No matter what time of the year it is, it's always time for a vacation with the kids! We've got pets riding scooters, kid-friendly comedy acts, Bible stories come to life, and so much more. Take your kids to a live music show in Branson and watch them leave in wonderment!

Enactedin 2004, Live Entertainment Tax is administered by two State agencies, theGaming Control Board for live entertainment events held within licensed gamingestablishments; and the Department of Taxation for live entertainment eventsheld in other venues and live entertainment provided by escorts and escortservices. Laws governing the Live Entertainment Tax are Nevada Revised Statute(NRS) Chapter 368A -Tax on Live Entertainment; and Nevada Administrative Code(NAC) Chapter 368A. Both can be found on the Nevada Legislature's website at

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 Entertainmentprovided by a patron or patrons, including, without limitation, singing bypatrons or dancing by or between patrons if they receive no compensation fromany source for providing the entertainment.

NRS368A.110 defines the taxpayer for non-gaming facilities as the owner oroperator of the facility where the liveentertainment is provided; or in the case of a publicly owned facility orpublic land, the person who collectsthe taxable receipts. It also includesan escort or escort service. An escortmeans a person who, for monetary consideration, in the form of a fee,commission or salary, dates, socializes, visits, consorts with or accompaniesanother or others to or about social affairs, entertainments or places ofamusement or within any place of public resort or within any privatequarters. An escort service means aperson who for a fee, commission, profit, payment or other monetary consideration,furnishes, refers, or offers to furnish or refer an escort to a patron.

EffectiveOctober 1, 2015 the rate is 9% of the admission charge to a facility thatprovides live entertainment with a minimum occupancy of 200; or 9% of thecharge, expressed in money, for the live entertainment provided by an escort.

Priorto October 1, 2015 the Live Entertainment Tax was two tiered with a 10% taxrate and a 5% tax rate based upon the "maximumoccupancy" of the facility where live entertainment was taking place. Fora facility with a minimumoccupancy of 200tag_hash_107and a maximum of 7,499 the 10% tax rate appliedto the admission charge, merchandise, food andrefreshments sold at the event. Forfacilities with occupancy of 7,500 or more, the 5% tax rate applied to admissioncharges only.

No. If there is no live entertainment being provided, then the tax doesnot apply. However, when the admissioncharge is imposed prior to the start of live entertainment, the admissioncharge is taxable.

Thereis no registration fee for this tax. A taxpayer who intends to provide liveentertainment at a facility that is not in a licensed gaming establishment or an escort or escortservice shall contact the Department of Taxation and register to collect andremit the Live Entertainment Tax.

The reporting frequency is monthly. The Live Entertainment Tax returnsshould be filed on or before the last day of the month, reporting the amount oftaxable receipts for the preceding month. A return must be filed even whenthere are no live entertainment events in the month and the tax is zero.

Yes.The Live Entertainment Tax must be added to and collected from the purchaser atthe time of purchase or payment of escort services. Each ticket for admissionto a facility where live entertainment is provided must show on its face theadmission charge or the seller of the admission must prominently display anotice disclosing the admission charge at the box office or other place wherethe charge is made. Taxpayers arerequired to keep their records for at least 4 years.

Live entertainment that isgoverned by the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association pursuant to NRS386.420 to 386.470, inclusive, or is provided or sponsored by an elementaryschool, junior high school, middle school or high school, if only pupils or facultyprovide the live entertainment.

Live entertainment that isprovided by or entirely for the benefit of a nonprofit religious, charitable,fraternal or other organization that qualifies as a tax-exempt organizationpursuant to 26 U.S.C.  501(c), or a nonprofit corporation organized or existingunder the provisions of chapter 82 of NRS only if the number of tickets tothe live entertainment which are offered for sale or other distribution topatrons, either directly or indirectly through a partner, subsidiary, client,affiliate or other collaborator, is less than 7,500.

