While this code snippet may be the solution, including an explanation really helps to improve the quality of your post. Remember that you are answering the question for readers in the future, and those people might not know the reasons for your code suggestion.

Code-only/Unexplained answers are low-value and miss an opportunity to educate/empower the OP as well as thousands of future researchers. Please [edit] your answer to include one or more of the following non-code insights: an explanation of how/why the code works, fringe case considerations/caveats/pitfalls, reasons why this snippet may be more ideal than another technique, and relevant documentation links. If you feel this is the best possible solution, then be compelling about why. Help researchers to identify the solution that they should use among the solutions that they can use.

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I, personally, do a fair amount of duplicate hammering in the php tag pool. I care about the quality of pages that I put forward as the dupe target. When I have a choice between multiple duplicates, I am far less likely to nominate a page with unexplained answers to a new question because the goal is to educate the new OP. So, in these cases, code-only answers impact my efforts and slow me down while I search for a page with high quality insights.

The whole community improves when we have better crafted content in more places. The more contributors we have who are posting complete answers, the more normalized the practice becomes -- so grows a better community.

[A code-only answer is not high quality](//meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/392712/explaining-entirely-code-based-answers). While this code may be useful, you can improve it by saying why it works, how it works, when it should be used, and what its limitations are. Please [edit] your answer to include explanation and link to relevant documentation.

I see a lot of answers where a user just provides the code that accomplishes what the asker wanted. I don't think this is really the purpose of Stack Overflow, because people come here to become better programmers, and what good is it doing when people leave answers that the asker can simply copy/paste and get it to work? They're not learning anything so it has no value.

I'd just like it if people who leave answers like this could take some time to explain what each snippet does. I try my best to do this on every answer I post where I provide code that does what the asker wants.

This type of answer creates a vicious circle of i can haz teh codez questions. If an answer only gives code with no explanation, it makes users think that they will always be given code when they get stuck, and gives them no motivation to do research themselves.

True, but for the most part here, we're all programmers. I'd much rather receive an all-code answer (that works, grant it); than an all explanation answer with no code; at least I have a shot at diagnosing why it worked, and could do my own research. With all explanation and no code, I'm left to writing my own code, which, I was probably stuck on anyways if I came here...

Also, it depends on quality of the code; if the code has comments and longer, self-documenting variable names? It doesn't matter that it's an all-code solution. Or if it's a short simple sweet one-liner, that I or someone else obviously missed. I know if I spent extra time, to give you well-formatted, well-formed and properly named code, with comments, last thing I'm going to feel like doing is explaining the whole thing to you again in a post, in our world, time is money.

On the other hand, I can see your point if all you're getting is a pure code answer to a non-trivial problem, with no comments, poor formatting (especially in languages with poorer IDE's) and short, uninformative variable names, or code that simply doesn't work; that'd be very frustrating, and ultimately, not useful.

Could you please edit the title of this topic. Your title is very generic but your paticular question is much more specific, e.g. you note that continue works find for just text but that you have complex combine codes, which I have no idea what that means other than it is not simple text.

I know I am using the phrase source code and you did not use source code, many programmers do use this site and the phrase source code will grab their attention so that they read this even if it is not something they might currently be seeking but may need in the future.

Well, thank you very much for answering my doubts. I asked the question through the website, but sometimes even if there is no problem with the network, the display will be incomplete during the code writing. I tried to use continue or go on but got The snippets of the code are always missing some key information, which makes me so sad

My class are currently using AppLab to create a range of different apps and one of them is trying to use a text input button for a user to type in an answer for the app to then change screens to show whether the answer is correct or not. He has worked out how to insert a text input box, but how would he build the code to assess the answer as correct or incorrect? Thanks in advance!

For your solution, one of the easiest things would be to use eval() to run code that is inputted. It will say it is harmful, however unless your app collects data using records or key values it is perfectly safe.

I have an app where I intend to post questions to the User to help qualify a sales_opportunity. I don't want the user to be able to add their own questions, instead I plan to hard-code them into the app and use the answers they provide to drive a state-machine that will send them through the question tree in the correct fashion.

For example, I may ask "does the prospect have budget" which will have a Yes/No answer. If they answer "Yes", I'll send them to a question "How much budget?" and if they answer "No" then they'll be sent to a question "Is there a process to allocate budget?" etc. I need to save the answers they provide and give the opportunity to move back up the question tree (e.g. the user may initially indicate the prospect has no budget, but once the budget is available they need to change that answer and be sent along the path to determine how much budget is available).

I've defined all the questions I want to ask, the route they will head through depending on their answers, and I know what I want to do with the inputs, but I can't work out how to model this in Rails. I have around 50 questions and 8 different branches. Some of the answers require the User to link other models as part of their answer (e.g. I might ask "who signs off the budget" and the user has to select a Contact from the DB/add a new Contact).

Should I add a series of columns to an "Answer" Table, and add the questions as individual columns on the Question table, then use the gem State Machine to determine what is displayed to the user? Or would it be better for me to try and create an Object for each question?

Modelling the data for this type of questionnaire is more complicated than one initially thinks. I did this once before and modelled it using a Question model, an Answer model, a SelectedAnswer model and a PossibleAnswer model. The latter 2 models cater for questions which have multiple answers which the user can select.

A question also has a field_type attribute where you can set what type of question it is - textfield, checkbox, radio or textbox. This attribute will determine how you display the view for inputting answers as that will vary depending on if its a simple yes/no question or one which allows free text entry or one that allows the user to select multiple answers.

There will be other ways of doing this but this worked for me. It allowed a fair bit of flexibility to use different types of questions and answers as we also used images for some of the possible answers.

You would define in a form (or hard coded) a Question with a link to a previous question (nested form) through a question_link (nested form). In this question link would sit the rating for one answer.

Lets describe your question from the point of data structure - since you have a linked question, it may be described as a graph. To be precise, considering "Yes"/"No" answers and defined routes over responses, this graph is a binary tree. Picture to get it more clear: from the page -tuebingen.de/~vhenrich/ss12/java/homework/hw7/decisionTrees.html

So, you need to keep tree structure in database with ActiveRecord. One interesting feature here that the relations between questions also have some information (the answer value - "Yes" or "No"). This knowledge should be persisted somewhere in database. I would recommend to introduce new model Answer to keep answer text and foreign keys to parent/children questions.

Until mid2013, there was no graphical interface to create these questions within your Moodle site - you needed to specify the question format using the text box or by importing them from external files.

Lots of people suggested that Hot Potatoes software is the easiest way to create Embedded answer (Cloze) questions. Once you have created your questions on your PC, you can then import them into Moodle's quiz module.However, the flexibility of the Cloze question type is hard to equal and despite the minor coding that you need to create the questions, it has great worth in the Moodle Quiz.

The 'penalty factor' only applies when the question is used in a quiz using adaptive mode - i.e. where the student is allowed multiple attempts at a question even within the same attempt at the quiz. If the penalty factor is more than 0, then the student will lose that proportion of the maximum grade upon each successive attempt. For example, if the default question grade is 10, and the penalty factor is 0.2, then each successive attempt after the first one will incur a penalty of 0.2 x 10 = 2 points. The grading for the cloze question applies the penalty to each subpart of the question as a whole. For example, if you have three fill in the blanks each worth 1 point each, then the penalty will only be incurred on the incorrect parts, not the questions as a whole. ff782bc1db

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