We began issuing U.S. passport cards in 2008 to meet the needs of U.S. citizens who travel from Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and Caribbean countries by land or sea. The passport card cannot be used for international air travel and is a cheaper alternative to the passport book. Learn about the card on this page so you can decide if you want to apply for either the book or card, or both documents.

The passport card was designed for the specific needs of northern and southern U.S. border communities with residents that cross the border frequently by land. The passport book is the only document approved for international air travel.

Download Land Passbook Jk

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(A) "Land installment contract" means an executory agreement which by its terms is not required to be fully performed by one or more of the parties to the agreement within one year of the date of the agreement and under which the vendor agrees to convey title in real property located in this state to the vendee and the vendee agrees to pay the purchase price in installment payments, while the vendor retains title to the property as security for the vendee's obligation. Option contracts for the purchase of real property are not land installment contracts.

(A) Every land installment contract shall be executed in duplicate, and a copy of the contract shall be provided to the vendor and the vendee. The contract shall contain at least the following provisions:

(B) No vendor shall hold a mortgage on property sold by a land installment contract in an amount greater than the balance due under the contract, except a mortgage that covers real property in addition to the property that is the subject of the contract where the vendor has made written disclosure to the vendee of the amount of the mortgage and the release price, if any, attributable to the property in question.

(C) Within twenty days after a land installment contract has been signed by both the vendor and the vendee, the vendor shall cause a copy of the contract to be recorded as provided in section 5301.25 of the Revised Code and a copy of the contract to be delivered to the county auditor.

(D) Every land installment contract shall conform to the formalities required by law for the execution of deeds and mortgages. The vendor of any land installment contract that contains a metes and bounds legal description shall have that description reviewed by the county engineer. The county engineer shall indicate his approval of the description on the contract.

When the vendee of a land installment contract defaults in payment, forfeiture of the interest of the vendee under the contract may be enforced only after the expiration of thirty days from the date of the default. A vendee in default may, prior to the expiration of the thirty-day period, avoid the forfeiture of his interest under the contract by making all payments currently due under the contract and by paying any fees or charges for which he is liable under the contract. If such payments are made within the thirty-day period, forfeiture of the interest of the vendee shall not be enforced.

Following expiration of the period of time provided in section 5313.05 of the Revised Code, forfeiture of the interest of a vendee in default under a land installment contract shall be initiated by the vendor or by his successor in interest, by serving or causing to be served on the vendee or his successor in interest, if known to the vendor or his successor in interest, a written notice which:

If the vendee of a land installment contract has paid in accordance with the terms of the contract for a period of five years or more from the date of the first payment or has paid toward the purchase price a total sum equal to or in excess of twenty per cent thereof, the vendor may recover possession of his property only by use of a proceeding for foreclosure and judicial sale of the foreclosed property as provided in section 2323.07 of the Revised Code. Such action may be commenced after expiration of the period of time prescribed by sections 5313.05 and 5313.06 of the Revised Code. In such an action, as between the vendor and vendee, the vendor shall be entitled to proceeds of the sale up to and including the unpaid balance due on the land installment contract.

Chapter 5313. of the Revised Code does not prevent the vendor or vendee of a land installment contract from commencing a quiet title action to establish the validity of his claim to the property conveyed under a land installment contract nor from bringing an action for unpaid installments.

If the contract has been in effect for less than five years, in addition to any other remedies provided by law and after the expiration of the periods prescribed by sections 5313.05 and 5313.06 of the Revised Code, if the vendee is still in default of any payment the vendor may bring an action for forfeiture of the vendee's rights in the land installment contract and for restitution of his property under Chapter 1923. of the Revised Code. When bringing the action under Chapter 1923. of the Revised Code, the vendor complies with the notice requirement of division (A) of section 1923.04 of the Revised Code by serving notice pursuant to section 5313.06 of the Revised Code. The court may also grant any other claim arising out of the contract.

(A) A judgment for the vendor shall operate to cancel the land installment contract as of a date to be specified by the court. The clerk of the county or municipal court in which such judgment is rendered shall transmit an authenticated copy of such dated judgment to the county recorder of the county in which the property is located.

