This came up in a search I was just doing, found a better solution with some more searching, IPython notebooks now have a %%latex magic that makes the whole cell Latex without the $$ wrapper for each line.

Raw cells Raw cells provide a place in which you can write output directly. Raw cells are not evaluated by the notebook. When passed through nbconvert, raw cells arrive in the destination format unmodified. For example, this allows you to type full LaTeX into a raw cell, which will only be rendered by LaTeX after conversion by nbconvert.

Download Latex For Jupyter Notebook

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Since, I was not able to use all the latex commands in Code even after using the %%latex keyword or the $..$ limiter, I installed the nbextensions through which I could use the latex commands in Markdown. After following the instructions here: -contrib/IPython-notebook-extensions/blob/master/ and then restarting the Jupyter and then localhost:8888/nbextensions and then activating "Latex Environment for Jupyter", I could run many Latex commands. Examples are here: _envs/master/doc/latex_env_doc.html

If you want to display a LaTeX equation from a notebook code cell you can create a simple wrapper class that makes use of the Jupyter notebooks rich display representation. This class should have a _repr_latex_ method (note this single underscore at the start and end rather than the double underscores of other special methods) that outputs the LaTeX string. E.g.:

In this tutorial, you will learn some of the basics on how to use $\LaTeX$ to display equations in Jupyter notebooks. For looking up symbols you may need, you can use any of the many cheat sheets you can find by asking Google. I have provided a few that will come up often in this course at the end of this tutorial.

Once you have installed LaTeX on your system, you need to install the nbconvert package, which is a Jupyter Notebook package that allows you to convert your notebook to various formats, including PDF. You can install the nbconvert package using pip, a package manager for Python. Open your terminal or command prompt and type the following command:

Now that we have written our report or paper in Jupyter Notebook using LaTeX syntax, we can convert it to PDF using the nbconvert package. The nbconvert package allows you to convert your notebook to various formats, including PDF, HTML, and LaTeX.

In this blog post, we have explored how to use LaTeX in Jupyter Notebook. We have learned how to install LaTeX on our system, how to use LaTeX syntax for mathematical equations and symbols in Jupyter Notebook, and how to convert our notebook to PDF using the nbconvert package.

Saturn Cloud is your all-in-one solution for data science & ML development, deployment, and data pipelines in the cloud. Spin up a notebook with 4TB of RAM, add a GPU, connect to a distributed cluster of workers, and more. Join today and get 150 hours of free compute per month.

I can't perform Math/LaTeX rendering in Jupyter Notebook for some reason. I've installed mathjax package already (which was suggested in one of the topics here) and I've also tried to set the path to MathJax manually in, but it didn't help. I keep on getting the following message (see the screenshot).

I've reisntalled Jupyter Notebook (I've installed jupyter-notebook 6.4.10-2, to be precise), but the problem still persists unfortunately.

Now I can see in the debug output that it sets mathjax2 path correctly, yet there is still

LaTeX is a programming environment for producing scientific documents. Jupyter notebook recognizes LaTeX code written in markdown cells and renders the mathematical symbols in the browser using the MathJax JavaScript library.

I tried to import directly my Jupiter notebook to a .tex file (in overleaf) but I don't know how to make the overall size of the code smaller. There is one line in the raw file that would seem to do this task (line 118 % Add ',fontsize=\small' for more characters per line) but I don't understand how to use it.

EDIT: I will try being more clear about this. I am editing a jupyter notebook using Anaconda Navigator. Using this notebook there is an option to export the code as a ".tex" file. When I do this all the Markdown text is very clean and the size is perfect (it is the normal latex size). The thing I would like to change is the size of the text in the code blocks. It look like they are using a block called Verbatim to get the proper code font and background color. And there is the line 118 as mentioned before that has a command that seems to be able to change the size of the code only. I wish I have been more clear on this one. Thank you for your help.

Note that this means that the Jupyter notebook server also acts as a generic file server for files inside the same tree as your notebooks. Access is not granted outside the notebook folder so you have strict control over what files are visible, but for this reason it is highly recommended that you do not run the notebook server with a notebook directory at a high level in your filesystem (e.g. your home directory).

