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to me its about working sooo hard for your dreams and you feel like you'll never get there. you want it so bad but it feels impossible, but that it all comes one step at a time and it will happen if you keep trying.

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Four Angels in a week. My heart is just so heavy & broken. I'm in shock, numb and feel everything all at the same time. Leah & Rasual (one of my closest friends and her amazing other half who also was a great friend), Bryanna (my step sister) and Q (my little cousin), you were such bright lights in this crazy world. You made everyone better just by knowing them. And your smiles made anyone's day better. The world is less sparkly without you in it. Rest In Peace and Power. I love you forever. Find Miles and hug him for me. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Don't ever skip a chance to tell someone you appreciate them or how much you love them. Please, please continue to cover their families and our family with thoughts and prayers. #unicornsdontdie #sicklecellsux

At first, I heard the beginning of clacking sounds of footsteps, and it was definitely distinguishable to tell that this person is walking, wearing some sort of high heel shoes. Right away, I heard a lovely female voice singing, "Dadadada" with a bubbly heavenly sound like a harp, with a catching beating sound. I couldn't help but start shaking my head to its rhythm. Then, the clacking sounds of the footsteps disappear but the rhythm still follows the same as if the footsteps never left. Then, she starts singing the lyrics, "Hurry up and wait."

Then, the song has grabbed my heart when she sings, "We live and we learn to take" and "One Step at a Time." Here, from this chorus, I know exactly what she means, I should take "one step at a time." Especially, like taking my time through the process in achieving my dreams when she sings, "There's no need to rush." After, she sings, "It's like learning to fly to fly, Or falling in love" which shows that it is important to cherish the time through the process because each step is meaningful. Then, she sings, "It's gonna happen and it's, Supposed to happen that we, find the reasons why, One Step at a Time" which means to me that with this kind of a mindset of "one step at a time" and hard work, I will be able to reach my future dreams and goals. Most importantly, for me, just remember to slow down and tell myself that it is "one step at a time" so that way it's not a big weigh or an overwhelming feeling on me.

Then, these feelings of uncertainty, "doubt" and "confused" becomes consoled when she repeats her chorus. Then, another new strong chorus comes but the prominent lyrics from there for me is when she sings, "It's your faith that makes you stronger, The only way we get there is one step at a time" which definitely empathizes the whole important message which is to take "one step at a time" and that I must have the "faith" on continuing to take on the next "steps" to achieve my future dreams and goals.

After hearing this song, it has encouraged me a lot to think positively about my decisions and that I can achieve my dreams. I am not stressed that much as before after hearing this song. Also, graduating from college and doing the program after college are just the first few "steps."

The chorus emphasizes the idea of taking life one step at a time, embracing the process of learning and growing. It suggests that rushing and trying to force things to happen may not yield the desired outcomes. Instead, it's important to have faith and trust that things will happen when they are meant to, and that there are reasons behind the timing of events.

The bridge of the song acknowledges the struggle of waiting when there seems to be no end in sight, but highlights the role of faith in gaining strength and resilience. It asserts that progress is made incrementally, step by step, and that it's the only way to reach one's destination.

