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Just Transition is a vision-led, unifying and place-based set of principles, processes, and practices that build economic and political power to shift from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy. This means approaching production and consumption cycles holistically and waste-free. The transition itself must be just and equitable; redressing past harms and creating new relationships of power for the future through reparations. If the process of transition is not just, the outcome will never be. Just Transition describes both where we are going and how we get there.

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Just Transition strategies were first forged by labor unions and environmental justice groups, rooted in low-income communities of color, who saw the need to phase out the industries that were harming workers, community health and the planet; and at the same time provide just pathways for workers to transition to other jobs. It was rooted in workers defining a transition away from polluting industries in alliance with fence line and frontline communities.

The environmental justice (EJ) movement grew out of a response to the system of environmental racism where communities of color and low-income communities have been (and continue to be) disproportionately exposed to and negatively impacted by hazardous pollution and industrial practices. Its roots are in the civil rights movement and are in sharp contrast to the mainstream environmental movement, which has failed to understand or address this injustice. The EJ movement emphasizes bottom-up organizing, centering the voices of those most impacted, and shared community leadership.

Building on these histories, members of the Climate Justice Alliance, many of whom are rooted in the environmental justice movement, have adapted the definition of Just Transition to represent a host of strategies to transition whole communities to build thriving economies that provide dignified, productive and ecologically sustainable livelihoods; democratic governance and ecological resilience.

We must build visionary economy that is very different than the one we now are in. This requires stopping the bad while at the same time as building the new. We must change the rules to redistribute resources and power to local communities. Just transition initiatives are shifting from dirty energy to energy democracy, from funding highways to expanding public transit, from incinerators and landfills to zero waste, from industrial food systems to food sovereignty, from gentrification to community land rights, from military violence to peaceful resolution, and from rampant destructive development to ecosystem restoration. Core to a just transition is deep democracy in which workers and communities have control over the decisions that affect their daily lives.

To liberate the soil and to liberate our souls we must decolonize our imaginations, remember our way forward and divorce ourselves from the comforts of empire. We must trust that deep in our cultures and ancestries is the diverse wisdom we need to navigate our way towards a world where we live in just relationships with each other and with the earth.

Buen Vivir means that we can live well without living better at the expense of others. Workers, community residents, women and Indigenous Peoples around the world have a fundamental human right to clean, healthy and adequate air, water, land, food, education, and shelter. We must have just relationships with each other and with the natural world, of which we are a part. The rights of peoples, communities and nature must supersede the rights of the individual.

We must work to build new systems that are good for all people, and not just a few. Just Transition must actively work against and transform current and historic social inequities based on race, class, gender, immigrant status and other forms of oppression. Just Transition fights to reclaim capital and resources for the regeneration of geographies and sectors of the economy where these inequities are most pervasive.

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Predominately this is a project just to keep me and my brain active, but I figure there's probably a few ways of making a small stream of income off of this too, but maybe some of you could give me some pointers. Ad revenue is one way once I've reached the right number of articles and views. The other way would be to use the blog posts themselves to eventually write travel books which I could sell through self-publishing on Amazon or something. Lastly, I really enjoy photography so I might be able to make a small bit on the side selling photo prints.

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All AMA's need to be approved by mods before appearing in r/juststart/. This is to prevent people from misrepesenting their position and skill level. This includes posing as an expert in and requesting people share their site. Inspired by u/moistcheddar.

Just marks the beginning of a new era of corporate transparency. ILFI invites organizations everywhere to evaluate themselves through this social justice and equity lens and become a Just organization. With support from participating organizations, Just will help create a better, more socially just and equitable world. Help your organization optimize policies that improve social equity and enhance employee engagement.

Just is a nutrition label for socially just and equitable organizations. As a voluntary disclosure tool for organizations rather than a certification program, it is a transparency platform for organizations to disclose their operations, including how they treat their employees and where they make financial and community investments.

The Just Transition Framework for Company Action is a comprehensive guide for governments, companies of all industries, and civic organizations to manage the transition to net-zero emissions energy in ways that are just. The framework has four core pillars:

The importance of such a transformation is increasingly recognized by governments worldwide as they cite just transition principles in their short- and long-term climate plans (known as Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs, and long-term strategies, or LTS, respectively).

According to the latest report launched by UNDP, just transition principles are now reflected in 38 percent of NDCs and 56 percent of LTS, as well as a growing number of high-profile global initiatives.

Governments face a number of obstacles to achieving a green just transition. Among them are a lack of clarity and consensus on what it is; a lack of data on the benefits of a green transition and the impacts of different policies on different segments of society; a lack of national capacity (to develop the required policies but also fill the skills gaps); and finally, inadequate investment.

Countries like Serbia, Costa Rica, and Zimbabwe are building a solid evidence-base for just transition by conducting qualitative and quantitative assessments (including economic modelling) looking at the socioeconomic impacts of a green transition. This information is also helping identify targeted measures for vulnerable populations such as women and informal workers.

Meanwhile, South Africa and Antigua and Barbuda seek to demonstrate the benefits of a whole-of-society approach in which a wide variety of stakeholders are involved in defining a common vision for, and pathways towards, just transition. In India, capacity-building measures to bolster the national skills capacity, particularly for women and youth, are supporting the green jobs revolution.

Territorial just transition plans define the territories in which the Just Transition Fund will be used. The identification of these territories is carried out through a dialogue with the Commission. These plans set out the challenges in each territory, as well as the development needs and objectives to be met by 2030. They identify the types of operations envisaged and specify governance mechanisms. The approval of the territorial just transition plans opens the doors to dedicated financing under the other two pillars of the Just Transition Mechanism.

The Just Transition Platform assists EU countries and regions with the just transition. It consists of a single access point and helpdesk. It provides comprehensive technical and advisory support. Authorities and beneficiaries can access it to find all they need to know about the funds, including opportunities, relevant regulatory updates or sector specific initiatives. The Platform also promotes actively the exchange of best practices among all stakeholders involved, including through regular physical and virtual gatherings.

Support will be available to all Member States, focused on regions that are the most carbon-intensive or with the most people working in fossil fuels. Member States can get access by preparing territorial just transition plans that cover the period up to 2030, identifying the territories that should get the most support. The plans should also set out ways to best address social, economic and environmental challenges.

The Social Science Research Council is proud to announce that we are seeking applicants for the third cohort of the Just Tech Fellowship. This fellowship supports and mobilizes diverse and cross-sector cohorts of practitioners to imagine and create more just, equitable, and representative technological futures. Fellows have committed to identifying and challenging injustices emerging from new technologies and pursuing solutions that advance social, political, and economic rights. ff782bc1db

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