It is possible to export the notebooks to plain $\LaTeX$ and html while keepingall the features of the latex_envs notebook extension in the convertedversion. We provide specialized exporters, pre and post processors, templates.We also added entry-points to simplify the conversion process.It is now as simple as

to convert FILE.ipynb into html/latex while keeping all the features of thelatex_envs notebook extension in the converted version. The LaTeX converteralso expose several conversion options (read thedocs).

The doc subdirectory that constains an example notebook and its html and pdfversions. This serves as the documentation. A demo notebooklatex_env_doc.ipynb is provided. Its html version islatex_env_doc.htmland a pdf resulting from conversion to LaTeX is available asdocumentation.

The extension consists of a pypi package that includes a javascript notebookextension, along with python code for nbconvert support. Since Jupyter 4.2,pypi is the recommended way to distribute nbextensions. The extension can beinstalled

Another cool thing would be to be able to drop .tex document packages (what you get when you download an overleaf project for example) in a folder analogous to _notebooks and have it show up as a blog post

Add the updated example.ipynb, example.pdf, report_example.tex, report_example.bib and report_example.pdf to your Githubrepository research-bazaar-jupyter-2019 using JupyterLab git extension and/or JupyterLab Git Terminal.

which is supposed to produce... $$|\psi_{AB}\rangle = 1/\sqrt{2}(|00\rangle +|11\rangle)$$ However, it seems that the prefix as a part of the .draw() no longer works to create this output so I am attempting to write the the $|\psi_{AB}\rangle = $ portion just as I have done here. The problem is that this is not working in Jupyter notebook and I am not sure what I could be doing wrong.

I've tried single and double $'s.I've tried single and double quotations. I've attempted to use display() and print(). No matter what I try I end up with syntax errors that indicate the dollar signs as the issue or it prints |\psi_{AB}\rangle = without converting to latex. Any help with this coding issue would be appreciated!

Edit:I have run an update on my qiskit and everything now works exactly how it does on the Density matrix page in the qiskit text. They have errors with the prefix in the Statevector and so do I. The page is just to emphasize where the code came from. The real problem is that writing 'DollarSign x=5 DollarSign' in my Jupyter notebook does not change it to the latex $x=5$ as it does here. Instead I get a syntax error indicating the first dollar sign. Perhaps there is something I need to import to make this feature work?

Edit 2.0Pylatexenc has been properly installed and is up to date.I've figured out how to get the markdown to work when I wish to simply type text. I now feel that the error is in the source coding for qiskit.quantum_info.Statevector.draw. I believe this function is not correctly creating the prefix because the coding, as seen below, does not allow for prefix as an arguement.

I want to use Jupyter (= IPython-notebook) as my file-manager for controlling my LaTeX projects. Pylatex is not what I want. You can for instance have a Matlab bridge so it is possible to have LaTeX bridge in IPython-notebook. Pseudocode

The notebook functionality of Python provides a really amazing way of analyzing data and writing reports in one place. However in the standard configuration, the pdf export of the Python notebook is somewhat ugly and unpractical. In the following I will present my choices to create almost publication ready reports from within IPython/Jupyter notebook.

Although the IPython/Jupyter notebook is pretty nice, it supports plugins to add some nice features that are useful when writing a scientific article within the notebook. In the following I will present the plugins I find useful when I write my notebooks.

Most of the plugins are available from a central repository. For installation simply clone the repository and run python install. After that you can simply add /nbextensions/ to the url of your IPython/Jupyter notebook server (instead of /tree/) and simply activate the plugins that suit you.

This small plugin allows code to be folded away at function definitions etc. However I mostly use it to give each cell a comment at the beginning to describe its content and fold away on that first line, so that I can quickly scroll through the notebook.

This one is a very handy plugin. Out of the box, the notebook unfortunately can't display the content of python variables. This plugin adds this functionality. Any python code that is within double curly brackets {{ ... }} in a Markdown cell get's evaluated. It has some caveats though. First the notebook has to be trusted (File->Trust Notebook), otherwise the JavaScript magic does not work. Second, make absolutely sure that you write correct Python inside, since if the Python evaluation fails, you will get no feedback, just an empty string there. Writing bad code can also screw up the whole Python kernel, forcing you to restart the kernel. This can also happen randomly, the plugin seems to not be the most stable one. e24fc04721

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