Bible Verses about Confidence ~ Be Confident in the Lord!God wants us to have confidence in life! Not boastful, arrogant pride but an assured knowledge of who we are in Him! Our self-worth should be seen through the eyes of God, our creator. When you need a boost of self-esteem, there is no better place to turn to than the Bible! Scripture is filled with truths and promises that we can place our confidence in.

Our confidence is in Jesus Christ and the love of God. When you feel not good enough or not strong enough, remember who God says you are! We hope this collection of Bible verses about having confidence brings your courage and strength through the love of God. Photo credit:  Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

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Before I dive into the basics of how to grow your confidence in Christ, I highly encourage you to sign up for my 5 Days to Jump Start Your Confidence in Christ. It will walk you through a more in-depth 5-day series of devotions all about growing your confidence in Jesus alone, not on your own strength.

I think we often try to fix our confidence problems by fixing ourselves. If we can just muster up more willpower/self-control, if we can just do better or be better, if we can just make the changes we want to make to ourselves, then our confidence will have to grow, right?

In Christ we are confident, and He is our confidence. We do not have to waver in fear or regret if Jesus is with us. Obstacles can seem overwhelming, our faith may stumble and fear may lead our flesh to falter in its commitment. This is when we lean into the Lord in prayer and renew our confidence in Christ. It places our trust back on our unshakeable Savior because so much of our confidence is based on perspective.

Perspective reminds us of the right questions to ask. Has God called me to this current circumstance? Is He with those who have answered His call? Can I be confident in Christ and continue? Yes, you can advance in your adversity because the Almighty is not against you, but for you. You can scale your wall of worry by faith.

Our confidence can be crushed under the weight of cruel people. You may know people right now who are intimidated by your life. Instead of praising your good deeds, they are repulsed by righteous acts. Your life reminds them of how they once were or how they need to be. Your character makes them uncomfortable. They want you to change and relieve their pain of conviction. They want you to worship with them at the altar of mediocrity.

Our confidence in Christ cannot be shaken because He is alive and well; so stand firm by faith. Move forward on your knees in prayer and dependence on God. Confidence in Christ is bold but humble. It is engaging but calm. It is quick to ask questions but slow to answer in judgment. So, in your home be confident that Christ is growing the faith of your family.

We come now to the last chapter in our studies of the Gospel of Mark. As I stated in my introduction, there are two problems that scholars have with its finality. One, the book shows no mention of anyone seeing Jesus after the resurrection. Two, the book ends suddenly.

Jesus restored Peter. He can restore you, too. Christians in alignment with Jesus are ambassadors on this earth. Our words and deeds will reveal if we are truly honoring God or not. How much confidence do you have in Jesus?

Sometimes we are like Zacchaeus and sometimes we are like the crowd. Are there times when we have blocked people from seeing Jesus? Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reflects on the story of Zacchaeus and having confidence in Jesus. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 30, 2022.

After you have confidence in your identity in Christ, you will then be able to walk in the power and authority you have been given by Him. We have the the Spirit of Jesus living inside of us. It is His power and authority that we operate in when casting out demons. It is never in our own power or strength. This is why it is so important to be led by the Holy Spirit and to always use the name of Jesus when praying for demons to leave.

Dear brothers and sisters, if you want to live as a victorious Christian you have to know the power and authority that you have in Christ sot that you can fight the enemy back. I pray against any fear the enemy may try to impose on you as you work on becoming the warrior for Jesus that you are. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). You have a mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). To be triumphant you must learn how to cast out demons like Jesus did.

The love of the Father, expressed in the sending of the Son to be the Saviour of the world (1 John 4:14), is the basis for the confidence of believers. This is because the atoning death of Christ has provided full forgiveness and restoration into fellowship with the Triune God (1 John 1:3).

This perfect love is the gift of God, who loved us first (v.19). True believers will show that they have received it by loving one another, just as he has commanded (v. 21-22). Indeed, John shows that it is impossible to love the unseen God without loving others who we have seen (v.21).

Today, I get around pretty well. I have prosthetic legs, but I have never found prosthetic hands to be particularly helpful. My main tools, especially for writing my blog and communicating, are my cell phone with a wrist strap and a stylus for typing. If you want more info on my life as a quad amputee, check out my blog info in my bio.

Our worth from our Lord is why in a contest of God-confidence vs self-confidence, God wins every time. Our worth upon acceptance of Jesus as our Savior will never change, unlike the self-worth of the world, which can change by the minute.

We all are battling insecurities. But if we walk in God-confidence vs self-confidence, you will have much more success. Just remember that God has a purpose for us. So we need to serve Him regardless of how we feel about ourselves. I know, though, that I can get all of the confidence that I need simply by putting my faith and trust in Him.

My husband and I have been in a small group Bible study for almost 30 years. We have kept notebooks of our prayer requests over the years. All I need to do is go through a few pages and marvel at how He has worked in our lives. It gives me confidence knowing He has been in every situation and circumstance of my life.

When we remember how He has been present in every situation and circumstance of our lives, it makes us able to persevere in trials and bounce back from hurts and missteps. We can live with the unshakable truth that the Lord is our confidence!

I was praying and asking God to connect with the true source of power and the next day I woke up feeling confident about everything concerning my walk with Christ and then I read all you written about confidence,, I feel blessed

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.

Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you, and that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men. For not all have faith. But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one. And we have confidence in the Lord about you, that you are doing and will do the things that we command. May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ. ...

Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go.

Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways! You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently. Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes! ...

A young woman who goes through the experience of this learning, encouraged by parents and the Church, will then understand, through the light of the Spirit of the Lord, that the beauty of personality and character is the beauty to be sought after. She will question the wisdom of the women of the world as they invest time and money to gild their faces with the colors of vanity and to dress their bodies with the fashion of lust. She will be proud to be a woman and never feel inferior or try to disguise her being a woman by competing with masculinity. She will love to be feminine and to develop her personality. As she is able to develop the radiating light of the spirit within herself, she will know that she need not be too concerned about her outward appearance, for she will always be admirable and will blossom and glow. She will understand the meaning of the warnings that the prophets have given the daughters of Zion:

As they are united in marriage, her well-being will be the center of his concerns, as well as the world of her development and her fulfillment; in so doing it will be her natural inclination to take a deep interest and concern in the development of his individual life. She will enjoy creating an atmosphere of home and sacrificing her time to care about him. She will not have the feeling of having lost something, because his gain will also be her gain. Both can then become one in sharing, in communication, in admiring, and achieving. Thus, they will be interwoven together in times of joy, in times of pain, in times of achievement, and in times of failure. They will both know that marriage does not mean there will always be contentment and fulfillment but that it may sometimes be a thorn-strewn road of learning, growing, forgiving, understanding, of maintaining persistence, and, finally, of achieving and perceiving on the horizon of the other world the sweet fragrance of fulfillment. e24fc04721

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