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The permanent In Karta card will be ready for retrieval at the station of issue for a period of three months. Thereafter, it will be blocked as unretrieved and sent to be shredded. If in serious cases (e.g. hospitalisation) you will be unable to retrieve the In Karta card even by this date, please inform us by e-mail on info@inkarta.cz.

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Answer: Under the Hindu laws the senior most adult coparcener becomes karta of the HUF. The same rule applies to the appointment of Karta after the death of an existing Karta. Earlier only male members were considered as coparceners and thus were eligible to become Karta of a HUF but after the amendment of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, in September 2005 daughters and sons both are to be treated as coparcener. So seniormost daughter of your grandfather i.e. your eldest aunt can become Karta of the HUF. If any or both the aunts are unwilling or incapable to be appointed as Karta of the HUF, the eldest of you or your brother can become Karta of the HUF provided one is an adult.

No major formalities are required to be complied with. Though the next senior most coparcener automatically becomes the new karta of the HUF at times, statutory authorities may require a declaration from all members of the HUF declaring the eldest coparcener as the new karta of the HUF. Further, a declaration from the members of the HUF along with the death certificate of the old karta may be mandated by banks in order to give effect to the change of name of the Karta in the HUF's bank account. Let me tell no succession certificate is needed in the case of a HUF though some banks do insist on the same due to ignorance of the exact law.

In your case, between you and your brother, if a new HUF is desired to be set up, the eldest son will be the karta of the HUF and not your mother. On a separate note, it is worth questioning why a HUF would be required, as they are not common or desirable in the modern estate planning context. Please speak to an attorney and explore the use of a trust instead, where you can make your mother a trustee.

Since April 1, Ukrainian refugees in Poland may apply for a temporary residence permit (the so-called "karta pobytu") on condition of having a Polish identification code concerning their arrival in Poland after February 24, 2022 (PESEL UKR), as well as working in the country. In this case, the benefits and payments will remain in force.

Refusal or delay in the issuance of a karta pobytu may occur if a citizen of Ukraine fills out the application form incorrectly or submits an incomplete package of documents. Now there is no possibility to submit documents online.

As noted, refugees can be employed only if the employer submits a special document Powiadomienie o powierzeniu wykonywania pracy obywatelowi Ukrainy via the portal praca.gov.pl. Without this message it is not possible to apply for a karta pobytu.

A temporary residence permit (karta pobytu) gives Ukrainian refugees access to the Polish labor market for the duration of the permit (up to 3 years maximum), the ability to change employers without having to obtain a new karta pobytu, and free movement to other European countries.

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