Press Gaggle by Dana Perino

Aboard Air Force One

En route Accra, GhanaĀ 

Ā Press BriefingsĀ 

Ā 4:49 P.M. (Local)MS. PERINO: We are on our way to Ghana. The President had a very good dayin Kigali. One thing to note, just now he spent about an hour with Sir BobGeldof, who has been asked by Time Magazine and, I understand, maybe acouple of other publications, to write about the President's trip. So hegot to visit with the President this evening on that.Tomorrow in Ghana, we have a meeting with the President of Ghana, theexpanded meeting -- that will include staff -- there will be a joint pressavailability. You all are really getting a lot of press availabilities. (Laughter.) Then the United States Embassy greeting. He will have lunchwith Peace Corps volunteers, something he's been wanting to do; he reallyhas been touched by the work that they have done and some of the peoplehe's met so far on this trip. He will get a briefing on the USAID WestAfrica trade hub. Then he will go to the tee-ball game. And then a StateDinner with the President of Ghana and Mrs. Kufuor.Q Before we get into other things, about tomorrow -- what's the mission,what's the theme of tomorrow's day in Ghana?MS. PERINO: We're going to continue to talk about malaria, obviously, andHIV/AIDS, PEPFAR and trying to support people who -- support thegovernment, who is trying to help their people make sure that they can leadhealthy lives.And then, of course, with the trade aspect of it, we'll continue to talkabout the need for responsible, sustainable development on the continent ofAfrica and, in particular, in Ghana. And then remember, of course, we'vegot the special guest tomorrow night of the American Idol contestant --finalist from two years ago, Melinda -- I'm sorry, Jordin Sparks, the 2007winner; she is the winner, Jordin Sparks was the winner of the 2007American Idol and she's going to sing tomorrow night at the Ghana event. She's been very supportive of American Idol programs, America Gives Back,where they focus on malaria. So that will be part of the entertainmenttomorrow night.Q Are you saying anything about Pakistan?MS. PERINO: A little bit. Obviously, we are continuing to wait for finalreturns. We realize that the ruling party has conceded in the election. We had several interests going into this election that we've talked about.One is that we've long advocated for President Musharraf to overseeelections that could give people confidence in their government. He was ina position to do that.And we asked him to try to get the country back onthe road to democracy and it appears that he has done that with theseelections.We need to give the process a little bit of time to work, since we don'thave the final returns yet. However, we hope that the new government, onceit's formed -- whatever form that process takes -- at the end of the daythat we hope that they continue to help work with us as partners incounterterrorism. The threat from extremists is just as grave and veryimmediate for the people of Pakistan, as evidenced by some of the violencethere recently. And at the same time, we are going to continue to supportthe people of Pakistan through the aid that we are providing, whichincludes education support, reconstruction, the promotion and developmentof civil societies as they go through this transition period of a newgovernment.Q Does the White House believe that the elections were free and fair?MS. PERINO: I think that what we can say is that they seem to have beenlargely fair and that people were able to express themselves, and that theycan have confidence in their vote.And as I said, Musharraf's party -- President Musharraf's party hasconceded that they lost seats in that election. And I think now the nextstep on the path to democracy is establishing what that new government willlook like.Q And what does the White House think that this does in terms ofPresident Musharraf's standing? Obviously, he's considered an ally toPresident Bush. This election is seen as having weakened his clout. Doesthe White House see it the way?MS. PERINO: Well, we'll have to see. You know, in democracies you havesituations sometimes where your party loses in the Parliament or in theCongress, as President Bush knows very well, since in 2006 the Republicanslost a majority in the House and the Senate. And we've continued to workas a strong, functioning government -- well, "functioning" might be alittle strong.(Laughter.) But all kidding aside, we continue to functionas a government. And I think a country like Pakistan can get there.I think what President Musharraf has shown is an ability to provide for thecountry a chance to be confident in their government and confident in theirdemocracy enough that they can go ahead and concede that they have lostseats, but continue to work together for the good of the country.Q Anything new on Cuba? Have you been in touch with folks back home?MS. PERINO: No, I don't have anything new and I have not heard anythingnew since we've been on the plane, beyond what the President said today. But we'll keep you updated on it.Q Also, is a transcript from the interview going to put out -- withGeldof?MS. PERINO: No, on the one-on-one interviews, those are usually held back.Q Were you in there?MS. PERINO: I was not, but Ed Gillespie was.Q I'm just curious about AFRICOM -- how much discussion has there beenin meetings so far in the two stops about AFRICOM?MS. PERINO: About the headquarters?Q About the headquarters. And also curious, is AFRICOM a response, sortof, to China's investment in Africa?MS. PERINO: No, I would point you back to when the President firstannounced AFRICOM -- which I think was the State of the Union in 2007, Ibelieve that was it -- and there's a variety of interest. As the Presidenthas said at almost every stop when he's talked to the press is that it's inour interests to be involved in Africa from a variety of standpoints. First and foremost, from a humanitarian standpoint -- when you have acountry that was ravaged by HIV/AIDS and at risk of losing an entiregeneration of people; and then on to malaria, where you can see somewherein Zanzibar what American investment can do.So part of what the President has done on this trip is encourage thegovernments who have worked in partnership with us in order to help theirown people. And then from a trade perspective, an economic perspective,there's a lot to be done, as we've all seen. And responsible trade dealslike what the President and President Kagame signed today in Rwanda canhelp make sure that people have hope and have jobs so that they can belifted out of poverty.And from a political standpoint we also have a responsibility to help civilsocieties. And one of the things that Secretary Rice did yesterday whenshe talked to President Kibaki and to Mr. Odinga about the situation inKenya is that they need to be supported -- they need to look to their civilsocieties, and civil societies should raise up and make sure that theirvoices are heard.And then from a military perspective we have an interest in making surethat we are involved to help prevent extremists from taking hold in some ofthese places where hopelessness could take root. And that's where we knowthat extremists feed into -- when they have a hopeless societies.And so AFRICOM is a much more comprehensive concept. So it's taking alittle while to get it underway and get all the details worked out. It hascome up in meetings. I wouldn't say that it was a main focus of themeetings, but I think that the leaders that the President has met with havebeen very supportive of the idea.Q -- any progress on where that would be?MS. PERINO: There's been no discussion of it, no.Q There's been confusion on the African continent in terms of the aimsof the AFRICOM headquarters and what the United States might intend for the--MS. PERINO: -- in any of my meetings, and I've been in the expandedmeetings, but since I see that there's interest in it, let me take it backand see if I can find out of there's anything more. But for the meetingsI've been in, I think people -- leaders here in Africa understand that it'sa -- they're supportive of the idea; they'd like to see where we go fromhere. But it doesn't seem like there's a sense of urgency on their behalf,or concern about it.Q There was someone actually who as -- I'm sorry, I've forgotten hisname; I'll find it -- who was attached to -- at the AFRICOM operation as itexists today, who said -- I believe yesterday -- that he felt as if therehad been some confusion on the continent. I believe the line was somethingalong the lines of they felt as if we were trying to invade. Did you seethat on the wires?MS. PERINO: No. I saw one report where someone said the President wastrying to militarize Africa, and surely that's not the case. As I justexplained, AFRICOM is quite a comprehensive subject. But let me take itback, though, and I'll see if the President, in his private meetings, hasheard anything, any concern about AFRICOM. You might hear more about itwhen we get to Ghana. I know the Liberians have been actively lobbying forthe headquarters to be in their country, but there's been no decision onit.Q Thanks, Dana.END 4:59 P.M. 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