Dr. John W. King became interested in paleoclimate and paleoecology fields when he was an undergraduate getting his special studies degree in Lancaster, PA, and that started him on a long and highly visible career that in turn has brought numerous benefits to his adopted home, Rhode Island.

As a student at Franklin and Marshall College, he had to provide a senior thesis and he chose to analyze cores from a local wetland identifying fossil pollen. The project intrigued him so much, he decided to pursue the studies as a graduate student at the University of Minnesota.

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Cores of sediment were analyzed in the area to determine if the area is suitable for hosting the turbine towers. In the Block Island area, single, wide diameter piles will be driven down to anchor the turbine towers. That technique works because the towers would be in moderately shallow waters. Farther out to sea where it is deeper, other types of structures are needed.

Besides the Ocean SAMP project, King has been involved in monitoring coastal erosion in Rhode Island, a project that has been going on for years. At first, he recalls, they used traditional surveying techniques (one transit was so old that it used spider webs for cross hairs) but today side-looking LIDAR gear can measure erosion along a coastline quickly using a laser.

Asked what he would like to do if someone offered him a pot of gold, King says he would like to continue a potentially expensive project that would analyze sediment cores taken from lakes and estuaries in Canada and eastern U.S. Those cores would give scientists the ability to look at annual variations in climate change on a decadal scale rather than an orbital scale for thousands of years. Such analysis would give scientists a better prediction as to what is about to happen in the next 100 years, he says. He says he already has a list of sites for the project but money has not been found.

As for improving the situation for graduate students at GSO, King says several avenues have to be explored including getting more teaching assistantships and boosting federal funding for higher education.

Carbon cycle, Climate change, Coastal and estuarine health, Coastal and estuarine physical oceanography, Coastal erosion, Geochemical tracers, Marine habitat and ecosystems, Ocean policy and education, Offshore renewable energy, Paleoceanography, Paleomagnetism, Science communication, Seafloor mapping, Sedimentology

John King teaches a graduate course in Environmental Magnetism and High-Resolution Quaternary Climate Studies, as well as graduate courses in Geological Oceanography and Introduction to Marine Pollution.

Assessing how the cycling and storage of carbon and water in forested ecosystems are influenced by climate variability, management, genetics, and the interaction of biotic and abiotic stresses; effects of climate warming, drought stress and sea-level rise on forest productivity and resilience to insects and other pests; potential productivity and sustainability of short-rotation woody cropping systems for bioenergy.

A cluster of research sites will be maintained according to the Ameriflux Management Program??????????????????s Statement of Work. The sites include a mid-rotation loblolly pine plantation (site code US-NC2 in the Ameriflux and FLUXNET databases, operational since November 2004), and companion sites in young, recently disturbed loblolly pine plantations (US-NC3 starting 2013) and a natural bottomland forested wetland (US-AR/NC4 starting 2009). All sites are located on the lower coastal plain in North Carolina, and represent a historically established land use gradient. With current common management practices and areal coverage of commercial plantations in different edaphic and climatic regions in the SE-US, the two loblolly plantations are representative of a broader area. The core research at the individual sites and across the cluster focuses on the following topic areas: (1) the magnitude, regulation and variability of carbon and water cycles, (2) the tradeoffs of different management objectives, including productivity, carbon sequestration, water yield, biodiversity, and environmental services to surrounding communities, (3) responses to environmental pressures, like drought, pest outbreaks, and air pollution episodes, (4) validation, testing and development of plant gas exchange and ecosystem models of gas exchange and resource use, (5) projecting changes in flux partitioning under changing climate and environmental conditions, and (6) facilitating the development and validation of new measurement and modeling technologies.

The southern US is host to ~130 million hectares of forestland distributed (approximately) as 37 % upland hardwoods, 15 % bottomland hardwoods, 14 % mixed oak-pine, 18 % natural pine and 15 % intensively managed pine. In recent decades, this forest estate has becoming increasingly vulnerable to an array of threats. As the pace of climate change increases and the South becomes increasingly urbanized, the extent to which forest ecosystem services provisioning is compromised remains poorly quantified. Yet through existing networks of forest monitoring programs, process-based ecosystem and landscape models, and remote sensing resources, we have the capacity to develop synthetic understanding of current regional forest conditions across the South. The proposed project will perform a region-wide synthesis of existing data on forest carbon (C) and water cycling using data from the USDA Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program to quantify current forest C storage of the major forest types distributed across the region. We will pair the forest C inventory data with long-term data on forest C and water cycling (GPP, NEP/NEE, NPP, ET, hydrology) from the Ameriflux Program, of which we are long-term members. A subset of research sites that host both inventory plots and eddy-covariance towers will be used to parameterize and validate ecosystem models to faithfully simulate forest C and water cycling of major forest types across the region. Newly developed remote sensing tools, combined with MODIS/Landsat, will then be used to provide detailed distributions of the major forest types across the region, and will be used to directly link RS observations to tower-based fluxes. Finally, we will develop geospatial modeling tools (e.g. GPP = f(forest type, climate, DEM, fire, drought, etc.), tested against tower-model fusion, to scale results and identify the main drivers and threats affecting forest ecosystem services in a spatially-explicit manner across the entire region.

Research supported by NCBRI has shown American sycamore to be especially well-suited to short-rotation woody coppice culture (SRWC) for bioenergy; it is productive with low inputs, resilient to biotic and abiotic stress, establishes well, and can be coppiced indefinitely. The goals of this new phase are to integrate knowledge of sycamore ecophysiology into conventional agricultural systems with the help of local farmers, forge relationships between major bioenergy constituencies in eastern NC, and create extension platforms that reach across the state. To do this, we will: 1) establish new sycamore bioenergy field trials on operational farms in proximity to existing Enviva wood pellet mills; 2) conduct mail surveys of constituencies across the state to gather data on perceived barriers and incentives to adoption of bioenergy cropping; 3) conduct outreach activities, including small group meetings, field tours, mill tours and annual field days to forge relationships and transfer technology, based on field trials and survey results; 4) perform an economic analysis comparing integrated agriculture-sycamore bioenergy SRWC to conventional agriculture (corn/soybeans) to assess market competitiveness; and 5) work with NCDA&CS/Commissioner Troxler/NCBRI to see if the legislature can be persuaded to consider support for (sycamore) bioenergy SRWC in the next NC Farm Bill.

To be widely adopted in North Carolina, a bioenergy cropping system must be compatible with existing farm practices, be productive enough to sustain an industry, and enhance environmental quality. We propose here that integrating short-rotation coppice (SRC) American sycamore for bioenergy into conventional agriculture will achieve all three goals. Our data from Butner, NC, suggests that sycamore can sustain high productivity with low inputs (no fertilizer/herbicides), may improve ag soil properties, and has shown no decrease in stool survival or productivity over two coppicing cycles (9 years). We propose here to test the generality of these results by: 1) continuing the original Butner study through a third rotation (up to12 years old), 2) expanding the study to include new ag fields near Butner and Wallace, NC, to contrast with lower coastal plain sites, 3) to work with ENVIVA to test sycamore biomass wood quality for pellet production and energy yield, 4) get input from local farmers on the potential to integrate sycamore biomass farming to produce purpose-grown feedstock for ENVIVA, and 5) quantify benefits to ag soil properties from sycamore SRC. Data will be available for use in new proposals, economic modeling, and life cycle analysis in cooperation with collaborators. 152ee80cbc

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