
I have just put more photos on my Flickr site but they are locked.

How do I unlock them ?

The lock means that they are "private - only you" photos. You can change these to public view one at a time on the individual photo pages (bottom right of the page, well under the photo itself). You can change multiple photos all at once using the Organizer or the Camera Roll.

Posted 101 months ago.( permalink) 

So after a hiatus, I uploaded a couple of hundred photos so that the person in them could see and let me know which she might want me to send her in higher def. I have discovered that some of those photos are "locked", i.e. only I can see them. This seems to have happened at random. What gives flickr or smug bug or whoever now controls this?

Posted at 6:18PM, 2 August 2018 PST(permalink)

Download Locked Flickr Photos

Download 🔥 https://tiurll.com/2y3itg 🔥

[ -from-art/] jowady1:

Flickr does not arbitrarily change the privacy level of photos when they are uploaded. If the privacy level changed it is because you changed it or a bug that has appeared for the first time since Flickr began 15 years ago. 

In order to help you we need more information. What method did you use to upload the photos? Did you use the same method for all of them? Did you upload all the photos at one time or in batches? Your photos are titled sequentially, were the photos that were uploaded as private all in a sequence or were they random photos in the upload? 

In the meantime, you can use the Organizer to change the privacy level of your photos so that the model can see the photos of themselves.

Posted 66 months ago.( permalink) 


Three months ago you pronounced your imminent departure from flickr (in a number of threads). Change of heart?

Please don't do this. Either offer assistance to the OP or leave them alone, don't goad them into a pointless argument.

Posted 66 months ago.( permalink) 

this happens to me too when I do bulk uploading. Like 400+ at one time and I rearrange the photos before uploading. A small percent of photos usually pushed to the back or uploaded first will be set to private.

Posted 66 months ago.( permalink) 

I use Bridge as an integral part of my workflow, specifically taking most of the suggestions provided by Bruce Fraser in Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop CS2. 

Tonight, I ran across something I hadn't seen before. One of my photos, a NEF file, has a little lock symbol in the bottom right hand corner of it's large thumbnail in Bridge. It is not open anywhere else. I do not use version cue. I can do anything with this photo that I want, EXCEPT rate or label it... (and get rid of the lock symbol, obviously!) I have copied it, opened it in ACR, opened it in Photoshop, cleared all ACR settings, etc... to no avail. The lock symbol won't go away, and I can't rate the picture. 

Any ideas?? I'm sure it's a feature that I'm just not aware of, but I have spent the last two hours reading Photoshop help and googling for answers. I'm stumped. Anybody?

7:25PM, 19 May 2007 PST(permalink)

Nice try Stevekin, but not that simple this time. First, there is no such option for me. Second, I can change the hell outta it! It is most certainly not 'locked' by any standard definition of the word, but it does that the lock symbol, and I sure can't label it/rate it. This is driving me bonkers.

ages ago(permalink)

AHA! My getting defensive that I would have found it had it been that easy, led me to the right thinking. For some completely inexplicable reason, when I navigated to the NEF file itself within window's explorer, I found it to be assigned Read-Only status. A simple unchecking of the Read-Only box in the file property's dialog box did the trick. Thanks Stevekin for getting me thinking about in that fashion!

UPDATE: Inexplicable no longer... putting the card back into the camera revealed that the photo had been inadvertently locked within the camera itself, leading it to be copied to the harddrive with Read-Only status. :)

Originally posted ages ago. (permalink)

 NeutralAngel edited this topic ages ago.

My apologies to you, Stevekin, for my immediate 'Oh c'mon, don't ya think I checked the right-click menus??' reaction. LOL, turns out that wasn't exactly the correct solution, but what was the correct solution was just as in my face easy, lol. Oh well, another photoshop problem successfully solved. :)

ages ago(permalink)

MabelAmber yes I clicked on "Cannot sign in to my account" no icon only other possible links...

Chris... wow that was risky (I have 25,000 photos up so I don't want to risk that)... also I'm not showing a way to log into Flickr that doesn't involve Yahoo... but the main problem is still that I can't reset my password so that probably wouldn't work anyway... glad it worked for you!

Posted 95 months ago.( permalink) 

Can anyone help? I have been locked out of my flickr account. Here is the story:

1. I deleted my Yahoo account several months ago because of constant spam and hacks. I didn't realize it would effect my flickr accuount.

