As you can see from the image above, it has the same interface as Steam (nice touch). Down below in the left hand corner is an option where you can select what character you want to play. Sorry only the server hoster can choose who wants to be. There is also a password option for those want to host private games. Another benefit of this is that you can host your game on a selected port. Good for running games on special routers.

The Grenade Launcher can inflict friendly fire damage on the user or nearby team members if its explosive projectile strikes a close range target or hard surface, with the launcher's high-explosive damage posing a bigger risk on harder difficulties.

Download Left 4 Dead 2 Launcher

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This is what it says on the website, but when I go to system settings, it does not have a Launcher & Menus option. I wish I could revert back to the old Ubuntu, I hate this launcher. Is there a fix?

The launcher unhides when you move your mouse or touchpad pointer to the left side of the screen. If you prefer, you can tell Unity to only show the launcher when you click the top left Ubuntu button instead.Click the icon at the very right of the top bar and select System Settings.In the Personal section, click Launcher & Menus.Choose Touches the top left corner of the screen"

Left 4 Dead 2 has a lot of weapons. There are 20-or-so firearms, a few throwable items, and a bunch of melee weapons. The sheer variety of killing tools allows you to tackle the undead swarm in fun and interesting ways - but sometimes, you just want to have the best boomstick in your hands.

If you're one of them, you may be wondering which of the L4D2 weapons will serve your best against the legions of undead you face. We created this list to answer that question. However, the throwable items were overlooked, so we've now added them. See how they compare with the best Left 4 Dead 2 weapons.

Melee weapons in Left 4 Dead 2 are excellent choices when it comes to killing the undead. They have unlimited ammo, they deal great damage, and they are universally better than the starting pistol. Until you find something with a bit more punch, they are an excellent addition to your loadout.

The torpedo launcher or torpedo tube is a cylindrical device used for launching torpedoes. In dead ahead, the torpedo tubes are called torpedo launchers since they are mounted on surface ship decks while torpedo tubes are normally fitted on submarines and some surface ships.

Destroyers and Torpedo Boats are the only vessels have torpedo launchers in game with exceptions for some Light Cruisers. Torpedo launchers are useful for destroying enemy ships but requires experience to hit moving enemy ships, especially if you are new to the game.

Hydrus Torpedo Launcher4 TubeControlsW (up) S (down) A (left) D (right) X (Aim) F (Fire the guns)Variants4 tube torpedo launchersInstalled onProcyon-classGeneral CharacteristicsTraverse+360/-360 17/secReload30 SecondsDamage5,000The hydrus torpedo launcher can be seen on the Procyon-class Destroyer with 4-tube variants.

Orion Torpedo Launcher2 Tube4 TubeControlsW (up) S (down) A (left) D (right) X (Aim) F (Fire the guns)Variants4 tube torpedo launchersInstalled onLambda-classHimalia-classTorpedo Boat (removed)General CharacteristicsTraverse+360/-360 17/secReload30 SecondsDamage5,000The Orion torpedo launcher can be seen on the Lambda-class and Himalia-class Destroyers with 4-tube variants only while the Orion removed Torpedo Boat can be seen with 2-tube variants only.

In this photo provided by the Serbian Presidential Press Service, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, left, inspects weapons collected as part of an amnesty near the city of Smederevo, Serbia, Sunday, May 14, 2023. AP  hide caption

The government declared a one-month amnesty period for citizens to surrender unregistered weapons as part of a crackdown on guns following the two shootings in two days this month that left 17 people dead, many of them children.

For the second time in two days, BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport officials seized an inert missile launcher brought back as a souvenir early Thursday morning, according to a release from the Maryland Office of the State Fire Marshal.

When the level begins, you'll be introduced to the new UIR explosive launcher, the Booshka. To the left of this new weapon is the Declassified Mission. Activate it and sentry guns and laser fences will be placed around the level, making it more challenging.

Jump over the blue baricade to the right and take cover by the barricade of the same look to the front left of it. There will be a sentry gun shooting directly at you here. Luckily it will easily be side tracked by your wandering squad mates, allowing you to take it out. Hope over the fence and move left. Take cover and there will be Grubs attacking you.

Head out of this room and to the left up the spiral stairs. You're likely to be attacked here. When all enemies on this balcony has been cleared, a counter attack on the street below will occur. Use the mortars for a quick battle. Reavers will spawn here as well. After the Reaver(s) are dead, head down the stairs to the fence and end the level.

ISTANBUL -- Turkish police killed two members of a radical leftist group in a shootout as the pair were preparing an attack on the U.S. consulate in Istanbul, state-run Anatolian news agency said early today.

JEZZINE, Lebanon The South Lebanon Army ended its 14-year occupation of the Jezzine enclave yesterday, leaving a trail of abandoned equipment and positions as it retreated into Israeli-controlled areas. Residents of the salient, which borders Israel s occupation zone, woke to find that before dawn the Israeli-backed militia had quit all the towns and villages it had occupied since 1985. The militia, which destroyed its positions around the enclave during the night, left smoldering tanks, burning armored personnel carriers and exploding ammunition. Blackened documents lying in open drawers were blowing about in the wind.

Now 87, Martinez shared his memories about his life and times in the 99th Chemical Mortar Battalion in World War II. The chemical mortar was a revolutionary weapon in WWII. It was a favorite among soldiers because it was versatile and had a long range: It could potentially hit targets 3,800 yards away. American mortar shells averaged 26 pounds, with roughly 7 pounds of chemical agent; the launcher weighed around 40 pounds. Even after three years of battle, Martinez's only wound was when a launcher hit his shin as he was lowering it from a truck in Algiers, Algeria.

Martinez left the classroom to join his father in the rock quarries of Round Rock during the Great Depression. The memory of an utter lack of employment during the harsh 1930s still lingers in his mind. ff782bc1db

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