I have read on other threads there is a problem with MSP430G2 launchpad board drivers with Windows 10, the problem I have is unstable USB-to-UART driver operation, it works and stops randomly. While the debugging/programming feature works fine, I can still program and debug the LP, but using the USB-to-UART is quite bothersome because of this issue, so far I have tried all TUSB4310 drivers from TI and MSP430G2 LP drivers from Energia with no luck. I tried to disable driver signature enforcement in Windows 10 but no luck either, still the USB-to-UART works randomly. On one of the threads on the e2e forum it was mentioned to wait for some time (3-10 seconds) before communicating with the board, I tried that as well without any luck.

Hi Karim, 


 Can you ensure that the port you're using is not USB3.0? The EZ-430 debugger onboard the MSP-EXP430G2 launchpad doesn't work well with USB 3.0 ports.


 Also, please ensure you're not using a USB hub and are instead connecting the device directly to your PC.


 Best regards, 

 Caleb Overbay

Download Launchpad For Windows 10

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Thanks for verifying that for me. Have you tried a different USB cable in case the one you're using may be damaged? Also, do you have a windows 7 PC to test it out on and see if the issue is still present?

The fact that you're able to program the MSP430 and debug it normally makes me think this could be a bug in your code. Are you using any low power modes in your UART communication code? What baud rate are you using? It may be helpful if I could see the code.

If the problem persists, I recommend looking into another MSP430 launchpad that contains an ez-FET debugger instead of the ez-430 on the MSP-EXP430G2 launchpad. This debugger has better support and works well with all versions of Windows. A popular options is the MSP-EXP340F5529LP.

I recently downloaded Code Composer Studio for my dad to play with on his computer, but I believe something went wrong during installation. His computer has Windows XP SP3 and as far as I know, everything is up to date. The issue is when I plug in the LaunchPad, the "USB Device Not Recognized" bubble keeps popping up every minute or so, and I can't program the LaunchPad. The same LaunchPad works on my laptop running Windows 7, so I know it isn't the device itself...

I suggest you go to the device manager (Do Start-> Run then type "devmgmt.msc" and press enter). Right click on the launchpad device (or if it's not connected, go to the menus and click on show hidden), Then uninstall and reinstall. You can also force it to take a specific driver by doing an update and telling it that you'll install it manually. Then click on "Have Disk..." and point it to the drivers. This will force it to replace them.

Thanks for the reply. I have looked in Device Manager for the LaunchPad, but the only things I see when i plug it in are "Composite Device" under USB Controllers, and "MSP430 Application UART(COM8) under Ports (COM &LPT). Where do I find the correct drivers for these? I've tried uninstalling and letting windows re-find the device, but that's when I get the "USB Device Not Recongnized" messages.

Yes, I have uninstalled that device a couple of times. Once I plug the LaunchPad back in, it reinstalls. I'm not getting the "USB Device not Recognized" bubble anymore, BUT I am having problems programming the board in CCS. When I try to debug/program the chip, it goes through the compile/build process, then stops and gives an error saying:

I'm sorry to say I've faced that same issue myself (and I still am). The partial fixes that have worked for me are to do the update driver and force it to a new driver. If you do uninstall, it automatically installs it from the windows directories, so you're not getting a clean driver. Other things you can try are switching the port in which you have the FET connected.

I also have seen this problem. In an attempt to resolve the issue, I installed the CDC backchannel UART driver as suggested on the page: _JTAG_Interface_USB_Driver - ran the preinstall.exe and then right clicked on the .inf and installed. No feedback but the drivers did install.

Afterward it was slightly different but still not working. Instead of displaying the "MSP430 ...UART" message in the PORTS group, it displays "Unknown Device": in the USB device group. Attempting to "update driver" from the device management console, it says that there is no newer driver required.

I'm at a loss as to what to try having also uninstalled the drivers, removed the corresponding entries the .inf file makes to the registry, and deleteing the driver files it drops in the windows directories. Then reinstalled the latest code composer download from "help/check updates".

