Having some issues with Apple Music. I get the message "This song is not currently available in your country or region" when it's added to a playlist. However, searching for the song in Apple Music allows me to play it.

I was able to fix the problem by simply re-sycing. The question remains, why did the problem inject itself? All of my songs were either ripped from CDs that I own or purchased from Amazon, completely unaffiliated with Apple. How do they have the right to disable music from my library?

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Quite frankly the second part of your answer is quite absurb. Suppose your in France, buy a bottle of wine, put it in your suitcase, and bring it home. Suddenly the bottles are recalled. Not because there is glass in the bottle, and not because the wine is poisoness, but instead simply because the maker of the wine decides they weren't paid enough by the stores that sold them.

Also who cares if an artist retracted it? We have paid for the song. Suppose you buy a cake from a bakery in Sweden, and bring it home. The baker of the cake in Sweden cannot suddenly insist that no-one can enjoy there cake any longer.

I am having this same issue and it's driving me nuts. I've NOT unsubscribed from Apple Music at all. I've had it constantly for about 3 years and there is no issue with my account. I've noticed the songs that it won't download to my phone, but will populate ( albeit grayed out and gives me the "cannot play in your country or region" error when I have NOT left the US or changed any of those settings) in the music app, are songs that are remixes of songs I've downloaded from the artist legally, but outside iTunes. The files are compatible, but what's weird is even older files I've never had issues with won't download to my phone.

OP and everyone else having this problem, I think I may have fixed it. I was having the same issue. The song is having an issue in how it saved to your library for some reason. I fixed it by doing the following:

This appears to be a bug with iTunes and Apple should be more forthcoming about at least providing resolution info for this known issue instead of directing users (customers) to figure it out for themselves through this support community.

Tracks on an older playlist may have been edited (possibly only the meta data or lyrics text) to a new version on Apple Music, thereby invalidating the old version. You can delete the old track from the list and add the new version from Search to update your playlist.

Tracks that were once available, may have been retracted by the artist or their record company, temporarily or permanently, for all regions or for selected regions. The availability of tracks can change over time.

Thanks for responding. I've had this issue for about 3 years - it impacts 45 of my songs on my "top 100 songs of all time" playlist. Most of them were ripped from CDs I own ... and the other songs on those albums are never impacted. After digging into this one evening I noticed the "last modified" date on the impacted songs is later than the other songs on the album from which they came. Why does a later modified date or updated meta data cause the iphone to refuse to play a track? This seems like a bug in their copyright protection efforts.

For me, it's the inability to download things despite them being synced on my iphone or ipad, despite those things already existing on the cloud (pre-purchased and synced) and being available and playable on Apple Music via subscription.

This image below is really typical - this Basement Jaxx album is available to stream on Apple Music, I had this problem because I owned the CD and old syncs needed to be fully removed from library to free up space, and now - from Apple Music - I can't re-add it and download despite paying a subscription service.

Today could have been the day

That you blow out your candles

Make a wish as you close your eyes

Today could have been the day

Everybody was laughing

Instead I just sit here and cry

In the arms of an Angel far away from here

From this dark, cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie

You're in the arms of an Angel;

may you find some comfort here

And you probably don't want to hear tomorrow's another day

Well I promise you you'll see the sun again

And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness

And I promise you you'll see the sun again

And as I float along this ocean

I can feel you like a notion that won't seem to let me go

Cause when I look to the sky something tells me you're here with me

And you make everything alright

Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end

I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend

but I always thought that I'd see you baby, one more time again, now

Oh Lord there's just so much to be done

Oh lord, so many souls to be won

Oh lord, this world is falling apart

Dying for love from a broken heart

Here am i, send me, though there's really not that much I can do

What I have seems so small, but I want to give it all to you

And can you tell me, doctor, why I still can't get to sleep?

And why the Channel Seven chopper chills me to my feet?

And what's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means?

God help me, I was only nineteen

And wherever you've gone

And wherever we might go

It don't seem fair... Today just disappeared

Your light's reflected now, reflected from afar

We were but stones, your light made us stars

A letter to you on a cassette

'Cause we don't write anymore

Gotta make it up quickly

There's people asleep on the second floor

There's no aphrodisiac like loneliness

Truth, beauty and a picture of you

Is it getting better, or do you feel the same?

Will it make it easier on you, now you got someone to blame?

You say one love, one life, when it's one need in the night

One love, we get to share it

Leaves you baby if you don't care for it

Yes we'll be movin' on, with no sad good byes

But it's only the deepest part of our love, that will keep us together

But while this cold wind blows, and tears fill your eyes

I'm counting the days, and learning the ways of a broken heart

Farewell my companions, my friends and my workmates

Farewell to the paydays, the pints, and the crack

Oh we gave them our best years, now they've paid us back

By making us yesterdays men sure as hell

By making us yesterday's men

You don't bring me flowers

You don't sing me love songs

You hardly talk to me anymore

When you come through that door at the end of the day...

I remember when you couldn't wait to love me

If this was going to be a song about the vivid memories that can be brought on by our sense of smell, I knew I needed to try to be as clear as I could be in the storytelling. So the lyrics have a bit of a conversational feel to them. i.e.. the opening line:

Sometimes, when I feel like I've lost control of some part of my life, I wear myself out trying to regain some sense of control to the point of shutting down. Almost like an unhealthy hibernation. So, this line serves as a gentle reminder to myself to wake up, to not allow myself to sleep through the better parts of my life.

As I mentioned earlier, I don't have a great sense of smell, but I have a far less great memory. So I had a lot of fun writing this song with limitations in place. In addition to recording it mono, I made a rule that NO lyric in this song could repeat. Every line is essentially about faded memory, and trying to go back, so it felt appropriate to never repeat.

I invited my friend, Joanna Hui to be a guest on this song (she's an Atlas regular these days!) to play a ton of violins. Lately, we have a fun way of recording together: I think "this song should have strings." I invite Joanna over to play on a song. She kindly agrees. Without having even heard the song, she shows up with her violin and let's me boss her around for a few hours and record TONS of random ideas, and as we go, we dissect what's working, what's not working. Shortly after, I'll go back through the violin recordings and shape and layer them until they feel done. We've only recently begun recording in this way, and I just love it! It feels like pulling the lever of a slot machine, but instead of $$$, it always spits out beautiful strings! I'd call it luck, if Joanna wasn't so darn talented!

the research says that the only way to keep memories in tact

is to lock them away and to close the door until countless years have passed.

i guess that explains why the strangest things can conjure up the past,

and forgotten time will find its long way back.

I've been up around the stratosphere

At thirty-one thousand feet

I'm gonna fly on out of here

On wings that you can't see

If you're gonna fly high without fear

You're gonna have to learn to love the atmosphere

And you gotta learn to use those wings

You can't see.

I've been treading on the mountains of the moon

on a weekend wind

I've been lookin out for life on Mars

Ground control to Major Jim.

All these things could be yours too

If you just take another point of view

Everybody's got a pair of wings

They can't see.

I don't need no runway

I've got fuel here in my bong

I can buzz the treetop flyer

Level all day long

Now I'm looking down on tiny cars

Tiny swimmers in the water and tiny beach bars

And all because of these wings

You can't see

And maybe if you open up your mind

You might learn some things.

God only knows what you might find

Floatin' on those wings.

You can try to fly away from all your problems

I'm here to say that ain't the way to solve them

I can only help you with your wings you can't see 152ee80cbc

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