There are several problems with these claims.First, what does Meherally mean when claiming that"within the Scripture that was given to Moses was a Book ..."?Does he speak of a hierarchy of books, comparable to the collected works of ... consisting of several books bound into one large volume? Does he consider the simple statement "Choose no guardian beside Me" to be a book by itself? Whatever he means, I can't see such a hierarchy of books mentioned in the verse quoted by Meherally.Second, even if we do not want to ask for an absolutely literal translation, it is quite a stretch to identify the command "Choose no guardian beside Me" with the creedal confession in the Shema: "Hear O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one." The quranic command would be somewhat closer to the first of the Ten Commandments as given in Exodus 20:2-3, "I am the LORD your God, ... You shall not have any other gods besides me." But there is a bigger problem. In both of these references the Hebrew text contains the name of God, YHWH (usually rendered in English as "LORD" in all upper case letters). These versesare very clear. There is only one God, and his name is Yahweh, not Allah. [A detailed discussion on this issue of the name of God is due to be published on Answering Islam soon.]Furthermore, let Meherally look through all of the Torah or even all of the Old Testament whether he can find a verse stating, "Choose no guardian beside Me". If he cannot find it, then this alleged "book given to Moses" is definitely not the Torah. Assuming that Allah is able to translate properly from Hebrewto Arabic, this verse is actually proof that the Torah and the "book given to Moses" refered to in the Qur'an are NOT identical. Third, the two verses quoted so far by Meherally already contradict each other. Surah 6:91 said that the book of Moses was a guidance for mankind, while Surah 17:2 now says it is a guidance for the Children of Israel. What is it, a guidance for all of mankind or only for the Children of Israel? Fourth, the above paragraph exhibits again Meherally's main logical fallacy. ALL of God's revelation is guidance for mankind, or, if we want to focus only on Israel: ALL of God's revelation to Israel is guidance for Israel. This is non-distinctive and can therefore not be used to establish identity.The Old Testament Scriptures contain, e.g., the Book of Isaiah, the Book of Jeremiah,the Book of Ezekiel, the Book of Obadiah, and other books that are only named after the Prophet who was inspired to write them. All these books have no othernames than the name of the Prophet. On the other hand, there are books that have special names, e.g., Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations, Song of Songs.There is, in principle, no problem to assume that the Qur'an speaks of two revelations, one called the "Book of Moses", and another book bearing the special name "Torah". In fact, the Qur'an does speak of "the books (suhuf) of Abraham andof Moses" (87:19; 53:36-37), "the book of Moses" (kitabu Moosa: 11:17; 46:12) as well as of books of revelation with names: al-Injil (3:3), al-Qur'an (2:185), al-Tawrat (3:3), al-Zabur (3:184).The claim still stands strong that it is not possible to prove from the Qur'an alonethat the Torah was given to Moses, or expressed differently, that the Torah and "the Book given to Moses" are identical.Let me list explicitly that many books are called "a guidance" in the Qur'an:The Torah is a guidance (5:44)The Gospel is a guidance (5:46)The Book (al-kitab) given to Moses is a guidance (6:154)The Qur'an is a guidance (6:157)If Allah has given any other books, certainly they would also be a guidance,or which of the books of Allah would Meherally deny this property? If all of Allah'sbooks are guidance, then both, the Torah and the "Book of Moses" would be guidance,but this would not make them any more identical than having a beard would imply that Meherally and I are really not two people but one and the same person. Adding the further specific "a guidance for Israel" does not help to make the two one, since we do not deny that on the basis of the Qur'an alone, both, the Torah and the book given to Moses could have been for Israel, just as we believe that the Zabur and the Injil were originally given to Israel as well, but are now also part of the scriptures of the Christians, i.e. scripture for all mankind, for people of every nation.In fact, here is a verse that may indicate that "al-kitab" of Moses and the Torah are indeed two different books. The angels announcing to Mary the birth of a son to be called