NOTE: If Lightspeed is currently closed to submissions, please do not query asking when we'll be opening again. When we know when we're opening, we'll make that information available on this page and spread it widely.

Guidelines: Lightspeed is seeking original science fiction and fantasy stories. All types of science fiction and fantasy are welcome. No subject should be considered off-limits, and we encourage writers to take chances with their fiction and push the envelope. We do not accept simultaneous submissions or multiple submissions. You may submit one story per open submission period.

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Format: If you follow standard manuscript format, you're fine, though if you want to format it to our preferences, we prefer single-spaced instead of double-spaced and Arial 14pt font for ease of reading on screen. You can also leave your address and other personal info off the manuscript; we'll gather that from you if we need it. Your manuscript may be submitted in either .RTF or .DOC or .DOCX format.

Word Count: For short stories and novelettes, we will consider stories of 1500-10,000 words; stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. We also consider flash fiction stories of 1500 words or less.

Pay Rate: Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction. If there are any payment processing fees associated with your payment (i.e., if we use PayPal, WorldRemit, Western Union, Wise, or the like to pay you), we cover the processing fee.

Questions/Problems: Email for all fiction-related inquiries, or if you have any trouble using our online submission system. Please do not email your submissions to this address.

Art: If you wish to have your art considered for Lightspeed Magazine (either science fiction or fantasy), please send an inquiry, along with a link to an online gallery (if possible), to Please note that we only use 12 covers per year. If you submit your gallery, we will review it and get in touch if we want to commission something.

If editor John Joseph Adams has previously rejected your story, please do not submit it to Lightspeed, unless it was rejected as being unsuitable for the market (due to theme, etc.) or unless it has been significantly revised to the extent that it is no longer the same story.

If one of our sister-magazines (Fantasy or Nightmare) has rejected your story (and John Joseph Adams isn't the one who rejected it), feel free to submit it to Lightspeed, assuming it's genre appropriate.

I am testing out Shopify POS and we are very serious about moving our two stores from Lightspeed POS next month. Unfortunately we've hit a serious wall. We are unable to scan our Lightspeed barcodes into Shopify, because at the end of every product ID, lightspeed seems to generate a random number at the end. So simply downloading my Product ID's does not work, and I'm told by Lightspeed support that there is no way to download our barcodes so I can then upload them. We do not want to close in order to reticket manually thousands of barcodes, and scanning in would take twice as long. Since we already work with Accumula to sync our inventory I am awaiting a response from them but I'm not hopeful. Has anyone encountered this challenge and if so what was the outcome?

We had the same problem when we implemented our Lightspeed R Series > Accumula > Shopify tech stack a few months ago and have been having it ever since. This is definitely one of those "not as advertised" problems I wish I'd known about before investing all the time and money into our new technology. I mean, I wouldn't have switched to this tech stack at all if I'd known we wouldn't be able to scan items at the register.

We have about 20,000 SKUs that change frequently, so monkeying around with formulas to correct barcodes ongoing isn't in the cards for us. Instead, I plan to see if we can use the Lightspeed ID as the Custom SKU in Shopify and get items to scan that way. If so, we're going to have to re-sticker everything, which will suck bigtime. Once we're through that, everything should scan in both Shopify and Lightspeed without additional manipulation of the barcodes.

At this time, the Ansible Lightspeed with IBM watsonx Code Assistant service is only accessible through the Ansible VS Code extension. See Installing the Ansible VS Code extension for instructions on how to get started. This new service is a tool that learns and improves over time. As such, the service may not always generate an output that is expected. Your participation in using Ansible Lightspeed with IBM watsonx Code Assistant will inform the service to improve recommendations over time and improve content quality.

