JSON Editor Online is a versatile, high quality tool to edit and process your JSON data. It is one of the best and most popular tools around, has a high user satisfaction, and is completely free. The editor offers all your need in one place: from formatting and beautifying your JSON data to comparing JSON documents or querying your JSON data. JSON is the most used data format between servers and browser, and JSON Editor Online is an indispensable tool for frontend and backend developers working with JSON data in their daily life.

We all love to hack around in the Developer Console, don't we? With this latest update, you can now access the left and right editor via editorLeft and editorRight, and you can access the JSON utility libraries lodash, jsonrepair, Ajv, jmespath, and immutable-json-patch in the Developer Console. Just open your Developer Console via F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I and follow the instructions there.

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You can use the editor as a json formatter. In code mode, you can paste a JSON file in the editor, and click the "Format" button from the menu. In tree mode, you can just paste the file and copy it again: the contents will automatically be formatted. Alternatively, you can also use the "Copy formatted" button from the menu to be done in one click. Read more.

In general, yes, you don't have to worry. JSON Editor Online takes all possible measures: it enforces a secure HTTPS connection and keeps all used software actively up to date. All you do stays inside your browser, and no data is shared anywhere except when you save a document in the cloud. Cloud documents are publicly accessible for anyone who has the document id, so make sure you do not save documents with sensitive information in the cloud.

I recently do some search about front-end project management and get a confusion.

I notice that there is a field "browser" in package.json, but I don't know what role it plays.

In my opinion, we use package pack tool like Rollup to build .esm.js for browser, and in browser, just import the .esm.js file by tag, we can't import any npm package in browser. So, I think field "browser" is useless.

For example:

Project structure:

Perhaps you'd like to read the specification of the browserfield of package.json. Npm doesn't select platform-specific files directly, rather it's a hint to the bundler (such as webpack or rollup) about which files to use depending on whether it's bundling for the browser or for something else (e.g.: for Node.js).

This way, the same code can be used between node and browser platforms. When node requires the file, the default node-specific files are used, but when the bundler bundles it, the browser-specific files are used (substituted) instead.

I am having an issue with my curl request. I am getting (through a GET request) a JSON from a web server and it works really great in my web browser. However when I get it from curl (or my ruby code), some value of my JSON are empty (they were not in my browser). That makes me lose a lot of data which is not acceptable. Does anyone have an idea of what makes this happen ?I already tried to change the user agent (see below) and still it gives the same result.

i guess its possible that your browser ignore the content-length header, and just keeps reading until the connection is closed. curl isn't like that by default (probably for performance reasons, because it can be much slower to read until the connection is dropped), and stops reading once content-length bytes has been read. and that your target webserver is bugged, and sends the wrong length. you can tell curl to ignore the header and read everything, with the --ignore-content-length switch.

So I'm making this little project and I'm having some troubles with catching. One thing that's not working is the browser keeps caching the json file that contains save data and when I update the json somewhere else, the browser goes back to the old version of the json file that it has cached and reads off that. Unfortunately I dont want that. I dont want the browser to cache the file at all so that every time it loads up the page, it'll ask the server for the json file and act according to that file instead of whatever file that it has cached. I would however like to be able to cache all the other stuff that's on the page but if that has to be sacrificed for this to work then it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I'm envisioning that in JavaScript that there would be a call that says discard the current json file and go ask the server again for it or something like

If your package is simply only meant to work in the browser, you can get away with only using main, but if you're looking to support both the web and node, then take advantage of the browser field by pointing it to your browser compatible bundle.

I have a SonarQube API call through which I fetch some metrics or values as a JSON response on my browser. I read that curl or through requests module in python, we would be able to download the response into a variable or file. How much ever I try, I am not able to do through a program. Right now, I am hard coding it in a variable and proceeded with my next steps. Can someone help me here.

Yes you can Add Extension to chrome web-browser called 'Advance rest Client' and change contain header to application/json and make json object and post in pay load then hit send bottom it works for json object

Hi @OlivierF Unfortunately, we don't have a list You'll have to use the browser dev tools to locate the class names; this guide shows an example. Another note is that the classes can change unexpectedly, so it's something you'll have to keep an eye on.

I added custom extension which translate XML files to JSON. It seems to work but I got output only in console (as JSON), not in the browser, there is no error, just empty value. I was trying also with Set Value Step but no result. Do I need to transform JSON to another format or something? To be honest it is my first custom made extension so I could miss something.

Is there a dashboard node that can take a JSON payload and create a tree browser? You know, with the + and - buttons to expand and collapse. Ideally it could "do something" when a particular attribute is selected either with additional buttons (Add/Remove) or drag and drop.

Basically I'm connecting to a MTConnect capable CNC and it provides a TON of attributes. I would like something better than using a text editor that can pretty the output to make it human readable and instead have a tree browser.

This is extremely frustrating, this was one of the greatest things in v8! I could simply create my json (for example table in excel with conversion to json) and then copy right into the UDT in the tag browser.

Now I can't do this at all. You can't paste json into a UDT via the tag editor. You can't paste copied standard tags into the tag editor... I literally have to copy the UDT def's json and try to merge my new json into it which is an absolute PITA. Not happy!

Or, the "easier" option is to copy my json into standard tags, convert the standard tags to a UDT type, copy the tags from the tag editor while creating the UDT type, open the UDT I want to add them to and finally paste them... then delete the standard tags. This doesn't work with some parameterised property values.

Why was this functionality removed??

I think this was partially fixed in later versions. While you can't copy json, you can copy tags from the tag browser into UDT definitions in the tag browser (not the tag editor). So you can create your tags in the standard Tags tab, copy them (don't copy the JSON), and paste them into a UDT def in the UDT Definitions tab. It's better than nothing, but it would be far better if we could paste json into both the tag browser UDT def as well as into the tag editor

Signing a JWT token in the browser would also be irrelevant because the signing key would need to be available to the browser, which would mean available to everyone that was also interested in obtaining it. This means using that library in the browser would not get you anything.

The source field within any target declared in package.json can specify one or more entry files that are specific to that target. For example, you could build your frontend and backend simultaneously, or your desktop and mobile apps. See below for details about configuring targets.

For browser targets, the browserslist field in package.json can be used to specify which browsers you support. You can query by usage statistics or by version ranges of specific browsers. See the browserslist docs for more information.

This allows modern browsers that support ES modules to download a much smaller bundle, while legacy browsers are still supported using a fallback. This can significantly reduce bundle sizes and improve load times by avoiding transpilation of modern JavaScript syntax like classes, arrow functions, async/await, and more.

This happens automatically based on your browser targets, as declared in the "browserslist" field in your package.json. If no browserslist is declared, or all browser targets support ES modules natively, then a nomodule fallback will not be generated.

Targets are configured using the targets field in package.json. Each target has a name, specified as a key under the targets field, and an associated configuration object. For example, the engines field within each target can be used to customize the environment it is compiled for.

When multiple targets are specified, the outputs will be written to dist/${targetName} by default (e.g. dist/modern and dist/legacy in the above example). This can be customized using the distDir field in each target. Alternatively, if the target has only a single entry, an exact file name can be specified for the output using a top-level package.json field corresponding to the target name.

main and module are compiled for a Node environment by default if there is also a browser target available, or if engines.node is specified and no browser targets are specified. Otherwise, they are compiled for a browser environment by default. This can be overridden using the context option in the target config (see below). e24fc04721

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