After install, there doesn't seem to be a "listener.ora" file located in %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\ folder at all. I do see "sqlnet.ora" and "tsnames.ora" but nothing else. Did I install the proper application or am I missing something? I tried doing a search of the file on the computer but nothing came up. Thanks.

Execute the cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin command to enter the directory where the listener.ora file is saved, and execute the vi listener.ora command to open the file. Find the following contents:

Download Listener.ora File

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Connecting to the Oracle host and running lsnrctl status can help check that the service is known to this listener. Remember that lsnrctl by default checks the default listener name. You may need to check listener.ora to see if there are other names listeners in this database instance.

Besides initDBLinkName and tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files and ODBC configuration what do I need to configure in a windows server to set the DBLink on Toad? The credentials are working on ODBC configuration

Hi Norm thanks for the heads-up, the problem is with the tnsnames.ora file, I used to work on a similar project with Oracle 12c and windows server 2012, now I'm using Oracle 19c and windows server 2019, I already configure the tnsnames.ora, the listener.ora, the initDBLinkName.ora, and the ODBC where the credentials were succesfull, but in toad still show me the "ora-12154" error, I already have everything like in the old project but I'm having trouble with the new versions, really appreciate any help

I did a little research yesterday and I am writing this post to document what I learned so I can remember it and since I could not easily find this information. I have a database that uses shared servers and want to connect to it using a dedicated server connection. Everything I found said to add (SERVER = DEDICATED) on your client but I was not able to do that. A coworker of mine said that I should be able to add a service that only connects as a dedicated server process so I tried to figure out how to do that. I found a way to configure a service in the listener.ora file on the database server so that anyone connecting with that service name would only get a dedicated server connection. I tested this on Oracle on Linux

I have another Oracle database installed, and if I execute lsnrctl status, in the output I can see a line containing Listener Parameter File /o/app/oracle/product/11.2/dbhome/network/admin/listener.ora, and I am not seeing it here. Also I have executed locate listener.ora, and nothing.

You don't need a listener.ora. The listener will happily start without one, but will just start without supporting any services. pmon will periodically register databases with the listener, but you can force registration manually.

I did a search on My Oracle Support and I found more information in the MOS document with ID 372959.1. Apparently, the listener service tries to contact a RAC service, but, since this is a non-RAC installation, the connection fails. The solution is to add SUBSCRIBE_FOR_NODE_DOWN_EVENT_=OFF to your listener.ora file, and then restart the listener. This should remove the warnings and stop the failed connection attempts.

On the server side you must have one or more active server processes (daemons) who are waiting for the client to attempt a connection. Those services are called Listeners. In most cases only one listener is required. This listener is configured via a listener.ora file under $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin. This file includes the listener process configuration, mainly: Host for which it listens, protocol and port, list of SIDs for which the process can establish a connection.

Furthermore, if you are connecting to the database on the server computer, and it is the default database, you do not need to tell where you are going to connect when you are the client. For default Database you do not even need to have a listener when you are the server and the client both.

When you try to connect through SQL Plus(scott/tiger@connectstring) what Oracle does is it reads the tnsnames.ora file which is located in the client machine in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora.The tnsnames.ora file lists the name of the connect strings where the client has the capability to connect to.When it finds a match it reads the name of the server(where it should connect to),the protocol it should use(TCP) and the port on which a listener is listening (default 1521).When it finds a match it goes to the relevant server and knocks on the port 1521 where the listener is waiting to hear incoming calls. Now the listener checks it own file $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora which is located in the server itself and matches it with the incoming call request. If it matches, you are given an entry for the database to connect and a session is created for you.

On a whim, I searched my C: drive, where P6 is installed, for the listener.ora file and opened it in notepad and changed "" to "", and ran command "lsnrctl start". I receive the same error messages, but now the Host is ( Oddly enough, after changing the domain, but not the port, I am able to "go to database homepage" and log in with pubprm$pm and my old password, but none of the other database funcitons (start or backup) will execute. All return errors. Am I able to backup my database from the database homepage? I will be receiving a new computer tomorrow and will install a fresh stand alone copy of P6 onto that computer. I do need to backup the database on my old computer to save the existing project schedules. If anyone could advise me on what to do next, I would greatly appreciate it!

I mentioned in the post above that I opened my listener.ora file in notepad and changed "" to "". I found this file in "c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\NETWORK\ADMIN". I also had to open tnsnames.ora, which is located in the same location, in notepad and change the "" to "".

If your company ever happens to switch to a new domain, and you are running a stand alone installation, you will need to edit the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files to include your new domain, otherwise P6 won't be able to find the database. You can see your domain name by right clicking Computer and selecting properties.

The listener is running out of the 11r204 home (also location of referenced listener.ora file). If I remove the static-service DXPT entry in above listener.ora file, and add following to the 11r204 tnsnames.ora file:

How does listener know that instance DXPT should be tied to the 11r203 Oracle-home binaries? Desired ORACLE_HOME used to be explicitly set in the now-deleted DXPT entry in listener.ora file. Thanks. -jk

Not finding a direct answer in the docs, but I suspected that when the instance registers itself with the listener, part of what it passes is the necessary ORACLE_HOME info. To find out, I enabled tracing in the listener by adding the following line to listener.ora:

In procL, stop the listener

In ProcL, add the TRACE_LEVEL parameter to listener.ora

In ProcD, connect to an idle instance.

In ProcL, start the listener

In ProcD, as soon as the listener is started, start the database.

In ProcL, stop the listener.

Examine the listener.trc file.

After configuring the gateway, you need to configure Oracle Net Listener to communicate with the Oracle database. Information about the gateway must be added to the listener.ora configuration file which is located in the ORACLE_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN\ directory. The following example is the address on which the Oracle Net Listener listens (HOST is the address of the machine on which the gateway is installed):

Add an entry to the listener.ora file to start the gateway in response to connection requests. The SID of the gateway (SID_NAME) must be the same in listener.ora and tnsnames.ora. ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle home directory where the gateway resides. To apply the new settings, stop and restart the Oracle Net Listener service. e24fc04721

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