I have encountered an issue while attempting to connect ldp.exe to a GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) setup for LDAPS on SSL_TCP. The GSLB configuration is similar to the load balancer server's SSL_TCP on port 636. However, when I try to establish the connection, I receive the following error message:

Ldp is built into Windows Server 2008. It is available if you have the AD DS server role installed. To start ldp, click Start, click Run, type ldp and then click OK.

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Use GSSAPI Negotiate package to negotiate security package of either Kerberos V5 or NTLM (or any other package the client and server negotiate). Pass in NULL credentials to specify default logged-in user. If Negotiate package is not installed on server or client, this will fall back to Sicily negotiation.

Step 3. You must connect to your Server and then bind to it. Choose Connection > Connect and enter your server's IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). Click OK.

In my case had my laptop client authentication certificates installed. My RDP client was automatically configured to map the smart card "Local Resource" to my VM in Azure, which caused my local certificates to be copied to my VM. After deselecting the smart card mapping and deleting the certificates from the server, the issue was fixed.

I recently encountered an issue where we were experiencing connection issues to a new LDAPS server (LDAP over SSL). The connection all worked ok when using LDAP (the unsecured version of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). In this blog, I want to introduce Microsoft ldp.exe, which allows us to test the SSL connection with certificates.

When I used the same certificates with ldp.exe to verify the connection I received the following error message generated by ldp.exe in the windows event viewer this contains more useful information which confirmed the results from Sage X3 that certificates were the likely cause of the connection failure.

Ldp.exe has a graphical user interface it can be used to connect using the LDAP or LDAPS protocol using certificates and query information from your directory server. I will go through the steps I used to verify the connection but keep in mind that the tool does have advanced features and can let you perform additional tasks like

The LDAPS protocol uses certificates to authenticate and secure the connection between the directory server and the ldp.exe client. So, before we can test the LDAPS connection, we will need to import the certificates into the local windows certificate store on the machine where ldp.exe is installed.

To import certificates, click Start, and type certmgr.msc, which will open the certificate manager in the trusted root certification authorities and import the certificates provided by the directory server security team. Keep in mind that you will need to import the complete certificate chain.

Hopefully, this blog has given you another way to test the connection to your LDAP server outside of X3, eliminating any issues stemming from the sage X3 Syracuse component and an introduction to the ldp.exe tool available from Microsoft.

While debugging an LDAP issue there may be a need to verify that the appliance can contact the LDAP server with specific credentials. In the typical eDiscovery appliance, the windows LDP.exe tool is available but has not been installed. The following steps can be used to install the windows LDP tool:

I have configured OpenDs as ldap sever with SSL support using a selfsigned certificate through Java key store and I exported the public certificate from the keystore and installed it on the client machine , when I tried to test my ldap setup using ldp.exe through port 636 and ssl checkbox checked ldp.exe displays server down error.

Troubleshooting an LDAP auth issue with vendor. They have me run ldp.exe from their server to see if the user can bind. LDP connects fine but when trying double clicking the white space on the left of the window, I get "Error 0x208D Directory object not found". I tried this straight from the DC and got the same thing. Any ideas? Other applications LDAP auth work fine.

A cloud service I use now requires LDAP with SSL rather than just LDAP. I have installed the cert from the CA into the personal/certs and in the service ntds/personal/certs folders. Both show an unbroken chain. Both have the intermediate cert installed. When I try and turn ldp.exe to test the connection I get the following:

If my DC is called Server1.dodgyasscorp.net (internally). But on the outside DNS records all point to Server1.dodgyasscorp.com. Should the cert CN be server1.dodgyasscorp.net or server1.dodgyasscorp.com?

I've tried making a SAN Cert with a DNS Name=Server1.internal.com with a CN=Server1.internal.net which also doesn't work. I have just re-imported the server1.internal.net one, which allowed me to connect to lpd.exe yesterday and now that does not work. Shame there isn't a guide for this some place.

I minted an SSL cert from the LDAP server and added it to the trusted store on my workstation. Since the customer doesn't have a public DNS name for the LDAP server yet, but SSL cert verification requires a DNS name, I figured I'd use the hosts file as a cheat to test things first. LDP is not descriptive in why it can't connect. It just says it failed. It throws the same failure message for a bad cert as a closed port or nonexistent host.

