Given this distance, planning and self-sufficiency will be essential to successful missions to Mars. Facing a communication delay of up to 20 minutes one way, the possibility of equipment failures or medical emergencies, and a critical need to ration food and supplies, astronauts must be capable of confronting an array of situations with minimal support from teams on Earth. Learn more about how NASA studies the challenges that will arise as space missions venture farther from Earth:

You may be surprised to learn that Everest is not the tallest mountain on Earth, either. That honor belongs to Mauna Kea, a volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii. Mauna Kea originates deep beneath the Pacific Ocean, and rises more than 10,210 meters from base to peak.

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The James Webb Space Telescope is not in orbit around the Earth, like the Hubble Space Telescope is - it actually orbits the Sun, 1.5 million kilometers (1 million miles) away from the Earth at what is called the second Lagrange point or L2. What is special about this orbit is that it lets the telescope stay in line with the Earth as it moves around the Sun. This allows the satellite's large sunshield to protect the telescope from the light and heat of the Sun and Earth (and Moon).

Webb primarily observes infrared light, which can sometimes be felt as heat. Because the telescope observes the very faint infrared signals of very distant objects, it needs to be shielded from any bright, hot sources. This also includes the satellite itself! The sunshield serves to separate the sensitive mirrors and instruments from not only the Sun and Earth/Moon, but also the spacecraft bus.

Webb orbits around L2; it does not sit stationary precisely at L2. Webb's orbit is represented in this screenshot from our deployment video (below), roughly to scale; it is actually similar in size to the Moon's orbit around the Earth! This orbit (which takes Webb about 6 months to complete once) keeps the telescope out of the shadows of both the Earth and Moon. Unlike Hubble, which goes in and out of Earth shadow every 90 minutes, Webb has an unimpeded view that allows science operations 24/7.

Interestingly in my version the scene with the Man in Black and the one in the desert with Billingsley are reversed; the movie ends with the slightly weird request from Billingsley and the Man in Black shows up in the credits. Totally weird scene if you ask me, framing John as a psycho-murderer is about as far as you can move away from the John from the original movie as you can. Really, really odd.

Regarding how Art when from skeptic to believer, I thought it was explained several times that Art was angry and sought out to disprove John but found himself further and further into the rabbit hole when he found out that John scrubbed his online identity, finding out about previous professorships at other colleges with the same physical description but no photo, etc, etc.

The guide is free for printing and distribution with attribution, and we hope you'll share it widely to get more people interested in space exploration! The picture of the Moon itself was created with images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.

HD1 is an object estimated to lie around 13.3 billion light years away from our planet, placing it in an era when many chemical elements were yet to form. If confirmed, it is more than two billion light years beyond the current record holder.

However, the light from these distant stars continues travelling. By looking further and further away from Earth, the images we see come from deeper into the past. Look far enough, and the Population III stars should be visible.

This current work was done using ground-based telescopes which suffer from interference from Earth's atmosphere, but the researchers hope to make use of the next generation of space telescopes. This includes the James Webb telescope, which the team intend to use to observe HD1 and confirm their theories.

'Answering questions about the nature of a source so far away can be challenging,' says Fabio. 'It's like guessing the nationality of a ship from the flag it flies, while being faraway from shore, with the vessel in the middle of a gale and dense fog. One can maybe see some of the colours and shapes of the flag, but it can't be seen in its entirety.

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The Man from Earth: Holocene is an American science fiction drama film directed by Richard Schenkman and written by Richard Schenkman and Emerson Bixby, based on characters created by Bixby's father, science fiction writer Jerome Bixby. It is a sequel to the film The Man from Earth (2007). David Lee Smith returns as the "John Oldman" character, the protagonist from the original film, although going by a different name.[1] The marketing of the film was notable for leveraging a full spectrum of both conventional and "pirate" channels to maximize visibility and distribution.[2]

"People have been asking for this since the first movie became a viral phenomenon. Over the years, I've spent time developing this property with the ultimate goal of creating a long-form series. I've had a lot of help from a number of really talented people, and stunning support from fans all over the world. It's been a long road, but now that we're about to start shooting, I could not be more excited."[1]

It reminds me of the theater from Brave New World, where you took Soma, and you smelled and you felt and you experienced the cinema. I know it's not a positive analogy, but it was one of the most breathtaking experiences I've ever had in my entire life.

Edit: here are two clips from the film, and a few clips from the YouTube performance. For posterity, I know it's a privilege to be able to even enjoy this. I'm not flaunting it and I'm definitely just a random dude really impressed

It is possible that the sample is not of terrestrial origin, but instead crystallized on the Moon, however, that would require conditions never before inferred from lunar samples. It would require the sample to have formed at tremendous depths, in the lunar mantle, where very different rock compositions are anticipated. Therefore, the simplest interpretation is that the sample came from Earth.

When the moon is at its farthest distance from Earth, known as apogee, it is about 251,000 miles (405,500 km) from our planet. One of the clearest natural visuals for apogee are annular, or "ring of fire," solar eclipses.

A remarkable quality of solar eclipses is the serendipity of their existence. For the next 600 million years, the moon's proximity to Earth will be about 400 times greater than the sun's distance to Earth. Since the star's diameter is also approximately 400 times greater than that of the moon, the disks of both objects tend to match almost perfectly during solar eclipses. This produces moments of totality when just the solar corona peeks out from behind the moon.

But if the new moon phase that produces solar eclipses coincides with apogee, the moon's longer distance from Earth means that the lunar disk will appear much smaller in the sky. While still spectacular, annular solar eclipses do not completely block out the sun, Instead, they leave a ring of the solar disk visible to spectators.

Apollo 8 took 69 hours and 8 minutes to enter orbit around the moon. Apollo 11, which placed the first humans on the moon, took 75 hours and 56 minutes to enter orbit around the moon. Long before they entered orbit, however, both spacecraft entered the moon's sphere of influence, a region 33,823 nautical miles (62,630 km) from the moon. For Apollo 11, this occurred after 61 hours and 56 minutes, while for Apollo 8 it took only 55 hours 40 minutes.

The moon was once much closer to Earth. During the infancy of the solar system just as planets were finalizing their formation, a protoplanetary Earth collided with a Mars-sized object that may have formed farther away from the sun. Known as Theia, its impact produced the material that would eventually coalesce to form the moon.

The distance between the Earth and the moon grew as time passed. Currently, the moon drifts away from our planet at a rate of approximately 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) a year, roughly the same rate at which your fingernails grow!

Explore the distance to the moon in more detail with this article from Royal Museums Greenwich. Learn how to measure the distance to the moon using a lunar eclipse or a parallax with this feature from Universe Today. Continue exploring moon to Earth distance measurements with the educational website Earth How.

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This time of better Mars viewing opportunities can coincide with opposition, when Mars is directly on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun. This lineup happens about every two years. This is usually when Mars is at its brightest, so go out and take a look! ff782bc1db

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