i just installed ubuntu server on my laptop and everything works fine except for the fact that at boot if the laptop is not connected to ethernet or in range of my wi-fi i get this message "A start job is running for wait for network to be configured" that stays for about 2 minutes. I looked up online for solutions and i tried to:

If you use wsl.exe, it will start WSL in current directory. But the difference between wsl and ubuntu is that if you have installed two or more distros (e,g, Ubuntu and Fedora), the default one will get started. You can set the default to Ubuntu by running wslconfig /setdefault Ubuntu.

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Note: I have used linux home directory as default directory used by ubuntu. So if you feel like you have other directory you want to use you can replace it with /home/claranceliberi to your own prefereble directory

NVIDIA JetPack SDK is the most comprehensive solution for building AI applications. Use the JetPack installer to flash your Jetson Developer Kit with the latest OS image, to install developer tools for both the host PC and Developer Kit, and to install the libraries and APIs, samples, and documentation needed to jumpstart your development environment.

This comprehensive guide provides you with a straightforward process for how to install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS in nine simple steps. By adhering to these easy-to-follow instructions, you will be able to swiftly have Ubuntu 22.04 fully functional on your machine. So, without further ado, let us begin the journey of how to install ubuntu 22.04 on VirtualBox.

If you can boot into it from a USB stick, then it is fixable. If you could not boot it by jumping from a USB stick, then that might be a different story, but I think even then it would be possible if a person was persistent. I've used a LInux boot disk to even jumpstart Windows a few times which helped me to figure things out (OMG is the Windows system a mess to figure out, there are so many different *.efi files to choose especially if Windows has been upgraded).

The actual binary GRUB bootloader files are stored on the hidden EFI/ESP partition usually within a folder named for the Linux distribution (e.g. "EFI/ubuntu/grub_x64.efi"), although for some distros or even some specific UEFI computers it is sometimes necessary to resort to a default naming scheme of for the bootloader folder & file to be "EFI/boot/boot_x64.efi" due to some poorly implemented firmware (yes, some Apple systems are plagued by this issue as are many PCs -- very annoying). Since you are using rEFInd, you will also see a rEFInd folder, but the rEFInd folder will contain a lot of other files since rEFInd places all the helper files (icons, fonts?, drivers?, --? there as well).

The trick to getting Ubuntu to fix itself (assuming the Ubuntu installer "Rescue Mode" is unable to automatically fix it), is to "chroot" (aka jump into Ubuntu on the SSD from the Ubuntu installer Rescue Mode --- you basically boot the Ubuntu installer, then jump onto the SSD to run the full blown Ubuntu installation). Then make sure the ESP partition is properly mounted (most likley at "/boot/efi" which will give you "/boot/efi/EFI" when mounted where the various bootloaders are located in their respective directories "apple", "refind", "ubuntu", etc. Since I have not used Ubuntu in years I don't know whether Ubuntu defaults to a separate partition for "boot" (or if you customized to have this option) which would need to be mounted before the ESP partition, otherwise you will be mounting the "boot" partition over top of the ESP partition which will make the ESP inaccessible since the mounted "boot" partition is hiding the ESP partition and not give you the desired changes when running "grub-install". One thing that can happen which can affect how the "grub-install" works when you "chroot" to the internal SSD is that the device naming may be different while booted from your Ubuntu installer and while booted from the GRUB bootloader on the internal SSD. If you have problems doing these things using the Ubuntu installer, but you can still boot from the internal GRUB bootloader and access the GRUB command line, then that may be the best way to manually jump into the internal Ubuntu installation to run the "grub-install" command (all the drive IDs/layouts will be the same as when it is working normally so it has the best chance of working). Using the GRUB command prompt is a useful skill to learn.

One of the new features of Unity in Ubuntu 12.10 is the shopping lens. As of October 2012, it sends (through a secure HTTPS connection) the user's queries from the home lens to productsearch.ubuntu.com,[18] which then polls Amazon.com to find relevant products; Amazon then sends product images directly to the user's computer (initially, through unsecured HTTP). If the user clicks on one of these results and then buys something, Canonical receives a small commission on the sale.[19]

A legal notice in the Dash informs users of the sharing of their data.[29] It states that unless the user has opted out, by turning the searches off, their queries and IP address will be sent to productsearch.ubuntu.com and "selected third parties"[19][30] for online search results. Ubuntu's Third Party Privacy Policies page informs all of the third parties that may receive users' queries and IP addresses, and states: "For information on how our selected third parties may use your information, please see their privacy policies."[18] 006ab0faaa

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