Viewed 1000+ timesYou Asked Hi Tom,

I am pretty new and don't know much, but spent solid amount of time and couldn't figure it out.

I am trying to establish db link to oracle database through apex express, but when I fill all necessary data and try to do it in object browser -> Database Link I receive following error:

"The DB_LINK schema does not have the required privileges to create this object." 

However, after inspecting privileges in manage services -> workspace utilities it has all privileges granted. I've tried to perform Database Administration Login in SQL Workshop as well and my admin account isn't valid.




and Connor said...The schema that your APEX workspace is connected to needs the CREATE DATABASE LINK privilege.

eg, I fire up APEX and login as JOE to my workspace called ASK_WS. That workspace is bound to the ASKTOM schema in my database.

I try to create a db link and get this:

Now I log on to SQL Plus and do:

SQL> grant create database link to asktom;Grant succeeded.

and then the create option now works in Object Browser.

So you need to do the grant to the *schema* for the workspace you are in. 

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Hi all..

I have a request from my customer to create a link to another apex application in the same workspace inside a display only item (NOT a button, why I don't fully know).

I have been experimenting with prepare_url but have run into issue of using the app alias versus the app id in coding.

I am building the link inside a select that builds values for page items, here is the portion of code I am trying to do:

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Hi all!

Im using apex 22.2, and with it came a new feature to create a search page. I've been implementing it into a project and I'm having trouble with its link options. The search itself works great and brings up exactly what I want, what I'm not finding a way to do is having it link me correctly to the page I want. I have to define the link target and set the Proyect_ID item (which I can do) to the value of the project_id that it just found (it would be the primary key column from the search configuration) but I can't find any item that would meet my requirements. Is this even possible? I feel like you should be able to grab an item that the search just found and input it into a field on the page you're linking to but I might be wrong. If anyone knows the solution or some workaround for this it'd be much appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

Matias 152ee80cbc

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