"Ata mimi karibu nipate slap ya huyo jamaa. Kuna siku nilipeleka delegation ya waluhya viongozi kwa Rais Uhuru kujadili jinsi ya kufufua kiwanda cha sukari cha Mumias. Jamaa alikasirika akasema mbona uliwapeleka waluhya kwa president badala ya kuwaleta kwangu..., " he alleged.

"Jamaa alikuwa na hasira sijawahiona. Karibu nipate hiyo slap. Lakini hiyo slap ingeteleza iniguze, mimi singempa shavu lingine, ningempa uppercut moja tungeonana mundu khu mundu. Sio Mimi pekayangu, kuna waziri mwingine Fred Matiang'i karibu apigwe pia. Siku rais aliongeza Matiang'i mamlaka, huyo jamaa alikua na hasira kwake sana," Wamalwa alleged.

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His allegations come on the backdrop of a leaked audio clip where Ruto admitted to nearly slapping President Kenyatta after their 2017 election victory was nullified by the Supreme Court following a petition by ODM leader Raila Odinga. This was after Kenyatta suggested he was ready to quit the race to defend his seat in the wake of the apex court ruling.

This "slappergate" has me scratching my head. The self proclaimed man of God going around and slapping,or wanting to slap men,and I think some women as well,in clear violation of what the son of mariamu teaches.People who resort to this kind of animal behavior to solve conflicts,or disagreements have not yet fully evolved from caveman,and are not fit to lead any human beings.Dont waste your vote on this prehistoric relic.

Tangu wezi wanichape sweep nikajipata chini wakaendelea kuni slap na panga kwa mgongo karibu nimee hump kama ngamia, kisha wakaniwacha na boxer na socks, SIGWES na SIGWES samehea Mwisi. Angemfanya kichungi for all I care.

Grave. Hold out both flat hands, thumbs up, sixinches apart, pointing level forward; draw them backlevel to you, sign Die; then hold out left flat hand asbefore and slap on it two or three times with the flatright, for cover up.

Surprise, You surprise me. Hold flat hand on themouth. This can be made stronger by using bothhands. Sometimes also for emphasis precede this witha slap down of the flat right on the flat left, palm topalm. See Astonishment. 2351a5e196

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