The election of the vendor to terminate the land installment contract by an action under section 5313.07 or 5313.08 of the Revised Code is an exclusive remedy which bars further action on the contract unless the vendee has paid an amount less than the fair rental value plus deterioration or destruction of the property occasioned by the vendee's use. In such case the vendor may recover the difference between the amount paid by the vendee on the contract and the fair rental value of the property plus an amount for the deterioration or destruction of the property occasioned by the vendee's use.

Registrar office will not refuse or reject to register the papers submitted before them if everything is okay. They do not any have any concern with Pattadar passbook. This passbook is not a title document. If the link title document is available, the number of the same will be mentioned in the registered partition deed document, even if there is no such document, it can be mentioned as that the property erstwhile belonged to so and so and had been in possession and enjoyment with so and so and then all the legal heirs upon the death of the owner have decided to partition the same which has been mentioned in the schedules belonging to so and so accordingly. This will be taken care of the document writer, so don't worry about the registration, this is a routine official procedure to legalise the ownership of the property to the subsequent inheritors.

My father (late) have 6 brothers they have agiriculture lands and my father share is 1.25 acre and due to my financial problems the same we have selled to some other person with information of my father brothers on December 2016.With passbook and online land records. Now my father brothers are trying to create some litigations, legal issues & disputes to suffering me because thery are in personal gudge on me due to some various reasons. And they already filed RTI 2005 ( Question is : how they owned that land and what is the proofs exact 1.25 acre).

The e-title deed-cum-pattadar passbooks, as they will be called, will be issued only if the land owning farmers get no objection certificates from banks for crop loans outstanding against their names or they mortgaged their lands to secure loans, sources said. They added that the Government was in the process of preparing guidelines on these lines for issuance of passbooks on the basis of purification of land records which is scheduled to be completed by the month-end.

For those who did not have any outstanding balance in banks, the passbooks will be delivered directly by courier. The farmers will have to clear their loans in banks, secure NOCs and submit them in Tahsildar offices to get the new passbooks.

The Tahsildar offices earlier insisted on NOC from banks for new passbooks only in cases of inheritance of land. The succession of land in the event of death of the owners entailed getting NOC from banks to show that there was no outstanding loan. The offices also wanted NOC from banks when the passbooks were lost and required replacement.

Sources added that the new passbooks will have security features which did not figure in the earlier ones. They will go with digital signatures of Tahsildars. The Government also proposed to replace its webland portal to put land records in public domain.

"From this portal, passbook for land holding of the khata holder, for urban and rural areas, for revenue and city survey is available. URL for Urban and Rural area Landbook also provide service hosted linkFor Rural Area - Urban Area - -milkat.gujarat.gov.in/"

 Andhra Pradesh Rights in Land and Pattadar Pass Books Act, 1971 Andhra Pradesh Rights in Land and Pattadar Pass Books Act, 19711. Short title, extent and commencement.2. Definitions.3. Preparation and updating of record of rights in all lands.3A. Generation and Updation of Bhudhaar.4. Acquisition of rights to be intimated.5. Amendment and updating of Record of Rights.5A. Regularisation of certain alienations or other transfers of lands.5B. Appeal.6. Presumption of correctness of entries in record of rights.6A. Pass Book holder to have entries of alienation etc., recorded in Pass Book:6B. Pass book holder to have entries of alienation etc., recorded in pass book.6C. Recording of grant of loans and encumbrances etc., in the pass book and punishment or contravention thereof.6D. Registering authority to make entries in the Pass Book.6E. Assignment of Bhudhaar to parcels of land.6F. Generation of Bhudhaar Card.7. Inspection and copies of the Record of Rights.8. Bar of Suits.9. Revision.10. Powers of recording and appellate authority.10A. Corrections to be incorporated in village revenue records.11. Powers to make rules.12. Act not to apply to Government Lands.13. Repeal and Savings. Andhra Pradesh Rights in Land and Pattadar Pass Books Rules, 19891. Short title, extent and commencement:2.3. Form of Record of Rights:4. Procedure for preparation of Record of Rights and updating of the Record of Rights: Regularisation of certain alienation or transfers of land:22A. Miscellaneous: Andhra Pradesh Rights in Land and Pattadar Pass Books Act, 1971 17dc91bb1f

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