Our improved kikuyugrass is a low growing, warm season perennial grass native to tropical Africa. It spreads vigorously by both rhizomes and stolons. The stems are covered with fine hairs. Kikuyu exhibits exceptional drought, disease, insect, and wear tolerance with rapid recovery rate. It exhibits good reception to winter temperatures, especially along the coast. When compared to bermudagrass, kikuyu exhibits much better winter color and seldom goes completely dormant, eliminating the need to overseed. It also has a quicker green-up rate than bermuda.

Because of its invasive characteristics, kikuyugrass is listed as a Federal Noxious Weed, however it is sold and produced in California, Arizona, and Texas with certain restrictions. 

In many cases, particularly on golf courses, common kikuyu has been a dominant turfgrass species. Rather than implement an eradication program, turf managers have developed maintenance programs to encourage kikuyu development.

In the past kikuyugrass often was confused with St. Augustine grass (Fig. 2) and might have been mistakenly propagated and planted in its place. There are also some commercial varieties of kikuyugrass that have characteristics that are desirable for turf, such as finer blades and fast establishment.

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In coastal and some inland valley areas, kikuyugrass might not go dormant in winter. In other inland areas of California, it often turns brown in late November and remains dormant until February or March, depending upon the temperature.

Once kikuyugrass resumes growth in late spring, it grows rapidly through summer and early fall. Kikuyugrass is capable of sustained shoot growth rates exceeding 1 inch per day, and a patch can expand an average of 4 square feet per month when growing without competition.

Kikuyugrass can easily be moved from one area to another on mowing and renovation equipment, resulting in new infestations. Left unmowed, kikuyugrass can attain a height of about 18 inches (Fig. 4); it also can grow up over fences and into trees and shrubs. When mowed, kikuyugrass can survive cutting heights of less than 1/2 inch.

Leaves of kikuyugrass are light green and 1 to 10 inches long. It has pointed leaf tips and flat leaf blades that are about 1/8 to 1/4 inch wide; St. Augustine grass, on the other hand, has rounded leaf tips with sharply folded or creased leaf blades (Fig. 2). Kikuyugrass leaves and stems are slightly hairy while St. Augustine grass is smooth. Another identifying characteristic of kikuyugrass is the long fringe of hairs that parallels the stem in the leaf collar region (Fig. 5).

Maintain turfgrass and ornamental areas to assure they are at maximum vigor so that these plantings are as competitive as possible to help slow the invasion of this weed. Monitor areas and remove patches as soon as possible. Dense turfgrass and ornamental plantings shade the soil surface, making the establishment of kikuyugrass sprigs and seedlings more difficult, although it still may become established.

Vigorous tall fescue varieties can reduce kikuyugrass invasion but not to a great enough extent to consider it a method of control in turfgrass. In fact, once kikuyugrass is about 40% of the turf, it often is easier to maintain it as the primary turf species rather than try to suppress it. Regularly inspect orchards and noncrop areas for the presence of kikuyugrass. Remove kikuyugrass by digging up patches or spot-treating it with an herbicide to prevent its spread.

Kikuyugrass seeds are more likely to grow in less vigorous or thin turf. Overseeding and fertilizing will make the desired turf more competitive and reduce weed establishment from seeds. When applied in March, preemergent herbicides have been successful in limiting germination of kikuyugrass seeds in spring and early summer. Products containing bensulide, benefin, dithiopyr, pendimethalin, and prodiamine are available for home use.

As noted above, it usually is easier and more sustainable to maintain kikuyugrass as the turf species when it is it about 40% of the lawn. However, if you choose to renovate an entire lawn and replant with another turf species, solarization may be used as an alternative to herbicides.

Mulching with a strong landscape fabric can be effective if it is overlapped and no light is allowed to penetrate to the soil. Use a polypropylene or polyester fabric or black polyethylene (i.e., plastic tarp) to block all plant growth. Organic mulches may not offer effective control of kikuyugrass, because plants sprouting from rhizomes can grow through the mulch.

Preemergent herbicides such as those listed above can be used to limit the germination of seeds in sites where product labels allow their use. However, kikyuygrass produces little seed unless mowed, so seeds are a minor source of establishment in landscape beds. Preemergent herbicides are of little benefit if established kikuyugrass already is present, because these materials prevent only seed germination.

