The free trial version can be obtained as a download from the JEOL NMR support site ( ) Immediately after it is installed, it can be used for a maximum of 15 minutes each time the program is started. To remove the restrictions, a license key is required.

You must be on campus or connected to WSU VPN to install Delta.


 1. Right-click the Start Menu at the bottom-left of your screen then pick Run.

 2. Copy/paste this into the Run box that appears then click OK: 


 3. Double click on delta-6.1.0-windows-x64-installer.exe then wait a few moments while it loads, then click Run when prompted.

 4. Click Next when the Delta Installer box appears.

 5. Read the license agreement and then "click Yes. Continue installing."

 6. Click Next a few times then wait while Delta installs.

 7. Click Finish.


 To run Delta, click your start menu then scroll down to the JEOL folder and click Delta 6.1.0.


 You must enter a license key (Under Options, License Key) in order to keep the software open more than 15 minutes. The license key is: DP TT KP TT AA. You can copy/paste the license key into the boxes or just start typing.


 Close then reopen JEOL Delta v6.1.0 to get rid of the license warning.


Download Jeol Delta Nmr

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NOTE: You must be on campus or connected to WSU VPN to install Delta.


 1. Click Go -> Connect to Server from the menu bar at the top of the screen.

 2. Type this then click Connect: smb://

 3. Drag the delta_v6.0.0.dmg file to your desktop.

 4. Double-click delta_v6.0.0.dmg on your desktop then right-click delta-6.0.0-osx-installer and click open.

 5. The installer will launch and ask for your password then it will be a few seconds before it appears.

 6. Click Next.

 7. Click "Yes. Continue installing."

 8. Click Next.

 9. Click Next.

 10. Click Next.

 11. Click Finish.


 To run Delta, click on the Applications folder and go to the JEOL folder then click on Delta 6.0.0.


 If you are prompted to allow Delta to accept incoming network connections click Allow.


 You must enter a license key in order to keep Delta open longer than 15 minutes.The license is entered by clicking Options then clicking License Key. The license key is DP TT KP TT AA. Just begin typing and the characters will appear in the window. Once it says valid key, click save key. 


In the Delta window Select Tools/Math/S/N tool In the S/N Tool window Click Select File Click finger in spectrum window Expand with zoom tool region containing noise but not signal Click Get Noise (note range listed in S/N Tool window) Expand region containing signal Click get Signal (note range listed in S/N Tool window Click Calculate (read S?N ration at bottom of S?N Tool window). Variable Temperature Make sure the VT insert is connected to the bottom of the probe+30 to +180 C Use air for gas Make sure Dewar heater is disconnected Set target T on delta 2 window (sample window) Click Thermometer Icon

Equipped with a BRUKER Triple resonance (1H, 13C, 15N, 2D) cryoprobe (1H and 13C coil at 17K). Magnet: Bruker Ultra shield plus. Raw data can be downloaded in BRUKER TOPSPIN format (recommended) (../delta JEOL Delta format).

Cryo probe operating at nitrogen temperature. Nuclei 1H 19F 13C 31P 29Si 15N. 24 slot sample changer. Raw data can be downloaded (nmr). Replacement for spectrometer AC250

The spectrometer is equipped with an inverse probe together with a GRASP unit. It can be operated manually, if special experiments are requested, or by use of a sample changer for all sort of routine measuerements. Raw data can be accessed via (nmr).

Equipped with an automatically tuneable probe (nuclei 13C, 31P, 11B, 2D and 19F). Mainly sampler changer operation. Outside of service hours the spectrometer is open to working group members (assigned to this task by their group leader). Raw data can be found at (nmr).

400 MHz proton resonnace Equipped with HR-MAS probe and field gradient unit to be used for semi solid samples Raw data are transferred to (../delta JEOL Delta format).

Hand operated. The spectrometer has been shifted to Takustr. 3 by the end of 2010 and has been upgradet with HR MAS equipment. Raw data are transferred to (../delta JEOL Delta format).

Transmission electron microscopy using low-energy electrons would be very useful for atomic resolution imaging of specimens that would be damaged at higher energies. However, the resolution at low voltages is degraded because of geometrical and chromatic aberrations. In the present study, we diminish the effect of these aberrations by using a delta-type corrector and a monochromator. The dominant residual aberration in a delta-type corrector, which is the sixth-order three-lobe aberration, is counterbalanced by other threefold aberrations. Defocus spread caused by chromatic aberration is reduced by using a monochromated beam with an energy spread of 0.05 eV. We obtain images of graphene and demonstrate atomic resolution at an ultralow accelerating voltage of 15 kV.

