Mimi Page Light & Shadow is the perfect hybrid of soft, angelic female solo vocals and lush, ethereal atmospheric sound-design, featuring the feather-light soprano voice of singer-composer Mimi Page. Designed for film & game composers/sound-designers, this collection includes a full selection of chromatic articulations, melodic phrases and exquisitely sound-designed cinematic effects, pads and atmospheric elements. The lead vocal content is intuitively playable and the phrases and effects are easy to use in any project, making this library an ideal source of inspiration that's perfect for nearly any music or video production need that comes your way. It all combines into a complete, efficient and deeply-refined toolbox that comes fully equipped with our flexible and full-featured user interface.

Be aware that shadow maps are scale dependent. I'm working on a scene where the unit distance represents one metre, and my objects are around 0.4 metres large. This is quite small by Three.js standards. If you have this situation too, then you can take a few important steps:

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Yes, you most definitely can use directional lights to cast shadows. You need to make sure you are not using MeshBasicMaterial as they don't support shadows. Use MeshLambertMaterial or MeshPhongMaterial instead.

With a taut, poetic style, Lippit produces speculative readings of secret and shadow archives and visual structures or phenomenologies of the inside, charting the materiality of what both can and cannot be seen in the radioactive light of the twentieth century.

One option is to enable shadow on the Passes tab for your render layer and use that in the compositor.

Other is to change the visibility of your object in the Ray Visibility tab so that only the shadow remains.

A rendering algorithm can either work forward from a light source, looking for things that it illuminates, or backward from an object to find what illuminates it. My understanding is that Cycles falls into the second category.

WTF! You definitely sold that book to me just now. This is the most useful piece of information I got from somewhere like since years. And it literally presented itself with a crazy animation. It was like a horror movie when I unticked the cast shadow on the negative light. I set my workflow on openimagedenoise to start on first sample so it was really scary to watch all the light getting sucked up running to blueish dark color and then the scene illuminates back. But there is a cool and realistic looking color gradient on the shadow. It mixes up with the hdri texture!

However, depending on what you use those fill lights for, perhaps there's other solutions. Do you use them to brighten up shadows in general? If so, have a look at the 'Ambient Brightness' slider in the Enscape settings -> 'Image' tab.

Ive dealt with this myself. Some times for product shots Ill use a light as a fill for color but don't necessarily want harsh shadows. What I've resorted to doing is using Emissive planes behind the camera, but they still show up in reflections which isn't always useful.

Thanks for the replies, if I have a building with a north facing garden, it can look too dark in the renders on the external walls, I may put a while plane in as a reflector, behind the camera to bounce more light back. It's also handy on internal shots to have a fill light or two in dark areas, and an adjustable linear falloff would be good too

The upcoming version will also introduce area lights for SketchUp. This will allow you to set spherical lights (instead of the current point lights). Their specular highlight is much less visible, depending on the size of the sphere.

I have motion tracked a clip using 3D Camera Tracker. I created text and extruded it and added several lights and a shadow catcher. My problem is that I'm using a parallel light to simulate sunlight and produce the appropriate shadow. I want to diffuse the shadow, but I don't seem to get that option with a parallel light. I've tried adjusting the Ray-tracing Quality Setting, but it made no difference. I also tried adjusting the AntiAliasing, but still no difference. Does anyone have any ideas how I can diffuse the shadow for a parallel light?

It's not possible with AE's parallel lights. as suggested, simply use a spot light. Otherwise shadows often can be faked using layer duplicates, but without knowing anything about your comp nobody can advise specifically.

In the real world the sun gives parallel light and the edges of the shadows are hard. That's the way it works in nature and in AE and it makes perfect sense. I'm not sure why you would want to create soft shadows from parallel light when it's so easy to create natural looking diffused shadows using a spot light or a point light.

These light rays travel in a straight line at nearly 300,000 kilometres per second. Sunlight that travels towards the Earth takes just over 8 minutes to reach us. When the rays reach Earth, they hit whatever is in their path. If the object they hit is opaque, the light cannot pass through, and a shadow forms.