So my question is - what version of code composer are you running that is working? I know with the JTAG USB FET pod, there were some versions of CCS4 that did not play well with the pod. Could this be a similar problem?

i'm having similar problems.... i just installed the latest CCS to use with my new launchpad.... but when i plug in the launchpad, windows doesn't seem to recognize the device; and i don't see any entries under COM ports in the device manager....

Hi, I got to messing around with this problem today, and I couldn't get the device driver to take properly and it kept failing on the MSP430 Application UART driver. The fix for me was to edit the 430cdc.inf file so that it says CopyFiles=FakeModemCopyFileSection in each of the sections (32bit and 64bit) and then try to install again with the modified inf. Hope this helps.

When I connect the launchpad to the USB of the laptop, there is no sound and it does not pop up any new USB device. The microusb connector is the right one, and the switch is in DEBUG mode, I can see the green LED on and the launchpad run the demo software with 3 colours LED blinking.

Is this a new "out of the box" launchpad? I would try using a different USB cable and a different USB port on the computer. If possible, try a different computer. When connected properly you should see this in the device manager:

For the USB examples on the EK-TM4C123GXL, you need a USB cable attached to the left USB port. You can either use two cables and keep the power switch on DEBUG or you can switch the power switch to DEVICE.

I have setup a new BI4.2 SP5 server and enabled windows authentication according to the SAP notes. Since then users are getting below popup window on browser. The same popup appearing in all the browsers.

It looks like you have AD authentication configured with SSO. However, you need to make sure that he URL that your users use is configured as a "trusted" site in IE - this needs to either be pushed as a policy from IT or each user needs to configure it.

you may have already tried this, but I am assuming that the user on the domain is in the default Domain Users group. if so does that group have the read permissions. Also are you browsing just with the launchpad? try going to the run window and trying to browse the share that way \server\share and try to login that way. I have had it where it would do one and not the other.

The easiest thing is to check the effective permissions of that share to ensure that the person can read the folder. the last thing would be to try adding that specific user to the folder permissions and see what happens. I think that checking the effective permissions would be the best bet first just to make sure you covered your bases.

GroundControl really is not interested in keystrokes from other applications. However this is how Catalina presents requests to access USB HID devices, which appear to the Mac as something like a keyboard.

To grant permissions, select the checkbox next to GroundControl Launchpad.app. If needed, click the lock in the lower-left corner and enter administrator credentials. If the Launchpad app is running, the system will remind you to quit and relaunch the app.

Register the LaunchpadAfter installation, you must register the Launchpad using a GroundControl user and password. Below are instructions for interactive registration, which is the standard way to register a Launchpad. The Launchpad also supports an automated registration option using a text file and registration token. This option is useful if you will set up a large number of Launchpads.

A launchpad key is optional. If included that value will be used for the Launchpad name. If included, a value must be specified. If omitted, GroundControl will use the Mac/PC system name for the Launchpad name.

When this file is present and valid, the Launchpad app will skip the usual interactive registration steps, and automatically register and start up. If registration is successful, GroundControl will delete the file from the temporary folder as it is no longer needed.

All done, you are now ready to program the MSP-EXP432P401R with Energia.For Windows 8 and 10 users you may need to disable your signed driver feature, follow this guide: -driver-signature-on-windows-8

The text of the Energia getting started and reference guides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. The Energia reference is based on the Wiring/Arduino reference. Code samples in the guide are released into the public domain.

Energia sketches are C/C++ based and compiled with the open-source compiler MSPGCC or arm-gcc-none-eabi. The Energia language comes from Wiring. The Energia environment is based on Processing and includes modifications made by Wiring and Arduino.

This is the easiest and preferred method. Follow the Set your default terminal application instructions to get it done. From now on, to run Launchpad, just double-click the executable (tari_launchpad_cli-windows-x64.exe) and it will start in Windows Terminal. 152ee80cbc

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