We present results that characterize the performance and capabilities of the JEOL 2100F-LM electron microscope to carry out holography and quantitative magnetic imaging. We find the microscope is well-suited for studies of magnetic materials, or for semi-conductor dopant profiling, where a large hologram width ( approximately 1 microm) and fine fringe spacing ( approximately 1.5 nm) are obtained with good contrast ( approximately 20%). We present, as well, measurements of the spherical aberration coefficient Cs=(108.7+/-9.6)mm and minimum achievable focal step delta f=(87.6+/-1.4)nm for the specially designed long-focal-length objective lens of this microscope. Further, we detail experiments to accurately measure the optical parameters of the imaging system typical of conventional holography setup in a transmission electron microscope. The role played by astigmatic illumination in the hologram formation is also assessed with a wave-optical model, which we present and discuss. The measurements obtained for our microscope are used to simulate realistic holograms, which we compare directly to experimental holograms finding good agreement. These results indicate the usefulness of measuring these optical parameters to guide the optimization of the experimental setup for a given microscope, and to provide an additional degree of practical experimental possibility.

The Tunguska impact event of 1908 caused the destruction of a large forested area but left no impact crater. It was interpreted to have exploded in mid-air and thus would disperse material in a fireball over a wide geographical area. Several attempts have been made to locate particles associated with the impact in materials such as tree resin (1) and even in Antarctic snow (2). One of us (JN) attended an expedition to the Tunguska impact area and collected samples of peat from a depth of 60 cm which is thought to be the level in the peat which holds the impact horizon and indeed contains charred vegetation. The peat was subjected to standard demineralization procedures using mineral and oxidizing acids to destroy all but the most resistant mineral phases. An emphasis was placed on the chromic acid treatment to remove organic carbon as the peat was inevitably of extremely high organic content but perchloric acid was also used to oxidize graphite. The residue after treatment has subsequently been examined using a scanning electron microscope (Jeol JSM-820I at 30kv) with a Kevex system to obtain an energy dispersion scan and subjected to stepped combustion to determine the carbon abundance and isotopic composition. The SEM revealed the predominance in the residue of chromium containing phases possibly as a result of the extensive chromic acid treatments but several very pure carbon-rich particles were also observed. These carbon particles were anhedral and up to 15 micrometers in size. Due to the nature of the acid treatment performed upon this sample only a very robust form of carbon could survive and the most likely mineral is diamond. Further analyses using a transmission electron microscope and selected are electron diffraction will be performed to resolve the true mineralogy of these carbon particles. Stepped heating experiments on the acid resistant residue in conjunction with static mass spectrometry (3) has been used to give both carbon and nitrogen contents as well as carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions. Carbon accounted for 0.6% by weight of the residue and was released between 550-650 degrees C with a delta^(13)C of -25 per mil. The nitrogen yield was 0.02% by weight of nitrogen released between 500-700 degrees C with a delta^(15)N of ca. 0 per mil. These represent terrestrial values and indicate that the carbon particles do not have an extraterrestrial signature. If indeed these carbon particles are diamond and related to the explosion of the Tunguska object then they may well have formed by a plasma process within the fireball (similar to CVD). Further refinements regarding the purification of acid resistant materials are in progress. References: [1] Ceccini S. et al. (1995) in Abstracts Presented to ESF Network on Impacts Meeting, Ancona, Italy, May 12-17, 1995. [2] Roccia R. et al. (1990) GSA Spec. Pap. 247, 189. [3] Wright I. P. and Pillinger C. T. (1989) USGS Bull., 1890, 9.

The Gksu Delta, located on the Mediterranean coast in the South Anatolia, is the most significant

wetland both in Turkey and Eastern Mediterranean region. The delta environments present suitable reproduction

and living conditions for large numbers of continental migratory birds and aquatic species under protection. The

eastern shoreline of the delta has been retreating for the last fifty years, whereas recent mouth of the delta progrades

toward the gorge of the lagoon. In addition, the lagoons are filled by deposits of crevasse splay, dune and

barrier islands deposits by aeolian effects. Dynamic processes in the delta environment were investigated in

detail, to explain the causes of retrograding and prograding of the shoreline of the delta and to find possible solutions.

According to the data obtained, the natural fluvial system, the shoreline dynamics, and the aeolian processes

in the delta have been changed by the anthropogenic effects. The persistence of the variation of the shoreline

will cause significant ecological disruption of the delta.


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