2. I was actually still able to use my origninal flickr because I was logged in. However, last night after uploading a bunch more images my browser logged me out of flickr.

3. I could not log back in because I had deleted my yahoo account months earlier, so I tried to retrieve it. This was not possible either, so I created a "new" account with the same user ID -beckaroona.

4. when I attempted to get back to flickr it gave me a completely new flickr account "beckaroona1" and I was unable to access the original "beckaroona"

Now I have 2 flickr accounts: "beckaroona" and "beckaroona1", but I am only able to access the latter. Does anyone know how I would get access to my original account? 

There are 600+ images of my original work on the beckaroona flickr site, so I really want to access it!

Thank you! Becca

Posted at 3:56PM, 5 February 2015 PST(permalink)

Hello All!

Let me start out by saying that I LOVE Flickr! Yesterday my photostream hit 2 million views and I am so proud and thankful. 

Sometime ago my account was marked NIPSA. This is actually the second time it has happened and the first time I emailed Flickr and it was taken care of. 

A while back I got marked NIPSA again. I contacted Flickr. They told me to delete anything innapropriate and they would reconsider my status. I read the rules and didn't see that I would need to delete or privatize any of my content. I wrote Flickr help back and weeks later I am still NIPSA. 

This morning I wrote Flickr help again deciding to give it another try. Lately I have been trying harder to produce great shots and I want them to be seen (I so miss seeing my photos in Explore...). Flickr Help replied and told me that "Your content is inappropriate for public areas of the Flickr site, so your account must remain NIPSA.".

I have read and reread the rules on NIPSA and what is acceptable in your photos. I realize that I have some sexy possibly suggestive photos but I do not have frontal nudity, genitalia and I own all of the photos on my stream. I honestly can't figure out what is so inappropriate. 

I would like to know if anyone has any advice. Please don't put me down for my photos, I realize that they are somewhat risqu but I love them and they are my art (and some of the photos are just for fun) so please try to respect that. I just want some help! I want to be public again! 

Thank you so much!


Posted at 12:19PM, 11 October 2006 PST(permalink)

heather (staff) edited this topic ages ago.

Nice pictures and two or three pages in, not too risqu. However you say that you "own all of the photos on my stream" but they are not all taken by you are they? I wonder if that's what the problem is?

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

Yes, they are not all taken by me but I have written permission to use them as I wish. A lot of them were taken by my boyfriend...

I think about it like this, if I had a family and sometimes we shared the camera but my name was on the account...should I be marked NIPSA for posting a photo my husband took? I feel that by other people's photos Flickr is really refering to posting random photos you found on the net like of celebrities. 

That could be the problem but I did make it clear in my emails that I owned all of the photos. 

Thank you so much for your response and for saying my photos are nice I really appreciate it!

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

I viewed your photos and must say, you are a beautiful lady, and I don't see anything wrong with them but Flickr own the site and they make the rules. In the UK we have family news papers that show more reveiling photos than you have, but thay are not owned by Flickr.

One good thing from your post on here, you will now be on the way to 3 mill views, not that I think thats the real reason for your post, i'm sure you wouldn't do that.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

Yolise, the problem is it's quite a moving target. Which images does she make private? What's the line, according to flickr, on what's considered undressed? Thong? Tshirt but no panties? skirt, no shirt? The community guidelines only describe the limits for full frontal nudity or intercourse, and even those are wrong. The guidelines state that those shouldn't be in public areas of flickr, but in practice, they actually have to be set to "private". I got in trouble with a drawing of George Bush naked, because I set it to not in public spaces, but it wasn't enough.

At least I THINK that was why I was nipsa-ed. I never got a reason, never got a follow-up, just a "your account has been reviewed and is now visible in public." email. So I was just guessing, and that was on only one image. What does Ms Carolina here do? Just guess on her hundreds of images, which ones she thinks will be the magic fix?

I suspect it's part of a larger disney-fication, it seems that there's more nipsa of content that is clearly allowed under current community guidelines, and it seems to have coincided with the new All-Yahoo login page....

YahFlickrHoo can of course make their site anything they want. But I understand the frustration when they don't share those ever-random, ever-tightening rules, with their content creators. by that I mean us.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 


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