Experience the privilege of being our customer by submitting your EPF withdrawal application via online for your financing facility payment. All you have to do is to register your EPF i-AKAUN in EPF official website www.kwsp.gov.my or any EPF branches through out Malaysia in order to facilitate e-Pengeluaran. Through the application, you can choose to reduce/settle your outstanding balance or for monthly installment.

Bagi yg black list mcm mn pula..? Hr tua 1 perkara,mslh skrg bgaimana..? Kerja xde,umur lbh 40 cmpany mn yg nk ambk..degree le maater dh blh smpn kat stor bg ank cucu tgk ms dpn nsb org tua mreka,din kuayraya a bg kwsp lockdown bg lg lockdown sblm ni, mmg cerdik sgt tp utk politik tembolok dia dgn lebai2 poligami terer..ekonomi kelembai..dsai pun kot ye jgn la keras kpala rs btul je..ade yg ssh xde sape yg blh d sandarkan..tekanan hdup ni dh lm sgt harung..hdup ssh smpi tujuan asal terbiar..u pemimpin u punya tanggung jwb..jgn cter hr tua,skit ms jk duit jd kertas sampah u tau ia akan ttp trjd..bl rahsia Allah swt..lm atau x u blh pikir,i dont believe it will take long time more..a few couple years or maybe a few month who knows..

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