Ansible Lightspeed with IBM watsonx Code Assistant is designed to be improved through feedback on the quality of its suggestions. Technical details of user experiences with Lightspeed can be useful in informing further improvements. We request that all Ansible Lightspeed with IBM watsonx Code Assistant users provide constructive feedback to help improve both the recommendations and user experience. Feedback can be submitted directly through the VS Code extension or to the Ansible Lightspeed with IBM watsonx Code Assistant Matrix room:

Start creating your playbook. Once you have added a task name and press Enter, the Ansible Lightspeed with IBM watsonx Code Assistant service is engaged. You will see a Processing status indicator in the bottom right while Ansible Lightspeed with IBM watsonx Code Assistant is preparing your suggestion.

The actions that you take when a recommendation is provided impact the training process of themodel. If you hit the Esc key to reject a recommendation, then the telemetry process considersthat a rejection of the recommendation. Red Hat and IBM will view that action as the userdetermining that the recommendation was not suitable for their task intent.If you hit enter and accept the recommendation, then the telemetry process considers thataction an acceptance of the recommendation. Red Hat and IBM will view that action as the userdetermining that the recommendation was good enough to use over typing an alternativedirectly.

If a recommendation is accepted, and then further edits are performed, then the act of changingthe recommendation to something else will be considered a modification of therecommendation. This will tell Red Hat and IBM that the recommendation required extra actionin order to meet the intended use. And, this information will be used for context in training themodel for similar prompts in the future.

Given the nature of deep learning technology, as well as the kinds of content used to train andwhich are generated by Lightspeed, it is not possible to identify specific training data inputs thatcontributed to particular Lightspeed output recommendations. Nevertheless, Lightspeedincludes a feature to help users that are interested in understanding possible origins ofgenerated content recommendations. When Lightspeed generates a recommendation, it willattempt to find items in the training dataset that closely resemble the recommendation. In suchcases, Lightspeed will display licensing information and a source repository link for the trainingdata matches in a panel interface in the VS Code extension.

This feature may enable users to ascertain open source license terms that are associated withrelated training data. This feature has been implemented even though it is believed to be unlikelythat either the training data used in fine-tuning or the output recommendations themselves aregenerally protected by copyright, or output reproduces training data content controlled bycopyright licensing terms.

i am testing a HTTP API connector to our lightspeed webshop, i test the json url within my browser and then i can access it without any issues but if i use the same URL in URI of the http connector i am getting a 401 error. How can i user another way to authenticate within the HTTP connector with a api_key & api_secret? now it is in the url and i think that`s the issue..