Use postemergent herbicides to control kikuyugrass in established ornamental plantings. Selective grass control herbicides reduce kikuyugrass growth in plantings where product labels allow their use. Sethoxydim and fluazifop are available for use by the home gardener; professional pesticide applicators may also use clethodim. Spot treatments with glyphosate will kill kikuyugrass but also will injure surrounding desirable plants if spray contacts them. Applying glyphosate with a sponge or wick applicator may allow more selectivity.

Certain emergency animal diseases not present in Western Australia have similar signs to kikuyu poisoning. If any of these diseases became established in WA, market access for animals and animal products could be severely impacted. Early diagnosis of an emergency animal disease is vital to allow rapid eradication of the disease and re-establishment of market access.

If you see any unusual signs of disease, abnormal behaviour or unexpected deaths in stock, including signs that look like kikuyu poisoning, call your private vet, a Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) veterinary officer or the Emergency Animal Disease hotline on 1800 675 888.

Kikuyu poisoning can occur in livestock when they are placed onto heavy kikuyu pasture during certain environmental conditions. It can cause signs of neurological disease and death. Noticing signs of kikuyu poisoning early is important to prevent production losses.

The definite cause and toxin involved in kikuyu poisoning are currently unknown. The endophyte Fusarium torulosum is suspected but unproven. F. torulosum is known to produce the toxin wortmannin that has been shown to damage the gut and heart in rats.

In the past, outbreaks have occurred in summer or autumn after a period of drought followed by summer rain that causes the kikuyu grass to grow rapidly. Stock placed onto these pastures two to three weeks after rainfall are at greatest risk of poisoning. Paddocks left ungrazed for long periods may provide the biggest risk to livestock.

There is no specific treatment for kikuyu poisoning, but many animals will recover if removed from the affected paddock and given supportive care. This includes managing them to minimise stress and supplying them with good quality hay, water and shelter.

Kikuyu grass is considered a weed in some places but is an excellent lawn grass for high traffic areas. No matter what you want to use it for, if your dog is allergic to grass pollens then kikuyu grass is not a good choice for your yard. You may not know that your dog is allergic to grass, because many times the symptoms (itching, redness, and sneezing) are mistaken for something else, like dry skin or fleas. The easiest way to determine if your dog is allergic to this grass (pollen) is if the symptoms only happen during spring and early summer. If your dog is not sneezing and itching during the cooler months, then this fact could point to an allergy to kikuyu grass pollen. The problem is that it is really just the pollen your dog is allergic to and not the grass, so symptoms will continue even if you get rid of your kikuyu grass because the pollen can float hundreds of feet from other lawns.

The symptoms of kikuyu grass allergy are different for each dog, just as they are with humans, but the most reliable way to tell if it is an allergy to kikuyu (or any grass) is whether your dog is having respiratory symptoms like sneezing as well as itching. Since most other conditions that cause itching (fleas, dry skin) do not include sneezing, it is a pretty good indicator that your dog is allergic to something in the environment. Especially if your dog only has these issues in the spring and summer (during allergy season). The most common kikuyu grass allergy symptoms are:

Getting a diagnosis is not always easy because the symptoms can be mistaken for many other ailments. You can help with the diagnosis by recording when the symptoms started and where your dog has been on walks, or travelled of late. Let the veterinarian know if the symptoms go away during the winter but return in the spring. The veterinarian will do a physical examination including skin and coat condition, overall health, and vital signs. A urinalysis, complete blood count (CBC), biochemistry panel, electrolyte and glucose levels will be done next. A serum allergy test and intradermal allergy test are also effective for kikuyu grass allergy diagnosis.

The most effective treatments for a kikuyu grass allergy in dogs are antihistamines, corticosteroids, and a skin cream or ointment, such as cortisone. In addition, a special shampoo may be prescribed to decrease the itching and an antibiotic to prevent infection. If your veterinarian thinks immunotherapy shots are the best answer, she will show you how to perform the procedure yourself at home because it has to be done daily. Daily, you will give your dog a shot with a small amount of the allergen (grass), adding a little more each day. This will desensitize your dog gradually, which is usually effective in eliminating the allergic reaction completely. Unfortunately, sometimes it can take several months before your dog is fully desensitized and in rare cases, it may never work. ff782bc1db

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