Jesus the Messiah, say:And He [Allah] will teach him [Jesus] the Scripture (al-kitab) and the wisdomand the Torah and the Gospel. And will make him a messenger to the Children of Israel, ... (3:48-49) The Torah and the Gospel are certainly different books. It is unclear whatthe wisdom refers to, but since the other three entities are books, maybe it refers to the Psalms or the book of Proverbs which contains words of wisdom. Is "al-kitab" perhaps the book of Moses? Then this verse seems to testify that "the book (of Moses)" and the Torah are two different books. We can't know for sure, since too many books are called "al-kitab" in the Qur'an.Let me explain why Meherally's methodology to select only "several related verses"instead of taking into account all the data is not scholarship but manipulation. Using his method of selecting some and disregarding other verses, we can provethat the Book of Moses is identical with the Qur'an. Here is how: The book of Moses is characterized asAnd We verily gave the Book (al-kitab) unto Moses after We had destroyed the generations of old: clear testimonies for mankind (an-naas), and a guidance and a mercy (hudan wa rahmatan), that haply they might reflect. (28:43)Again, We gave the Book (al-kitab) unto Moses, complete for him who would do good ('alalladhii 'ahsana), an explanation of all things (tafsiilan-likulli shay'in), a guidance and a mercy (hudan wa rahmatan), that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord. (6:154)The Qur'an is characterized asThe month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind (hudan lin-naas), ... (2:185) And We have revealed the Book (al-kitab) unto thee only that thou mayst explain unto them that wherein they differ, and (as) a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe. (16:64) And (bethink you of) the day when We raise in every nation a witness against them of their own folk, and We bring thee (Muhammad) as a witness against these. And We reveal the Book (al-kitab) unto thee as an exposition of all things (tibyaanan likulli shay'in), and a guidance and a mercy and good tidings for those who have surrendered (to Allah). (16:89)A guidance and a mercy for the good (muhsiniin), (31:3)O mankind (an-naas)!There hath come unto you an exhortation from your Lord, a balm for that which is in the breasts, a guidance and a mercy (hudan wa rahmatan) for believers. (10:57)Both books are "a guidance and a mercy" (most of the above quoted verses say so), both are for mankind (an-naas) (28:43 and 2:185, 10:57), both are an explanation or exposition of all things (6:154 and 16:89), and both are for those who are good (muhsin) or do good ('ahsan) (31:3 and 6:154). In addition, both books bear the title "al-kitab" (THE book), so that - based on so many common properties - we can now confidently conclude that these two are actually one and the same book which was first given to Moses, and later it is given to Muhammad.I do not agree with this kind of reasoning. I have only presented it to expose Meherally's irresponsible manipulation of the data. This can hardly be called sound scholarship or being "sincerely and seriously interested in knowing the truth". In fact, there is at least one Muslim author who is propagating my above conclusion and even more! Dr. Kamal Omar claims that Al-Kitab = Torah = Injil = Zabur = Qur'an.According to him, there was always only one book, Al-Kitab, which was given to many different prophets. Dr. Kamal Omar agrees with Dr. Rashad Khalifain the first of the following statements:Allah has nowhere said that He revealed or gave or delivered "Taurat" to Prophet Musa. He has said that He gave "Taurat" to Prophet Essa and Essa himself says that he holds "Taurat" in his two hands (See Surah 3:48,50). ...The situation brought forward is sufficient to make it quite evident that the most important attribute of the Scripture is "AL-KITAB" and the wordings of "AL-KITAB" never change and that "AL-KITAB" was revealed to every Prophet. (Source: Dr. Kamal Omar, The Ultimate Truth; bold emphasis mine)I disagree with Kamal Omar's final conclusion, but both Khalifa and Omar are correct in their observation that the Qur'an nowhere states that the Torah was given to Moses.Meherally continues: "Lo! We did reveal the Torah, wherein is guidance and a light, by which the  

 Prophets who surrendered (unto Allah) judged the Jews, and the rabbis and  

 the priests (judged) by such of Allah's Scripture as they were bidden to  

 observe, and thereunto were they witnesses." Qur'an 5 : 44

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