Simply speaking, a shadow is an absence of light. If light cannot get through an object, the surface on the other side of that object (for example, the ground or a wall) will have less light reaching it.

It is easy to see our shadows when we are outdoors in the sunshine on a clear, bright sunny day, but do shadows form when an object blocks light from other sources? The answer is yes, but they may be difficult to see if the light source is not very bright (has a low light intensity). Shadows are also more definite (sharper) where there is contrast between the shadow and the lit surface, for example, a shadow on a white wall will be more easily seen.

The size of the light source can sharpen or blur the shadow. A small spotlight like a cellphone torch forms a more distinct shadow than an overhead room light, but the sharpness of the shadow changes when the torch moves away from the object.

Although the shadow effects are the same, the reasons for the moving light source are very different. When we use a torch to make long and short shadows indoors, it is the light source that moves. When the Sun makes long and short shadows outdoors, it is the Earth, not the light source (Sun), that moves.

From our vantage point on Earth, it appears that the Sun moves across the sky during the day. We see the Sun appear to rise in the east and set in the west. Actually, the Earth is spinning (rotating on its axis) so it is our view of the Sun in the sky that changes during each 24-hour cycle of light and dark.

The student activities Investigating shadows, Investigating shadows and the position of the Sun and Investigating shadows using transparent, translucent and opaque materials offer engaging ways to explore the science of light and shadows.

The article Alternative conceptions about light and shadows points out a few of the erroneous conceptions young people may hold about light. Being aware of common alternative conceptions helps educators to identify them when they surface in discussions and provides an opportunity to scaffold change.

I sculpt using both light and shadow. I construct single or multiple objects and place them in relation to a single light source. The complete artwork is therefore comprised of both the material (the solid objects) and the immaterial (the light or shadow).

The characteristics of the cast shadow are dependent on the intensity of the light source. A hard light will produce a cast shadow with a sharp edge, a soft light will produce a cast shadow with a more blurry edge.

The longer the cast shadow is from the object, the softer the edge of the shadow becomes. Notice how the cast shadow is darkest right underneath the sphere and then it gets lighter and lighter as it goes out further away from the light source.

Also a cast shadow behaves predictability when on a flat surface, but when there are other levels or surfaces in the shadows path, the shape can be altered depending on the surface over which it falls.

Once you understand the basics of how light behaves, it is quite encouraging to think that a small amount of information can give you the knowledge needed to convincingly portray the illusion of form with any subject.

Hello Wiil,

Your sphere has a very immediate weight and presence, which I am enjoying looking at. It is so good!! I shall give it a try as well. Appreciate your explanation of the light. Thank you!


I have just taken some of my work to a gallery for constructive criticism and was told to work on my lighting. Your lesson comes at a most opportune time for me. Thanks so much. Looking forward to the next lesson.

Thank you for this great lesson about understanding light. this is just what I need. I am hoping to order the portrait lessons soon. Will you be giving a lesson on how, what angles to put light on a live model to start portrait practise

Always a good lesson! It bears repeating over & over again for us beginners ! We usually just go for a gray shadow & forget about reflected light !!

Thanks as always a good lesson from a great teacher.

Hello Will,

What a great lesson. I did not know about those subdivisions of shadows. And also how easily you explained the tricky parts! Everyone will agree that you are a great teacher besides being a great artist. You explained it simply. You have a nice penmanship too. As a reader it never seemed too informative or boring.

Hi Will,

This is very good explanations regarding light sources, shadow and reflection. Your explanation is superb, so simple and so clear. I really enjoy a lot and am looking forward to the second and the third parts. I appreciate very much your generosity, it helps me a lot to understand and looking forward to applying it in my painting. Nualnapa

I have used the periscope app one time in my life. There was a person drawing and we the observers were as present as if we had been in the room. I mention this because should you ever decide to hold a class where you taught about light and shadow I would like to be in attendance. Just a thought. 17dc91bb1f

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