The full amount paid for access to a live entertainmentvenue is included in the taxable admission charge including any service chargethat is received by the taxpayer. It includes the full amount received by anescort or escort service. NRS 368A.200(2)(b) andNAC 368A.150 allow a deduction for gratuities directly or indirectly remittedto persons employed at the facility where live entertainment is provided and a servicecharge imposed in connection with the use of a credit card or debit card which iscollected and retained by persons other than the taxpayer, as long as thesefees are supported by documentation. Also excluded are amounts imposedand retained by a ticket broker or a ticket service provider.

No,in most cases. While it is true that singing is a form of live entertainment,in most cases the singing of the National Anthem or similar presentation, isentirely incidental to the event itself. While this specific issue is notaddressed in the law or regulation, the informal policy stated herein conformsto the concept stated in NRS 368A.090(2)(b) regarding performances that are notconsidered live entertainment. This guidance applies only to the cases whereany singing remains incidental to the event. Generally, singing will bedeemed incidental to the event if only one song is sung during an event thatotherwise included no other live entertainment.

Develop the skills to become an entertainment media professional with the Bachelor of Arts in Audio and Live Entertainment in the Lew Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University. The 124-credit undergraduate program immerses students in the creation and distribution of musically oriented media content. From the recording studio to the live entertainment venue, students will master the procedures necessary to successfully conceive, create, and navigate complex entertainment projects.

The audio and live entertainment program is ideal for students aspiring to be audio engineers, content creators, managers, mastering engineers, media entrepreneurs, publishers, promoters or recording artists. Students in the program are immersed in the conception, creation, distribution, management and marketing of recorded audiobooks, concerts, music, nightclub performances, podcasts and more.

This academic degree program acts as an intersection of business, live events, media and music. By enrolling in courses that span each discipline, students will gain an in-depth understanding of each role within the industry and develop a broader perspective about the multiple career pathways available after graduation.

Print out and complete the application for a live entertainment license. Live entertainment is considered entertainment with live performance. This includes instrumental and vocal music, karaoke, a disc jockey, dancing, and theater shows.

The application fee depends on the size and type of entertainment you will be having. To get an idea of what it costs to apply, you can view a list of common fees. We take certified checks, business checks, money orders, credit cards (no American Express), or debit cards.

Create and perform live visual accompaniments to any show with Unity - the only limit is your imagination. Give your show a unique flare by leveraging Unity features including VFX Graph, Timeline and Customizable Shaders.

Sip on your favorite beverage or grab a bite to eat at Foxy Loxy Caf while enjoying live entertainment nearly any night of the week. From their vinyl nights to Acoustic Tuesdays, Foxy Loxy always has a solid line-up of entertainment options. They also have an art gallery and courtyard space and host poetry slams, fire-and-wine Saturdays and comedy nights.

The Live Entertainment Technology program prepares individuals for entry-level employment in the entertainment industry, particularly in the fields of concert sound and lighting. Coursework includes exposure to the entire live concert sound and lighting processes. Students will learn the fundamental knowledge, skills, and abilities to design, maintain, and operate technology systems in entertainment and sporting venues, churches, auditoriums, casinos, convention centers, etc.

?What is a CLE?

A CLE is a certificate allows for live entertainment at an establishment, or in conjunction with a Temporary Activity Permit. 

When is a CLE Required?

A CLE is required prior to a business offering a regular reoccurring form of live entertainment, or when a Temporary Activity Permit request includes a form of entertainment. Live entertainment is only permitted in accordance with Article IV of Chapter 20 of the County Code. Live Entertainment shall mean entertainment provided in person including, but no limited to, musical performances, music played by disc jockeys, karaoke, dancing (including dancing done solely by patrons), modeling, or comedy performances.

Not everyone is required to obtain a CLE, please call 703-792-6830 to determine if a CLE shall be necessary.

Submission Requirements:

In addition to the completed application, applicants shall also submit the signed safety plan, detailed floor plan indicating area of entertainment, emergency action plan, and information on when or whether alcohol will be served to include copies of ABC licenses.

For the past year, Sandra, her husband Samuel, and their eleven-year-old son Daniel have lived a secluded life in a remote town in the French Alps. When Samuel is found dead in the snow below their ch...[Read More] ff782bc1db

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