign-ins and their different time stamps. Sign-ins are aggregated in the service principal report when the following data matches:

To make it easier to digest the data, managed identities for Azure resources sign-in logs, non-interactive sign-in events are grouped. Sign-ins from the same entity are aggregated into a single row. You can expand the row to see all the different sign-ins and their different time stamps. Sign-ins are aggregated in the managed identities report when all of the following data matches:

You can view Microsoft 365 activity logs from the Microsoft 365 admin center. Microsoft 365 activity and Microsoft Entra activity logs share a significant number of directory resources. Only the Microsoft 365 admin center provides a full view of the Microsoft 365 activity logs.

Note: Ensure to redact or scrub user passwords from the HAR files that you upload, if relevant. If necessary, you can ensure that users change their passwords after the logs have been captured.

I'm particularly interested in this for looking at the output of oneshot services that run on a timer. The --unit flag is close, but it concatenates all the runs of the service together. The most obvious way I can think of would be to filter on PID, but that makes me worry about PID reuse / services that fork, and getting the last PID is pretty inconvenient. Is there some other identifier that corresponds to a single run of a service, that I could use to filter the logs?

I'm not sure which timestamp makes the most sense but this works for me. Hopefully there is a better way of working with the timestamps from systemctl show than awk - could not figure out how to control the format of timestamps.

Now when I view the logs through FGT (Log & Report), and log location is set as FortiAnalyzer, it only ever shows the last 1 hour of logs / events. However, when look at the same logs on the FAZ WebGUI, the older entries are there.

Hi guys, on the picture below you can see the VPN fails. I made a custom dashboard for viewing it. I want to download these logs automatically weekly. Is it possible to do this in Wazuh? (I know that all logs are being saved on /var/ossec/logs/alerts but it's not what i need. I need the csv format of these logs automatically instead of downloading them manually)

I need some advice on implementing a centralized logging solution with AWS Cloudwatch logs. I want to take advantage of CloudWatch Insights that was recently released as it provides all the functionality that I need.

I thought of sending my application logs to the Cloudwatch of a central account with Cloudwatch logs agent. I was able to send the logs using the credentials of a user in the central account but I want to avoid doing it this way. I tried with IAM roles but it seems like the agent doesn't support assuming cross-account roles.

CloudWatch Logs enables you to centralize the logs from all of your systems, applications, and AWS services that you use, in a single, highly scalable service. You can then easily view them, search them for specific error codes or patterns, filter them based on specific fields, or archive them securely for future analysis. CloudWatch Logs enables you to see all of your logs, regardless of their source, as a single and consistent flow of events ordered by time.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a web service you can use for rapid andcontinuous data intake and aggregation. The type of data used includes ITinfrastructure log data, application logs, social media, market data feeds, andweb clickstream data. Because the response time for the data intake andprocessing is in real time, processing is typically lightweight. For moreinformation, see What isAmazon Kinesis Data Streams? in the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Developer Guide.

The New Relic Event Hub ARM template allows you to attach a consumer to an existing or new Event Hub to forward the incoming stream of logs to New Relic. By using this setup, you can configure multiple Azure resources to send their logs to an Event Hub and have these logs automatically forwarded to New Relic. The template also allows you to easily configure your subscription Activity Logs to be sent to New Relic.

By default, this template only configures the function and resources needed to forward logs from an Event Hub to New Relic. We can also configure the subscription Activity Logs to be forwarded, but there isn't a default log forwarding from your Azure resources. If you want to forward logs from any resource that produces them, you need to configure it by creating a diagnostic setting for the given resource.

For example, if you have a function running on Azure and you want to forward the logs to New Relic, you'll need to configure a diagnostic setting to forward the logs to Event Hub. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation to create diagnostic settings for sending platform logs and metrics to different destinations.

This solution aims to forward static blob files to New Relic, and it does not support file tailing. If you need to forward a stream of logs, we recommend to send your application logs to an Event Hub and use the Event Hub based template instead.

In May 2023, we included some security enhancements in our ARM templates that modify the settings in the storage account and the Function App deployed using those templates. Azure resources are secured by default and these changed settings prevent this secure default state from being modified.

I also can't find information on what happened before the unexpected reboot. The server log seems to have been cleared during startup, which is extremely bad practice if this was deliberate. The damage (if any) is already done, so enabling persistent logs is of no use now. More so because I have no way of knowing how to reproduce the problem - I don't even know where to start, it could be literally anything, so far. 2351a5e196

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