While troubleshooting with their support, I've gone down a rabbit hole and am just trying to test it from my domain controller with the CA installed on it. Like some directions I've found says, I open ldp.exe on the domain controller, leave localhost listed, change the port to 636 and select SSL. It failed to connect to DC5. Failed to connect to localhost. Putting the full name in doesn't help either dc5.domain.com.

The certificate received from the remote server does not contain the expected name. It is therefore not possible to determine whether we are connecting to the correct server. The server name we were expecting is DC5.domain.com. The TLS connection request has failed. The attached data contains the server certificate.

I am using LDP.exe as a client to communicate with LDAP server.

LDAP server is configured to use SSL with client server authentication . I have copied the personal certificate of server into the Trusted Root 

Certificate Authoroties. I found that ldp.exe fails to connect to server. SSL handshaking fails . The queries that I have are as follows:

1) Does LDP.exe authenticates to server ( client authentication is supported 

? )

I am using Windows 2003 with SP1 installed. 

I found that in Windows 2000 SP4 a bug on similar line is fixed . (811288 )

Is this bug fixed in windows 2003 with SP1 installed ?2) If client authentication is supported then which personal certificate 

does ldp.exe send to server for authentication and where is the personal 

certificate stored on windows ?Looking forward for your suggestions . Thanks,

Romil Shah

Any idea as to where to store the personal certificate of ldp.exe client . 

 I dont find any option in the ldp.exe tool. 

So now the question comes as to whether ldp.exe AD client supports client 

authentication . If not then server can never authenticate the client. As LDAP server is not receiving any certificate from client side for 

authentication so I think ldp.exe is not supporting client authentication . 

But not sure if I am right on this .. Any idea ?


Romil Shah

> Hi Paul,

> You are right that we need to copy the Root CA to Trusted Root Certificate

> Authority store. I did this , but as per the main query I had ,does Active

> directory client ldp.exe support client authentication?''


> Any idea as to where to store the personal certificate of ldp.exe client 

> .

> I dont find any option in the ldp.exe tool.

> So now the question comes as to whether ldp.exe AD client supports client

> authentication . If not then server can never authenticate the client.




> As LDAP server is not receiving any certificate from client side for

> authentication so I think ldp.exe is not supporting client authentication 

> .

> But not sure if I am right on this .. Any idea ?

Additionally, the server must trust the client certificate for it to be a 

suitable choice, so the client cert's root issuing CA must be a CA trusted 

by the server.It will work if you get all the right pieces in place.Joe K.

Now this worked for me, it doesn't have to work for you and my DCs are located upstream (i.e. in a remote subnet which we reach through the site-to-site VPN);

* Regarding the cert:

** Remember that you enter the IP (or at least I did) in the Meraki dashboard so the cert needs to have the IP of the server and not just the FQDN of the server

You can test this using "ldp.exe" which is included (?) on Windows Server, if you are running this on your own desktop then you will need to copy the "ldp.exe" and also "ldp.exe.mui" as well as creating a folder called "en-us" in the directory where "ldp.exe" resides and move "ldp.exe.mui" to the "en-us" folder.

This usually means that the main ldap dll or one of the supporting dlls are missing.Let's start with the main one itself.Browse to http://(moodleserver)/admin/phpinfo.php and examine the "Configuration File (php.ini) Path" field to determine which php.ini is being used and open it with an editor. Find the line 'extension=php_ldap.dll' and take out the semi-colon if it is there. That semi-colon will stop it loading the module all together!While you have that file open, search for 'extension_dir' and note which folder it is set to. Open that folder and ensure the php_ldap.dll file is in there. If it isn't then put it in there.If that still hasn't fixed it you are missing a supporting dll, but you don't get told that. To see what dlls are missing open the Command Prompt and navigate to the php directory and execute the following line 'php -m'. You should get some error messages now. Ugly, but at least they give you information! Find the dlls listed and copy them to the php directory. You may now need to restart the apache/httpd service. Run 'php -m' again and you should be error free and the message in Moodle should be gone now. 17dc91bb1f

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