It's time for the May Community Newsletter, where we highlight the latest news, product releases, upcoming events, and the amazing work of our outstanding Community members. If you're new to the Community, please make sure to follow the latest News & Announcements and check out the Community on LinkedIn as well! It's the best way to stay up-to-date with all the news from across Microsoft Power Platform and beyond. COMMUNITY HIGHLIGHTSCheck out the most active community members of the last month! These hardworking members are posting regularly, answering questions, kudos, and providing top solutions in their communities. We are so thankful for each of you--keep up the great work! If you hope to see your name here next month, follow these awesome community members to see what they do! Power AppsPower AutomateCopilot StudioPower PagesWarrenBelzcreativeopinionExpiscornovusFubarAmikNived_NambiarPstork1OliverRodriguesmmbr1606ManishSolankiMattJimisonragavanrajantimlSudeepGhatakNZrenatoromaoLucas001iAm_ManCatAlexEncodianfernandosilvaOOlashynJmanriqueriosChriddle BCBuizerExpiscornovus a33ikBCBuizer SebSDavid_MA dpoggermannPstork1 LATEST NEWS We saw a whole host of amazing announcements at this year's #MSBuild, so we thought we'd share with you a bite sized breakdown of the big news via blogs from Charles Lamanna, Sangya Singh, Ryan Cunningham, Kim Manis, Nirav Shah, Omar Aftab, and Justin Graham : New ways of development with copilots and Microsoft Power PlatformRevolutionize the way you work with Automation and AIPower Apps is making it easier for developers to build with Microsoft Copilot and each otherCopilot in Microsoft Fabric is now generally available in Power BIUnlock new levels of productivity with Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft Copilot StudioMicrosoft Copilot Studio: Building copilots with agent capabilitiesMicrosoft Power Pages is bringing the new standard in secure, AI-powered capabilities If you'd like to relive some of the highlights from Microsoft Build 2024, click the image below to watch a great selection of on-demand Keynotes and sessions! WorkLab Podcast with Charles Lamanna Check out the latest episode of the WorkLab podcast with CVP of Business Apps and Platforms at Microsoft, Charles Lamanna, as he explains the ever-expanding evolution of Copilot, and how AI is offering new opportunities for business leaders. Grab yourself a coffee and click the image below to take a listen. Event Recap: European Collaboration and Cloud Summits 2024 Click the image below to read a great recap by Mark Kashman about the recent European Collaboration Summit and European Cloud Summit held in Germany during May 2024. Great work everybody! UPCOMING EVENTSEuropean Power Platform Conference - SOLD OUT!Congrats to everyone who managed to grab a ticket for the now SOLD OUT European Power Platform Conference, which takes place in beautiful Brussels, Belgium, on 11-13th June.With a great keynote planned from Ryan Cunningham and Sangya Singh, plus expert sessions from the likes of Aaron Rendell, Amira Beldjilali, Andrew Bibby, Angeliki Patsiavou, Ben den Blanken, Cathrine Bruvold, Charles Sexton, Chlo Moreau, Chris Huntingford, Claire Edgson, Damien Bird, Emma-Claire Shaw, Gilles Pommier, Guro Faller, Henry Jammes, Hugo Bernier, Ilya Fainberg, Karen Maes, Lindsay Shelton, Mats Necker, Negar Shahbaz, Nick Doelman, Paulien Buskens, Sara Lagerquist, Tricia Sinclair, Ulrikke Akerbk, and many more, it looks like the E in #EPPC24 stands for Epic! Click the image below for a full run down of the exciting sessions planned, and remember, you'll need to move quickly for tickets to next year's event! AI Community Conference - New York - Friday 21st JuneCheck out the AI Community Conference, which takes place at the Microsoft Corporate building on Friday 21st June at 11 Times Square in New York City.Here, you'll have the opportunity to explore the latest trends and breakthroughs in AI technology alongside fellow enthusiasts and experts, with speakers on the day including Arik Kalininsky, Sherry Xu, Xinran Ma, Jared Matfess, Mihail Mateev, Andrei Khaidarov, Ruven Gotz, Nick Brattoli, Amit Vasu, and more.So, whether you're a seasoned professional or just beginning your journey into AI, click the image below to find out more about this exciting NYC event. TechCon365 & Power Platform Conference - D.C. - August 12-16th ** EARLY BIRD TICKETS END MAY 31ST! **Today's the perfect time to grab those early bird tickets for the D.C. TechCon365 & PWRCON Conference at the Walter E Washington Center on August 12-16th!Featuring the likes of Tamara Bredemus, Sunny Eltepu, Lindsay Shelton, Brian Alderman, Daniel Glenn, Julie Turner, Jim Novak, Laura Rogers, Microsoft MVP, John White, Jason Himmelstein, Luc Labelle, Emily Mancini, MVP, UXMC, Fabian Williams, Emma Wiehe, Amarender Peddamalku, and many more, this is the perfect event for those that want to gain invaluable insights from industry experts. Click the image below to grab your tickets today! Power Platform Community Conference - Sept. 18-20th 2024Check out some of the sessions already planned for the Power Platform Community Conference in Las Vegas this September.Holding all the aces we have Kristine Kolodziejski, Lisa Crosbie, Daniel Christian, Dian Taylor, Scott Durow, David Yack, Michael O. and Aiden Kaskela, who will be joining the #MicrosoftCommunity for a series of high-stakes sessions!Click the image below to find out more as we go ALL-IN at #PPCC24! For more events, click the image below to visit the Community Days website. 152ee80cbc

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